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About JetteboyTV

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  1. i havent named any of my sprites SS_START or SS_END
  2. So basically, all of the custom objects i made in decorate wouldnt show up in udb, and earlier my map wouldnt even load, heres the strings of code for the objects and custom weapons weapons: props:
  3. JetteboyTV

    So, how old are you ?

    13 lol
  4. JetteboyTV

    Can you change damage values in whackEd?

    im confused
  5. I want to make a stronger punch, but im not sure if you can change the damage values in whackEd
  6. just realized that the fencing is part of the balcony texture
  7. how do i do the fencing around the balcony's? also, how do i do the ladders?
  8. goddamn i dont know how the fuck that happened
  9. i have made a custom weapon but ingame the pickup sprite wont appear, how do i fix this?