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Everything posted by DoomGuy999

  1. A brief description of the weapons Accelerator: A gun that shoots energy that stuns and damages enemies Rail Spike: Pins enemies to walls Skull Crusher: Uses enemies heads as small spreadshot bullets Mech: Giant mech doomguy uses to fight demons Chain Shield: A shield that can be turned into a spinning saw blade boomerang to throw Super Shotgun: Similar to the classic form but has 2 revolving mechanisms letting doom guy shoot 6 times before reloading. Flail: Doom guy flings this at enemies Here's some videos describing weapons More to be added. So what's your favorite weapon so far?
  2. DoomGuy999

    Favorite Doom: The Dark Ages Weapon?

    Do you think its going to be your top weapon choice in the game?
  3. DoomGuy999

    What can you get banned for?

    I've looked over the doomworld FAQ but it seems quite outdated, and after getting so many warnings and temporary bans, I want to know of the real rules here. I know I'm taking a great risk by making this thread, but it'd be a shame if I get banned for a while making this. I missed out on wad reviews and play testing for a month. Just say what we can't do, and I think it would help plenty of new users. In summary. I want to know how to stop getting warnings and not get a warning asking how. Ok, I've picked up: Shitposting Spamming Explicit Content Topic Bumping Rudeness
  4. DoomGuy999

    my second map

    Alright. I'm going to give constructive criticism here. Here it comes. It's a lot. - Bad News - You really need to delete sectors. Those two pillars next to the yellow key looked like they were going to lower at some point because they were still sectors. That broken wall near the red door looked like the dirt was going to lower. Your door to the red key is broken, I had to cheat to beat the map, I got softlocked. The BFG secret should be shown as 1 sided on the automap. Combat was really confusing when blood floors didn't damage. There's an out of place ash texture in that room and you should be consistent with your lift textures since 1 side was doortrak and another was support2. There was a 2 sided wall that looked like a secret on the automap. I spent so long looking for ways to open it. The level exit was unexpected, it looked like a lift was going to lower. There should be an exit sign. The switch teleporter was a little weird, and there should be a door3 texture in the starting room. Speaking of the starting room, you use generic wood ceilings and floor0_1, which didn't blend with your walls. - Good News - Combat was fun and challenging. The baron fight was a little strange. Some of your texture work was great, such as the blue carpet hallway. I never got to experience the archvile fight but I'm sure it would be fun. Your 3 stage fight with one way teleporters had lots of great concepts. I darted out of the second arena to flip the switch only to be led into another fight. If you wanted the player to be suprised, you did a good job, but it REALLY should be a teleporter. Now, stage 3 of this fight is where I died thanks to your genius level design. You send the player into an arena with no cover except a small side path. That side path is a dead end with pinkies coming out of small branches behind you. If you don't think fast you get stuck, meaning no wiggle room to escape them. The starting fight was great, kicking off all the action with the SSG. If the player can't handle it they can take a teleporter to a room full with nukage and pinkies, a good way to get even for players who saved the radiation suit. I'm glad you put the bfg in the map, but it should be hidden on automap.
  5. For one of my levels I'm making a very long staircase, It took 10 minutes, and then I have to fix the misaligned textures too. I'm in UDB, and the auto align tool is not working.
  6. DoomGuy999

    Memento Mori (updated version!)

    Very glitchy levels and the music is a mixed bag. Some of the soundtrack is good, others are bad. When the levels aren't glitchy, they're just ok. Might have been cool in the 90s but has been beat by so many others. Some levels have inescapable pits. Also, too many levels are focused on CO-OP play, which would be fine if every level was like that and this was clearly labeled "MEANT FOR COOPERATIVE PLAYTHROUGHS"
  7. DoomGuy999

    What can you get banned for?

