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Everything posted by DoomGuy999

  1. DoomGuy999


    ZDoom tested? I'm going to give this a try. I love the story you wrote too.
  2. New megawad coming. Its going to be short and with little help. Levels are supposed to look seemless, you start where you exited.

  3. DoomGuy999

    opinions on pineapple on pizza?

    Why don't you go add some chocolate chips and spinach too? How about some apples on it, too? https://www.mashed.com/183299/the-most-controversial-pizza-toppings-explained/ It is not physically possible to enjoy pineapple on pizza. And that's coming from someone who drinks apple and orange juice. Also, this thread should be a poll. Then we can settle this.
  4. "No." - Doomguy, TAG2 Any guys here play one of the tomb raider games? That pretty much summarizes the "No." Argument. Its doomGUY. Or just John Romero, if you know the cover art backstory.
  5. How? I don't know anyone in the right mind that would. I've kind of hit a rock there. I know I'll try to make some sort of patch for people that want the intended experience, but I'm just thinking of a long timer for the outer wall to lower. Also, I fixed my wad a little. New update coming tommorow. Also, question for all of you: since this is my first time mapping in classic format, how do you compensate for not being able to move flats? I tried to make a teleporter but the texture was split into four.
  6. @Cutman thanks for the feedback. I'm planning on adding the fireblu secret soon and making it more like sigil II. Edit: Cutman, can my map please be UDMF or just more advanced than basic doom 2? I want walls to lower when both cyberdemons die. --- Hello everyone, i'm back with another update. Also, are lost souls in courtyards valid? I mean, i was wondering if it's fair or if it is just not a good idea. Please test. Playtester notes: Don't read the update notes and try to find the 30 second secret. Don't go near 2 big metal1 pillars. See if you can get to a boring stargr2 room. Phobos Homecoming: Version 0.3 Update Notes I love constructive criticism. Enjoy the map. phcv0_3.zip
  7. DoomGuy999

    What is the worst season?

    Come on, we all know it is summer.
  8. DoomGuy999

    What is the worst season?

    Bumping this thread for one reason, I added a question 2 that shows why people hate it.
  9. Welcome to doomworld!

  10. Thanks to @DukeOfDoom and @WASFDDDDD for advice to help fix my map. Still got a lot to do, but I've been doing something I think i spent about 7 hours and 30 minutes, i kinda mess around inside my map and spawn monsters. I was rethinking the idea of having two cybers at the end, but hey, it's a secret level, and if you play UV your gonna have an interesting time. I'd like to trademark the "Megasphere Man" if you know, you know. Some parts of the map i didn't finish, like how theres a massive inaccesible room inside the building, and the phobos anomaly demon/barrel circle room. Keep in mind that to see the REAL cyber warfare center, you might need to look hard. And, i almost forgot, you are going to have to noclip out the door because i haven't fixed the sigil. I'd recommend just viewing this level in the editor 3d view and leaving feedback about DESIGN. I know about the bugs, i don't know if my style is good. Remember, it's not finished. phcv0_2.zip
  11. DoomGuy999


    Beautiful level design, I'd recommend this to anyone who hasn't played this yet. This megawad has cool new enemies and textures. You might be a little mad when chaingunners drop bullets instead, but just wait until you get the super chaingun and realize the max bullet capacity with a backpack is now 600. I personally wish the first episode lasted a little bit longer, the night sky and the trees are amazing. Episodes from best to worst in my opinion is 1,3,5,4,2. I consider these levels as slaughter maps. You might need to save scum if you aren't that good at doom. Also, the majority of the music in this wad slaps. This is probably one of my favorite megawads. Best 5 maps are 31: Cyberwar 7734, 30: Electric Nightmare, 06: Engineering Disaster, 15: Screams aren't a crime... Yet, and 18: Crush Depth. Better than ancient aliens in every way.
  12. DoomGuy999

    What name for my new monster ?

    Cyclops Flame Demon Monofire Hellsight Angry Timmy
  13. I don't want it to be that high up to the building. Hey @Cutman, @Argent Agent, and @Grizzly Old B, I have a suggestion, what if we make the map15 secret exit the black sigil baphomet wall, and the map31 secret exit to be a sigil II baphomet wall? This way the levels could kinda flow.
  14. DoomGuy999

    Cursed Doom Images

    It's shattered homecoming! just not shattered btw some of our cursed images got featured in a yt vid. Anyway here are some of the latest: taken in aptch.wad, dmsof.wad, valiant.wad, and phoboshomecoming.wad
  15. Thank you! It's all fixed now. Anyway, theres another thing wrong with my map. I'm trying to build the courtyard from shattered homecoming, and i had to lower the sky in the radiation pit so the tower was small. But now the sky blocks the outer wall of the courtyard. Ignore that twin cyberdemon fight, the focus is just on the small nukage tower. phcv0_1.zip
  16. Thanks! I'm gonna have to focus on this.
  17. Status Update: I just took a massive step in mapping, i'm not joking. I made a working door without a tutorial. Making doors was a difficult task for me in all my sandbox maps. Thanks to this project I actually think i can make decent maps now. I'm really confident in my map now. My door broke and now it's bringing ceilings down with it. I was wondering if any of you could fix this because i couldn't figure it out. You are going to need to use the noclip cheat. When you think you are done, Try opening the first (cyberwar) door from the back, it only works on the cyberwar side. Also, try opening SPCDOOR from the back, because it only currently works from the side you enter the staircase. Next, try opening both doors quickly. phoboshomecoming.zip
  18. He said in the rules they had to be from two different wads.
  19. DoomGuy999

    If you could be any Doom level, which Doom level would you be?

    Map 30 last call because I like puzzles and challenges
  20. @Cutman if not e1m1 then e1m8, a new level called phobos homecoming
  21. DoomGuy999

    dashiefrickindraws and wants to share it

    The six youtuber one was 10/10 IMO.
  22. Cutman, is it okay if I put one little corruption cards reference/ easter egg?
  23. @DoomGuy999 Selection 1: E6M9 - Shattered Homecoming Selection 2: E1M1 - Hangar Map 32: Hangar Homecoming Side Notes
  24. DoomGuy999

    You ever feel like life is pointless

    I'm sorry to hear that. If you have a religion, pray more. God gets me out of tough situations and loves us all. I'm not forcing anyone to get a religion. Just a recommendation.