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About realjohnmadden

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    Kelly, a Console Doom Nerd

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  1. realjohnmadden

    Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024

    No, all of these are things that DECORATE provides that either physically aren't possible in DEHACKED, or require far more nonsensical trickery than they should.
  2. realjohnmadden

    Reflections and Aspirations: MBF21 in 2024

    Easier integration with SLADE, proper logical enumerations (e.g. Wolfenstein-style pain, where it modulos the health by 3 to show a different sprite), proper refire and weapon functions, support for extra flags and variables via CustomInventory, extendable powerups, more flexible support for modifying movement and whatnot, proper support for remote-activated objects like sticky bombs, the works. Oh, and less slammed desks. I think I scream whenever I forget to include a Mass parameter for a shootable object.
  3. realjohnmadden

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    It was even confirmed by a Nightdive developer in the D64 server, apparently.
  4. realjohnmadden

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    Words cannot express how excited I am for this. BOOM COMPAT, NEW WEAPONS, NEW MONSTERS??????? IN 2024??????? OFFICIAL CONTENT?????????????????? NIGHTDIVE??????????????????? (ahem.) Sorry about that. I still think that this kicks absolute ass, Nightdive keeps coming out with the good shit, man.
  5. realjohnmadden

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    You need a Bethesda.net account to play. Yeesh. QUICK EDIT: Nope, you only need it for the multiplayer and addons. THANK GOD.
  6. As someone who's definitely not obssessed with console Doom, I approve of this. It'd be incredibly useful. Now we wait for the Wolfenstein hacks section. (Not really, that's a stupid idea.)
  7. Awesome. I would have submitted a map for this, but already working on multiple projects + my PC breaking essentially prevented me from submitting anything..
  8. realjohnmadden

    [RC1] MBF64 - Doom 64 in MBF21

    Late response, but I'd prefer to keep it separate. You could load MBF64 over that mod if you wanted to, and while I might use the palette from that, I also am unable to update the mod (seeing as my PC doesn't work).
  9. If you could have remade earlier id Software games with the Doom engine, what would you have done differently? For example Wolfenstein, or Catacombs.
  10. realjohnmadden

    Modding the PS3 port of Doom

    More observations: Freedoom Phase 2 (0.6.4) crashed on the loading screen, but played the actual music. Freedoom Phase 2 (0.13.0) works fine, but upon starting the game, no new music played (it was still the music from MAP11/DEMO1), and sound effects were just original Doom sounds. Both of these went over TNT. Doom 2 the Way We Remember It worked fine, but again, MAP11 music instead of the actual MAP01 music in the WAD, and it crashed after completing MAP01 (right before loading MAP02). This went over Master Levels.
  11. realjohnmadden

    Doom 2 In City Only [Now on idgames]

    After 9 years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait. I hope you all have fun with Episode 2! I know I had fun making a map for it. Probably my favorite episode so far.. (I'm totally not biased or anything.)
  12. An online database of Steam banners, icons, etc for games, in case you don't like the default art for a Steam game or want to add a non-Steam game to your library and give it art.
  13. An actual Mac map? Damn. I only messed around with WolfEdit a few times, but I should make an actual Mac map at some point. (I'll probably end up doing something else for this project, though.. time to bust out good old DOS and Watcom C++.)
  14. realjohnmadden

    Where did the Sailor go?

    That could actually work if you made a whole set of sprites for it. If it's worth anything, I already have some original sprites for my own Freewolf project and could edit those into the sailor. (Of course, rotations exist, so it would require a lot of effort..)
  15. realjohnmadden

    Modding the PS3 port of Doom

    Somewhat late reply, but probably not. MUS is the native format for DMX music, and DMX actually converted from MIDI to MUS ever since engine version 1.5: However, this functionality is completely missing in Doom95: I imagine they had stripped out MIDI-to-MUS code in Doom95, and then later ports also did the same. Doom95 also uses a different sound engine, and the BFG ports likely used another different sound engine as well that played back music using GUS patches (I heard some stuff about OpenAL when browsing here, that might have been it?). Also, something I forgot to mention: In that case, what does this mean?