    The only reason I brought her up was because of I once saw her thread and she got banned. I figured it was because of the profile and background. Or, she was a bot. I brought her up because I haven't noticed people get banned that much during my 9 months here. Another reason I brought it up is because someone on the profile put a status update asking why she was banned. I apologize if my last post sounded suspicious.
  8. DoomGuy999

    What can you get banned for?

    I've seen post hell on internet archive. the post hell OST is fire. @vanilla_d00m yeah, I've known about the explicit content rule. Probably the reason why Admen got banned.
  9. DoomGuy999

    My first map

    I'm gonna give this a try. By the way, I can't help but post this, it'll help you get more downloads.
  10. Can this bossaction feature work for two bosses? And does bossaction just end the map, or can it lower a sector?
  11. DoomGuy999

    Worst Doom Levels?

    I'm planning on fixing some of the worst levels in doom, but I'm curious what you think. Can't add any other games due to question limit
  12. Some people may have already mentioned some, but these are my recommendations Valiant Doomsday Of UAC Doom: Special Operation Force (has some bugs) Sigil II Alien Vendetta Scythe Some of the 90s wads are secretly gold mines.
  13. DoomGuy999

    DoomMapGuesser - the GeoGuesser of Doom

    I'm sorry if this explanation makes it seems like you are 3, I'm just going to explain it all. also, I'm perfectly fine with your long response In geoguessr, you have to plot a point on a map and it tells you how many miles away you are. In doom, distance is measured in map pixels. So, you guess the level, and then you guess where it is. The games code plots a vertex, and rounds doomguys location to the closest whole number and plots a vertex there. The game draws a lindef, checks the linedefs length, and tells you how far away you are.
  14. DoomGuy999

    DoomMapGuesser - the GeoGuesser of Doom

    Man, I had this idea of making something exactly like this a few days ago. Just a suggestion, I think it should be so there's a mode where you select the map and plot a point and it tells you how many map pixels away it is. Gonna give your game a try and take screenshots
  15. DoomGuy999

    Worst Doom Levels?

    The vote is fixed now. Edit: Everyone needs to stop hating on military base it's one of the best in the episode
  16. DoomGuy999

    Favorite Doom: The Dark Ages Weapon?

    I'm pretty sure it has a revolver contraption inside? Like so you only reload every six shots
  17. New Update Screenshot Spoiler good luck finding 30 second secret if you haven't already. phcv0_5.zip
  18. DoomGuy999

    Cursed Doom Images

    Gave me a devious idea... What if I were to place a radiation suit...
  19. @ViolentBeetle I fixed the bug, my map is fine now. @Cutman what do you think of the story text?
  20. Bro came back from the grave and it took 7 years

  21. DoomGuy999

    Favorite Doom: The Dark Ages Weapon?

    My bad for calling it a mace. I thought it was called a mace in one of the videos I saw, but it turns out it was called a flail. I'll add it for an option. Must have mistaken it for the new Minecraft weapon 💀
  22. DoomGuy999

    Worst Doom Levels?

    I was going to add it but it said the limit of questions is 3
  23. DoomGuy999

    Looking for good plutonia maps

    Plerbtonia advertisement moment
  24. As you all know, the man the myth the legend John Romero released an absolute masterpiece called sigil ii. One day I was exploring deathmatch arenas and found a teleporter in e6m4 that warped you to all these cliffs. I thought it was completely random, but it turned out that it depends on what side you enter on. I'm expanding this 64x64 sector into a 256x256 square made up out of 16 sectors. This will be able to teleport you to 40 different places, providing there is a seperate teleporter to the inside. Once inside you will be able to almost freely roam around. The inner 4 and the outer 12 can be walked clockwise and teleported counter clockwise or vice versa. Now this doesn't have to be a deathmatch arena. This could be in an open world single player level. For my wad, I'm going to put it in both. Also, there is a mathematical sequence to the amount of locations different sized teleporters can take you, along with the pattern they must be arranged in. If you'd like to know the quick answers I'll tell you. EDIT: damnit im not used to doomworlds new categories and i accidentally posted in the wrong place