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About thecheesypotatoman

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    Warming Up

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  1. thecheesypotatoman

    The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

    No idea who that is. But chances are I'm about to be F'd in the A.
  2. thecheesypotatoman

    Recent UDB update.

    Thank you for everyone's help. By reading all the replies I managed to figure out where I went wrong. Thank you everyone.
  3. thecheesypotatoman

    Recent UDB update.

    So I've updated UDB and now the arch tool straight up doesn't work. I need to select two floors and ceilings. Which I do, press the slope shortcut and nothing happens. I found the slope/arch tool in 3Dview was incredibly obtuse as it was with it not being mapped to a button press and now I straight up can't make arches anymore.
  4. thecheesypotatoman

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    The Grimwoods. A little map I'm working on that's going to be not-so-little. Making use of 3D flooring. Custom textures and a new weapon courtesy of neoworm from the zdoom forum.
  5. thecheesypotatoman

    Adding new weapons.

    Wow, that is really detailed and incredibly helpful, thank you. As for learning zscript what tutorials would you recommend? And is it too difficult to learn? I'm not a smart person.
  6. thecheesypotatoman

    Adding new weapons.

    I'm making another map for Hexen and would like to add a new weapon for each class. I was able to open the wad up and add new music and textures. I'm aware that you assign weapon slots in DECORATE in Slade. But I have no idea how to actually add a new weapon.
  7. thecheesypotatoman

    My first map.

    Thank you very much for your help and support. The amended map has been uploaded.
  8. thecheesypotatoman

    My first map.

    Thank you very much for the feedback. As I am fairly new to doom builder. The software render problem, I'm not quite sure how to rectify. As outside the church area I just made a big open space and removed the wall textures for that sector. And for the lights I meant to use just a standard light for all the torches in the map but some of them I accidentally set them to random light with an angle of 270. Should I make all the torches random light or set them all to a standard light? Edit: After altering the lights like you said that makes the lighting look so much better. Once I'll reupload once I've changed the lights and figured out how to fix this software render issue.
  9. thecheesypotatoman

    My first map.

    The reason is (and please don't crucify me for this). I actually played Hexen before I played Doom. But thank you for playing my map. Though you did miss all the secrets. That could be because I hid them maybe a little too well.
  10. thecheesypotatoman

    My first map.

    I'm fairly new to to map making. But I'd like to share the second map I've made. The Forlorn Keep. A small Hexen map that uses the UMDF format and tested on GZDoom. The map replaces Winnowing Hall, but is mostly a stand alone map. While you don't need to use any mods with it. I use the Hexen 64 soundtrack. I hope you enjoy the map. FKEEP.zip