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Everything posted by Pancrasio

  1. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odyssey

    PLUTONIUM: KILIMANJARO ODYSSEY DSDA, UV, pistol start, using saves, not caring about 100% Map 08: Budabbi - by The_Genie (also known as Pez_ahogandose) Pez usually makes maps all about exploration, somewhat lengthy and beautiful spaces focusing more on atmosphere than gameplay... But from time to time he makes this kind of really, really short maps with rudimentary aesthetics, all about gameplay - and they work so well! This one, of course, is one of those. What I can mostly appreciate about them is how good they are to play saveless. Usually it doesn't make much of a difference, aside from elevating difficulty, but in this case it works even better than using saves. It's short and becomes kind of an exercise on execution and managing to save health for the later sections, because there's not much to heal from and no armor whatsoever. Fun map. I don't really have more to say. It brings me joy! Order of preference:
  2. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odyssey

    PLUTONIUM: KILIMANJARO ODYSSEY DSDA, UV, pistol start, using saves, not caring about 100% Map 07: Plutonium Sonata - by Lawns and Oceanmadman (also known as Gnomo) I always appreciate an experiment... The thing is that they may very well fail, otherwise they wouldn't be experiments. This is one of those cases where it fails. Answering Gnomo's doubt, I didn't have the idea, but I saw potential with it and told him so. I think it was actuallly good, it's only a matter of implementation... The layout is all too linear and lacking in much detail to be really worth exploring, and the only place where you kill the last guy is at the end. If I had to make this one, I would have made it entirely open and instead of finding any keys to exit you would be required to kill a single spectre that silently teleports around... But that also sounds bound to failure ajaaahajhaj. So yeah, we start in an area clearly inspired by a section of Map 02 of Anathema 2, being tasked with finding a blue key. There's a teleporter that teleports to a room with two teleporters, the two of which teleport you back to the same section. What was Lawns' intention with that? I don't know, but I can't be too harsh on him, given his age. I'm certain I would have made even worse things if I had mapped at his age. And... I don't have much more to say about it. We kinda go on an on... A ton of the heavy-lifting in this map is done by Hunted's soundtrack. Otherwise, I don't think a good "no monsters map" is just literally making a map and getting rid of monsters. I completely agree with Anarkzie, there has to be something interesting going on somewhere, kind of how La 25 doesn't really make a good job at combat and gives you a good time anyways, lets you imagine. At the end the map gets "gnomified", that being, Gnomo's signature style manifests visually. I think it's really cool, but if you've ever played any map by him, even deathmatch ones, this instance is rather by the numbers. The cultist at the end is kinda funny. I totally get why someone would like this map, it's not a complete disaster, and it's part of what makes this wad be this wad, but for me it doesn't land. In handsight it would have been better to just use a Lawns map to replace Denzel's masterpiece Pene asesino, like Gnomo says, but that's only something we could know after trying and failing. So I think it's better to try and do something different... With apologies to Lawns. But if you haven't liked it, don't worry (and if you do like it, get excited), because later on the concept gets revisited in a much, much better way... Order of preference:
  3. Thank you very much for organizing all of this, it's a lot of effort. All good maps.
  4. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odyssey

