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About Coolman

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  1. Coolman

    my first doom 1 episode

  2. Coolman

    my first doom 1 episode

    it was a bsod joke
  3. Coolman

    my first doom 1 episode

    im trying to intall slade and windows says that it stopped it from running i searched up slade doom and dowloaded the 64 bit installer from the first result should i press run anyway?
  4. Coolman

    my first doom 1 episode

    i did mention the port, i tested in gz doom and ill probably upload screenshots tommrow
  5. Coolman

    my first doom 1 episode

    i downloaded it why is there a screen with a blue background and a sad face every 5 minutes after i open my computer? its also asking me for 'bitcoin' every time before the sad face pls help :(
  6. Coolman

    my first doom 1 episode

    I know I got the best parts of the maps jk I’ll add them soon
  7. as the title says, i have made my first doom 1 episode, while i have made maps for doom 2 and i'm evenworking on a doom 2 episode with my friend, i have never made a wad for doom 1. theres not much to say about the map itself, but here's a few: this was tested in gz doom, but is made using the vanilla engine only about 40-50% of map 4 is done i am not the best mapper, only seriously starting maps about 2 months ago updates will be in replies wad -> D1E1.zip
  8. Coolman

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    It's been a while, but I'm back with another update to the wad! Now, you can enter the castle, although there's not much to do given I've only made 2 rooms. my friend is still making most of this map, but i decided to add a bit while I wait for him as he's getting new internet. wad -> doom 2 map pack.zip
  9. Coolman

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    I've finished the nest update to the map, I did say that map 6 would be made by my friend but he hasn't been on so I've started map 6. as for map 1, it's nearly re-textured with only about 3 rooms to go. I've also added a bit to the second outdoor part to map 4 and added a bit at the end for map 6, it's gonna be a hell castle with alot of secrets wad :O doom 2 map pack.zip
  10. Coolman

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    I have finished map 4, finishing the existing section, and adding a new area accessed by a yellow key (which I think is my hardest section and one of my best looking) and repurposing the previous exit switch for a nice middle section free secret: in the blue key section, when you flip the switch to get the yellow key, it lowers the crate in the previous section, giving you the rocket launcher I went through a lot of temporary changes while testing the map, so if anything seems out of place, please let me know. next version/update/whatever, I'm planning to make these changes: add an early version of map 6 fix most, if not all textures in map 1 change any problems addressed about map 4 or 5 for map 6, I'm planning for it to be a bigger map, having loops and mazes. due to my friend being busy last week, I have made the last 3 maps by myself, though map 6 is going to be mainly made by him, with me editing a few things. I'm also going to get him to make his own doom world account so we can both talk here I also ask anyone who plays map 5 to reply with what theme map 6 should be: tech base, or hell? for guidance, maps 7 and 8 will be hell themed. anyways enough yapping, here's the file doom 2 map pack (3).zip
  11. Coolman

    What's your favorite DOOM song?

    I love E2M1 I sawed the demons
  12. Coolman

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    Thanks for the feedback! I found it very helpful and informative as to how I should approach my maps. as for your criticism, I have tried to get the geometry down a bit, but I have given a huge thought to how enemies interact with the player and I need help with this so I'm going to write down what I understand here and if any doom mapping veteran could help me with this, please respond and add/change anything that I say here: Doom enemies go into 4 categories: ranged, melee, flying and hit-scanning. These 4 categories come together to make the doom 2 monster roster. hit-scanning, ranged and flying should mostly be used in long-mid range areas and melee should mostly be preserved for corridors or smaller spaces. for placement, I believe that for easier/earlier maps, hit-scanners should be placed in front of other enemy types to get them out of the way and get the player some ammo, and if they don't have any good weapons like the super shotgun, melee enemies could be put into the mix to add some variety and trouble the player, as an enemy like the pinky demon needs 3 shotgun shots to be killed and can so some serious damage when close up. As for harder/later maps, we should invert this idea. hit-scanners should be put into the back as now they are shielded by bigger and beffier enemies, letting then do serious damage from afar, aswell, this starves the player of ammo. removing melee enemies is a good idea as now they can be one shot/ very easily killed. I'm also going to take the others things you said to help me with furure maps, thanks.
  13. Coolman

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    I have made a few changes to the map pack: the switch to get to the soulsphere in map 1 is now repeatable. some rooms in map 1 are re-textured. you can now open up the plasma rifle door in map 2 from the other side. map 3 has been made a bit more balanced. there is now a switch in the middle of the second outdoor area, taking you to map 5. there is a new area in map 4, although it is small. here is the map: doom 2 map pack (2).zip
  14. Coolman

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    thanks for addressing the problem in map 2. as of now, I would like to focus on making sure I can make a decent map with very little problems so custom music isn't a priority right now, although i will take that into consideration when making more maps and map packs
  15. Coolman

    2 people make cool doom maps :O

    thanks for the advice, I tested the maps in gz doom and I haven't used any mods so it should be compatible with other source ports. I will try to fix the problems listed in later versions of the wad