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About logidoom

  • Rank
    Green Marine
  1. logidoom

    Does New Doom ban Doomworld users?

    I know Zarcyb, excuse my sarcasm... ~buckshot
  2. logidoom

    Does New Doom ban Doomworld users?

    newdoom? pfffttt.... who the hell goes to newdoom? I mean seriously, didnt that place die or something?
  3. logidoom

    Looking for Pacifist DOOM videos

    http://www.gamers.org/pub/idgames/lmps/pacifist/ these are some more.. still not the ones i remember...
  4. logidoom

    Looking for Pacifist DOOM videos

    Ahhh... now comes the time were I pucker up and start sucking... because I'm really not that great... and I'd get hosed very easy if I even attemepted a pacifist speedrun on the Cyberdemon... Anyone out there kind enough to record a fist-only beatdown of the Cyberdemon and post it on youtube... at the very least, you'd get resepct :)
  5. logidoom

    Is SNES doom bad?

    I've allways said this.. I congratulate the developer for getting it up and running on the SNES, which had to be a task in itself.. outside of those special FX chips or whatever they are inside the red SNES cartirdges that helped boost overall game performance for games that had them (think they were just additional processors and ram in there... not shure though) But seriously, there's just some things best left undone. I'm sure it was the dime-mega if thats all you could play it on... You'd probably think it was the best thing going had you'd never glanced or seen it's PC or PSX counterparts... But in all honesty ... you get what you paid. You bought a $150 SNES and DOOM for it... If you were expecting the quality and content of a game on a modern PC at that time, your probably better off playing side-scrollers...
  6. logidoom

    Looking for Pacifist DOOM videos

    ahhh... gotcha... but like what the above post says... there's no source mod that allows AVI/mpg capture? you'd have to use a 3rd part tool like FRAPS?
  7. logidoom

    Looking for Pacifist DOOM videos

    many thanks... I will take a peek at these... So, lets say I wanted to record what I'm watching on screen... what would I use while these are playing?
  8. some years ago, I remember seeing some videos of someone doing a pacifist e1m8, e2m8, and e3m8 (doom 1)... just beating down the enemies with their barefist and letting the enemies mow each other down, never firing a shot... anyone know where to find these? Youtube?
  9. could someone like upload the original MP3? I've been looking for this song for years.... completely forgot the artist name...
  10. logidoom

    looking for DOOM/DOOM 95 ad posters

    alternatively, we're discussing this over at rome.ro too, and its even attracted the attention of Romero himself... http://rome.ro/smf/index.php/topic,6028.msg106879.html#msg106879 UPDATE: John Romero, John Carmack and even the agency that created the ad no longer have any copy of it themselves, nor its whereabouts. Since it appears all the hi-res .jpg scans from several years back have pretty much vaporized off the net The good news is that for all those DOOM memoribilia collectors out there, anyone who still has a printed poster or magazine ad of this can condier themselves extrememly lucky, since and all prints/posters have been lost/destroyed. If anyone DOES have this ad OR the scanned images, many of us would greatly appreciate it if you could upload a high quality scan of this ad (or the old .jpg files).
  11. logidoom

    Lost Episodes - is THIS it??

    to all complaining about the lack of new sprites, weapons, sounds, music, whatever... do realize its just the "lost EPISODE of DOOM" and not the "lost T.C. of DOOM" I came to that conclusion after realizing the additional 4th episodes "Thy Flesh Consumed" which formed the Ultimate DOOM pack did not have any additional characters, music, sprites, etc... just level design... (other than the end sequence that is and a sky texture) just my 2 cents...
  12. logidoom

    looking for DOOM/DOOM 95 ad posters

    AWESOME FIND!!!!!! thats the closest and best pic yet, but there was still a "scan" of what you see here floating out there along with a couple others.... this poster also has some more writing in the upper right hand corner in cursif (its hard to read, but I've made most of it out) You can read this if you rad it enlarged at an angle: "Its doom in its original entirety, along with the all new ?demented? episode four, "Thy Flesh Consumed". It's called "Ultimate DOOM". It's Simple. You kill or be killed." ?demented? = i think thats what it says, was hard to read, so i written characters sizes and forms to other more readable parts of the paragraph... CSI style :P picture in question is: http://www.hardocp.com/image.html?image=MTAxMzc2MzExNnVjMFVGa1FZNlJfMV83X2wuanBn I Noticed that this HardOCP page refers at the bottom of the article to link to a high-res zipped file with this picture, as well as the others, but the link is dead: http://www.hardocp.com/files/idpics.zip even then, i doubt it contains the scanned image that once existed (and I once had), but a hi-res shot would be better than nothing... (hell, this is better than nothing.) getting closer, but almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades :) little while longer, and I'm sure someone will come up with the scans...
  13. logidoom

    looking for DOOM/DOOM 95 ad posters

    here it is in the ID SOFTWARE office, obviously it still exists, as this picture was taken not very long ago... I knew ID had a picture of it and a poster of it on their walls, but that was from images of the old building... and here it is in the current building... you can barely make it out, but its there: http://www.planetquake3.net/pic.php3?c=./images/id_2005_9.jpg second picture to the left hanging on the wall
  14. logidoom

    looking for DOOM/DOOM 95 ad posters

    yup, thats the one, and I'm having a hell of a time finding it. I think whatever hi-res scans were available years ago are long since gone, so I'm hoping someone out there had saved them and still has those files laying around... i did somewhere, but i've long since lost the cd i burnt them to...
  15. logidoom

    looking for DOOM/DOOM 95 ad posters

    Heres a piece of the ad I'm looking for, as I took a picture of the page that was in the original ID Anthology Booklet... as you can see, it has a snippit of the ad: you can see the guy hanging from his arms, and in the bottom right corner of that snippet on the page, you can see some text... like the words "people" and "violence" I'm almost positive it was a Ultimate DOOM ad, as u can see the ultimate doom logo is the same lettering on the bottom of the snippet (ignore the quake article snippet, they just had it laying on top of the doom one) there were high-res scans of it some years ago along with others, and i've found a couple on the link i posted above to doomworld's media section, but still looking for this one. one of the others i do remember the quotes.... "dont shoot until you see the whites of their exposed skeletons"