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  1. playing e1m1 right now im surprised by how linear its so far although i guess its intentional given the haunted base setting but it makes the map kind of repetitive after a while with all the backtracking in many ways it reminds me of doom 3 namely the early delta labs maps
  2. TMMMS

    Freedoom 0.13.0 was released

    thank you! alas none of the existing video playthroughs are up to date
  3. TMMMS

    Freedoom 0.13.0 was released

    hi everyone im playing phase 2 map09 right now and it seems to have been changed in 0.13 and i struggle to find the last secret i think its the secret plasma rifle but i cant find a way to get to it without cheating any help please?
  4. TMMMS


    interesting! is this your first episode replacement?
  5. good wad but e1m9 feels really out of place in terms of difficulty with all the cyberdemons once i get the bfg it gets much more manageable but in order to acquire it i have fight at least one cyberdemon with kditd-level weaponry also i was unable to get all the secrets in e1m7 i could only find the secret soulsphere and the secret backpack and the secret passage to the courtyard
  6. id didnt even bother to add said flame barrier to the skyline used by that episode anyway if you feel like it you could just edit the intermission screen to remove any mention of it and have it replaced with a gravity well or a tractor beam
  7. oh okay its not implemented yet i got you my bad
  8. on gzdoom i beat map11 and then it loaded map12 like in vanilla not that i mind it but you said the game was supposed to end at that point
  9. yeah if i have to make one criticism here its that the intermission screen doesnt properly convey the feeling of hell on earth right now it looks too clean and theres too much green space like its taking place further away from civilization rather than closer it shouldve looked like an escalation from the thy flesh consumed screen in terms of environment and destruction
  10. cool! i certainly wasnt expecting an episode selection screen tho does that mean the game ends at the end of each episode? or does it keep going as before?
  11. ive been listening to the new music good work all around!
  12. ah crap my bad this is the first time i come across a wad that cant be played on gzdoom
  13. i cant play this because it says i required software rendered mode im using gzdoom so i went in video mode and changed the render mode to doom software renderer to no avail
  14. this looks absolutely awesome except for that comical ptooing firing sound from the blue armored alien
  15. anyway im currently struggling with secrets in e7m4 too i was able to get the megararmor and the berserk pack as well as the fireblu closet but im not sure what to do with the rest