    Gracias por el aporte, es hermoso. Parodiadoranimado siempre me pareció el mejor poopero de habla hispana. Mortal Kombat recargado con feels, juegos de azar y mujerzuelas es su gran obra maestra. PLUTONIUM: KILIMANJARO ODYSSEY DSDA, UV, pistol start, using saves, not caring about 100% Map 06: La 25 - by Downcólogo This map is not representative of Downcólogo's current mapping style, but it captures a lot of a whole unpublished facet of his output. Originally made as part of a cancelled complevel 3 wad, which was his earliest project, and recycling a lot of buildings from a discarded map from Durandos, a deathmatch megawad, it was given new texturing and other small adjustements to replace the original placement of Fachoda. Traces of this are found throughout all of it, like the whole idea of making a Mt. Erebus tribute, the mostly Doom 1-ish roster of enemies (except for some Doom 2 ones added afterwards for Plutonium), the lack of super shotgun, generally easy gameplay, and the crudeness and "undetailed details". Set in an island with an open layout, we must explore this little cultist town to find the two keys required to exit. Depeche Mode is giving a concert here, but apparently they chose to play cumbia this one time, given the background music. The only earliest example of cumbia in a Doom wad is HCP, but it was only used for its menues there, not any of its levels. I'm pretty sure there are earlier wads out there that do include cumbia music, but I simply don't know any. Yet another completely unrelated musical style, the title is a reference to the homonimous Argentine rock band La 25, which I choose to believe is the name of the town. The cultists have quite the varied taste. As mentioned earlier, there's a lot of houses to explore where we find nice little details crudely depicted, like couches, stoves or computers. For the unitiated, one of them seems to be playing CS 1.6, but any true member of the cult should tell you that's actually Denzel, in one of his many faces. The other computer depicts a "graphical representation of testicular pain", as the impact font states. Eventually, we get to a temple, where we find the blue key and get harassed by green pigs and the like, and a little graveyard to the side grants us a red key after going over its late inhabitants, as it appears we've degraved a cultist's grandparents. We can also kill the members of Depeche Mode. Those crimes aren't an impediment to our scape, though, and after that we can leave. Nice little map to end the episode. Gameplay definetely isn't its strongest suit, but the map clearly wasn't focusing on that and manages to be fun regardless. Every little corner contains something interesting. I like it. Order of preference:
  5. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odyssey

    PLUTONIUM: KILIMANJARO ODYSSEY DSDA, UV, pistol start, using saves, not caring about 100% Map 05: Burundi - by Aintr So, for most of you playing, the midi must feel completely normal, but for almost everyone in the team it must be the millionth time hearing it ajaajhaaha. Hunted has used it throughout his maps quite a lot in different projects, and, when Aintr left the music choice down to him for this map, he went for this one. It's understandable though, because it's a very good song. Call me crazy but I think it works better in midi than the original version, Dangerous by Depeche Mode. It's sung in a kind of off-putting way in the studio, I don't know... But well, we aren't here to discuss pop music. This is one of my favourite maps from this project. It's not Aintr's first map by a longshot, but I think it's his first one ever published! He can correct me if I'm wrong. The elevator start has a very plutonian feel, it's the sort of thing Dario would do, and the combat there is fun and quite deathly. Good trap. The cave system has a great free roam structure, each little section has some nice ring to it and getting harassed by the chaingunner-cultists in the "hallways" makes you stay alert. The little pit where you get one of the skulls is protected by a simple and deceptively hard chaingunner ambush. I died more times there than I'd like to admit. There's also a secret with one little wall that goes down to the floor, then back up. I liked it. The true phase of the map begins after you press the button outside the wooden perimeter. A bright red wall opens up and I kept standing still like an idiot while watching it, when a flurry of projectiles touched my ass suggestively... A lot, whole lot, of monsters appear when all the cave walls go down to reveal volcanic (or hellish?) activity, and all the heavy, fat or otherwise powerful creatures appear to hunt you down. You have to be careful with your ammo, infighting here is a viable strategy. Finally going out to the heart of the cave again we get a skull-staff and a cyber... Once we kill him, the level is kind of over. There's a caco-mist (not enough to be a cloud) at the final door, to avoid running for your life and cheesing that open brawl I suppose. Really fun map. I like how a series of closed hallways becomes the whole final arena at the end. The aesthetics are really good and on point, but the gameplay is the strongest point of this map. My favourite one so far. Order of preference:
  6. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odyssey

