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File Reviews posted by Raith138


    Map 01: The whole map is one big fight, and I personally really liked it. I enjoyed running around the map using the artifacts littered around in order to kill the swarms of baddies. My only real complaint would be having to kill all the enemies to progress which could be pretty annoying if one of them hides in a really obscure spot.


    Map 02: Pretty classic hexen map. It was good but it was the most forgettable map in the wad due to the relatively generic theme. Also the swamp key segment was probably the worst part of the wad due to the amount of stalkers and lack of health. It also fell into the trap of over using slaughtaurs which got annoying pretty fast.


    Map 03: ...The idea behind this map and the atmosphere was extremely cool. I personally loved the puzzle with the 5 switches near the start and it was probably my favorite part of the wad. But... The lack of railings made falling off a very common occurrence and the layout got confusing at times. I don't know if it was intentional but in order to get to Yorik's statue I had to jump on the pillars used as decoration. The main complaint would be the over use of wendigos at the start and a pretty anti-climactic boss fight.

    The sublevel was really fun to explore too.


    General: It seems common for hexen wads to do this but there was no 4th weapon. The 4th weapon is the funnest weapon to use and while it could break the difficulty in some sections I think it would be worth it because the majority of the time you are stuck hitting things with your second weapon which feels repetitive.


    Overall: While I was pretty negative in this review I still gave it four stars for a reason and that is because this wad is a lot of fun. You could tell every room had thought put into it and the entire wad is just gorgeous. If you can look past the small problems this wad is a amazing experience with a solid story as well.

    Must play for any hexen fan.