    PLUTONIUM: KILIMANJARO ODYSSEY DSDA, UV, pistol start, using saves, not caring about 100% Map 04 - Axis Forces VS. Homicide - by Godzialox Nazis! Yes, that is the main novelty of this map. Since this was a jokewad at the beginning, it was expected to see them used fairly regularly. Godzialox was kind of bugged out by the blue colouring of the SS troopers, since they are supposed to use characteristically black uniforms. We got these sprites from somewhere to remedy that, and as a bonus they speak proper German (or they are supposed to, I don't speak that language). The humour is still there with their death sound, however (I love it, personally). So it enabled us to use them as part of the regular monster rotation, and in turn, inspired this whole map. We start in a little prison with an AK-47. There's some really nice sector work with the black sun in the floor, I'm surprised it never showed any problems with slimetrails during development. Layout is fairly linear and combat is very simple, but fun enough. Most of it is sustained by the SS death sound, for me. The most intense section of the map is the library. Fat enemies in a small place tend to work effectively, and in this case are also fun. Then an archvile appears and you have to be careful, otherwise he'll revive the hell knight, painfully. You walk a bit more and a revenant teleports behind you, in typical Godzialox fashion (see map 6 of HCP to get more instances of this "godzialism"). Secrets around this area feel good to find. There's some sort of little pistons in one of them, a nice detail. After getting out of the bunker, the standout moment of the map comes: a sector tank! It looks cool as hell. To me, it's the most beautiful thing Godzialox has made out of sectors, so far. The natural terrain looks very pretty too, definetely the best part of the map visuals-wise. Get inside a cave and watch them making plans... Apparently they colaborate with cultists, given their presence, too. If you head to the right after going up again, you can see a small opening, which takes you to the secret exit. Cool map, fighting against nazis in a regular level isn't seen much. But yet again, this is not a regular mapset to begin with... As a side note, the title is an inside joke. The first half of it is obvious, but the second one isn't. I won't tell you what it means, how evil of me. Map 33: Fachoda vamos por ti - by Godzialox This is where shit starts to get strange. At least unofficially. Originally this one was map 5, right after Axis Forces, but it was deemed too weird to go that early in the map rotation. It was always seen kind of as the brother of the previous one, so they had to go together somehow: thanks to umapinfo it was thrown out as a super secret map separate to other secret episodes. Its first version was actually shorter, lacking about half of what it is now, because Godzialox decided to extend it after hiding it. That also explains why the background music is comprised of two separate midis, made by bands that have nothing to do with eachother: one represents one half of the map and the other one, well, the other half. Bold choice, but it is the sort of thing that makes Godzialox' work interesting to discuss. I find really funny how you haven't even finished one part of the map and the second song starts playing, then you get to the second section of the whole thing and the first song replays again. So yeah, about those halves. We start in a very standard underground temple, there's a fight after some stairs but it can be cheesed quite easliy. Then, you teleport (godzialism) and take an unusually long elevator ride... This is your sign, weirdness comes ahead. A tense fight with a pain elemental and then some archviles ensues before you can finally go outside, and there you see God and the Heavens. Whatever texture wherever, whenever. It's beautiful. There's also the first apparition of Mereanna. Believe it or not, that guy is going to be relevant later on. Combat is all over the place, a cloud of cacos, some hitscanners, then a fucking monster spawner with a cyberdemon and, and, and... Madness! There's also a troll button. Sweet. You'd have to be crazy to play Plutonium without saves anyways, so it's not that bad. I love the green satyre-face sky. You get the yellow skull (was it? Can't remember), open the door after a lot of revenants appear, yeah sure, then telefrag a cyberdemon, yeah sure, and take a Mereanna teleporter (godzialism). This is where the extended section kicks in. My memory of this map is kind of nebulous, and it isn't helped by its schizophrenic nature, so I honestly can't remember if the Equinox scene or the UFO one comes first. I'll asume UFO... You kinda circle around a huge one, entering some rooms in the center to press buttons to open the doors on the periphery, with some new teleporting (godzialism) monsters. It's like playing Ancient Aliens with alzheimer. After that (asuming I'm remembering things properly) we get to two pyramids, with lots of cloning tanks between them, and a fuck ton of arachnotrons. We press all buttons and monsters start teleporting (godzialism) in, including archviles, but we get rid of them pretty easily with the Blood staff we get there. We enter the other pyramid and there comes a little passage with a forking path, but honestly I can't seem to remember what one of them was. The relevant one takes us to a nice open area with stairs, and then morphs them in a really cool little sequence via silent teleporters, something Godzialox was experimenting with already in map 07 of Gnome Hunters. There was a scene with mancubi and revenants in a small flesh room (not too sure about that) and then we get to the end of the map, with yet another cyberdemon in a little altar. This one was trippy, but that's expected given its super secret status. So before leaving for today, I want to talk a bit about the two new weapons introduced, because I didn't manage to do it before. The wad is set in Africa so the idea was that these weapons would use tribal magic. I agree, the Blood staff doesn't let you see shit, and I find it kinda funny... Believe or not, in the alpha and beta versions it was even worse, it lighted up laser beams from its eyes and they took the middle third of the screen and maybe a bit more, it was insane. But the skull and its new projectiles look cool as all hell. Then there's the voodoo doll... We actually tried to make it an useful weapon ajaahahah. It doesn't waste bullets and it is always accurate, not only in the first shot, as to emulate a voodoo doll. But it's so damn slow, and there's always a surplus of ammo in this wad... So what's the point? But no one uses the chainsaw anyways, and messing with it further felt kinda scary, given how volatile dehacked becomes when you modify ammo types, for some reason... So it was a complete afterthought. Fun novelty though. So that's it for Fachoda. Enjoyable map, I like it. I find it hard to rate it against Axis Forces, they could be tied for me. Order of preference:
  7. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odyssey

    PLUTONIUM: KILIMANJARO ODYSSEY DSDA, UV, pistol start, using saves, not caring about 100% Map 03: Dusty Debris - by Starman (also known as Chris). This map feels straight out of the 2000's. Make it a bit longer and a bit more green and it could have been in Plutonia 2, I feel. It feels weird to play a short map from this author, I haven't experienced much from him but his contributions to the Hispanic Community Project are really long, and huge. This one isn't specifically "cramped" or anything but it's overall a small offering, feels like it was made under 1024 restrictions or something like that, or meant to be packaged in a little present box. The midi (which I like a lot) certainly helps that last feeling. There's some kind of strange cuteness to this map. I'm pretty sure if it had some metal music as background it would be mostly unremarkable, even though I'd still like it. But since it doesn't... I like it more. Not much more to say, aesthetics are good, gameplay is too. Probably the most ordinary level in the wad. Order of preference:
  8. Pancrasio

    Surtido | 5 vanilla maps (RC2)

    ¿Usted habla castellano, no?? Digo, por el "surtido".
  9. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odyssey

    You know what, I'll join too. First time participating here! Don't expect me to join too many other times though. PLUTONIUM: KILIMANJARO ODYSSEY DSDA, UV, pistol start, using saves, not caring about 100% Map 01: Concha - by Hunted11 So I was actually part of the team that made this. Even though I didn't contribute much more than the one map I made, I was there from the very inception. I'm actually the one that proposed replacing the hitscanners for cultists; it kinda came about because in Gnome Hunters, made by two guys from this community, the archvile was recoloured to be an alien, so it only made sense to reuse it for this one, given the alien plotline. From there it kinda snowballed and we started using a lot of stuff from Blood (we love that game); the chaingun became the AK-47, however, the hitscanners remained unchanged, so the chaingunner sprites pictured a minigun, but dropped an AK. I found that weird so all this Blood stuff made me think about the cultists' Thompson, much closer to the pickable weapon. Their voicelines have always made me giggle as well, so it was a natural fit for Plutonium. In the end, does it fit within Doom? Not at all ajhahahha but that only makes it better for this wad. And they still make me giggle. I also proposed making the protagonist black. I can't remember if he was already Mokele by that point, but he was always conceived as "some guy from Tanzania" so using the stock mugshot felt out of place, and there also were the Rowdy Rudy sprites already fully made, with full permission to use them, so we just did. We also simply liked the idea of using a black Doomguy, which isn't seen much. Love the guy that interpreted the pink mancubi as "hairless". Won't stop seeing it that way now, I find it funny. So, about the map itself: I think it perfectly encapsulates this wad. Great introduction. This isn't going to win any sort of award or anything, the combat is kinda lackluster, and it's kind of ugly, but that's what makes it work. It's like Congo but fucked up, and still more than just a copy of an iwad map. I've always liked the fact that Mokele essentially lives in a cave, a very fancy and decorated cave but sill just a cave. I like to think he carved it himself and stuck a door in the opening. The fact you have to use a key before going out is also a very cool detail. The generalized openness definetely gives off a "beginner mapper" vibe, and it certainly is, but it's, at the same time, something Hunted specifically likes to do, so even if he was fully experienced his maps would still be pretty vast. I respect that. The rocket launcher room is a great example of how the whole homage thing works, where it takes a part of Congo and reinterprets it as a crypt, but being so weird and crude that it's still kind of abstract, despite the doomcute coffins. The red skull fight surprised me, even being a doorfight it manages to be fun. Cool map, better introduction. Map 02: Abu Simbel - by Doomaniac Gotta agree with everyone here, the midi choice is hilarious. I also burst out laughing when I first played it, Doomaniac clearly knew what he was doing. I actually love when people use real songs as background music, and it helps that I really love this song. The opening room may be my favourite encounter from this map, and also the best looking part of the whole map. The contrast between the first level helps to further introduce the schizophrenic manners of this adventure, where a map is either Concha, or Abu Simbel. The combat from then on is somewhat tough, requiring the player to be more careful with the way ammo is spent, but I still think it's fair enough - the rooms are far mor cramped than they look at first glance, though. The geometric archs made out of really tiny sectors are something that stuck in my mind a lot, they are really nice. I also got stuck myself in them, lol (not in a buggy, "got to idclip to get out" sort of way, to be clear). I really love how each button has a little window that shows you directly which door is being opened. Not only did it help navigation, and looks cool from an aesthetic point of view, but it also enhances the feeling of being in some sort of Indiana Jones temple. The cyberdemon was replaced with the one from Legacy of Rust because it looks very silly. The fight against him is a bit boring, but I don't really know how I would "fix" it, the layout doesn't really permit weirder geometry or some weird gimmick, placing more enemies would be a mess, and outright removing the fight would be too harsh. So in the end I prefer the fight to be there, even if it may not be the best. After this point you get tons of ammo so combat isn't much of a problem anymore. The UFO secret is lovely, and it also gave me a lot of Ancient Aliens vibes. The whole wad follows that "desert, then aliens" progression in themes, and the new arachnotron sprites help that feeling. Even then, I don't think Hunted11 himself has ever played Ancient Aliens, I should ask him. Anyways, the ending is a mad rush towards another UFO, with cool sphinxes at the start of it. Cool map, gameplay is still a little off but I'm not sure how it could be improved, the visuals are phenomenal and the midi choice is genius. Also, little fun fact, it was originally called Me suda el culo ("My Ass Sweats"). I will be stealing DJV's order of preference, as it's the superior way for making lists and rankings.
  10. Pancrasio

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odyssey

    Wait until you see Denzel's masterpieces. Sadly his magnum opus Pene asesino was cut...
  11. Pancrasio

    Why are wads so spooky recently?

    I don't know. Did it make you?
  12. Pancrasio

    Why are wads so spooky recently?

    Here, have this unspooky wad. I promise. No fear factor. unspooky.zip
  13. Pancrasio

    Random Image Thread

  14. Pancrasio

    Ground-breaking music in 2024

    A mí me copa lo que hace este chabón llamado Marttein fijate: Destacable que en uno de estos dos temas colaboró con el dillom, yo no lo conocí de ahí así que me sorprendió ver que colaboró con el gordito colorado, un crack.
  15. Play Nostalgia by Myolden first, it's Plutonia but easy, basically. Then you play the actual Plutonia and it feels fair enough as well. After that, you're good to go I'd say. That's what I did.
  16. Bring back post hell
  17. Pancrasio

    Wolfestein Menem mod -ARG- (SUPER MENEM)

    Estábamos al borde del abismo, pero dimos un paso adelante
  18. Pancrasio

    The Revenant Problem

  19. Pancrasio

    Nightmare WADs

    DevilMyEyes is developping Coraçao preto, though as far as I know he isn't too active. I playtested a bit of it, it was very cool. Couldn't find a link but he used to post tidbits on his twitter.
  20. Pancrasio

    1 Tag Community Project (RC1)

    Ah, I would have loved to map for this! I think it could make for an open community project as a sequel. Or was it one already, and I've only missed it? Anyways, seems like a fun limitation, I'll be playing on the following days. EDIT: Ah, now I get it, it's one of "those"... I'm not good enough yet to play most of this kind of hard stuff, let alone hard shitpost. Anyways, I salute this little effort, it probably was fun to make.
  21. Pancrasio

    Maps based on wiki walkthrough descriptions

    I would definetely map for this, seems like a good premise. I sometimes find myself doing the same thing. If you end up doing it, please contact me through this forum.
  22. First hint of Paraguayan influence in the DBPs... None of you know it, but Paraguay controls the world in the shadows.
  23. Pancrasio

    Save Scumming

    That's a prize, not a punishment!!
  24. Pancrasio

    Plutonium: Kilimanjaro Odissey

    Se me acalambró la pija