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Everything posted by Lizardcommando

  1. Lizardcommando

    Most recent movie you saw

    I finally got around to watching Godzilla Minus One. Great movie. I regret not watching it in theaters when I had the chance though lol. Oh well.
  2. Lizardcommando

    Doomcute thread

    This isn't quite substantial enough to post in the "What Are You Working On" thread in the wads discussions section, so I thought I'd post this here. Not only is this a reference to my Lizard Squad mod, but it is also one of the references throughout the mapset I am making that is a reference to the level I made for the Make a Good Mega Man Level 3 contest, Lost Caverns of Jungata, which in turn was a reference to an old Doom map of the same name I made that was never released and also a reference to a fictional island that was always included in some old RPG Maker games I made years ago. Very convoluted explanation, I know lol.
  3. Lizardcommando

    Megawad: The Project Killer

    I think just going for the release date of "When it's done" instead of some random date that's set in stone is also a good way to prevent megawad projects from dying. I'm pretty sure I've seen some Doom anniversary projects being announced over the years but then eventually getting quietly abandoned (or whatever maps that were for those projects being moved to some other projects or released on their own).
  4. Lizardcommando

    Megawad: The Project Killer

    That's definitely a good point you brought up. I personally don't have the time or energy to finish off many 32 map megawads anymore. I'm glad there's been a sort of resurgence of the 7-10 maps episodic releases these days.
  5. Lizardcommando

    Megawad: The Project Killer

    I think the biggest things with how often megawads end up getting abandoned is underestimating how big of a scope the megawad is, how much skill that person/team has to fulfill any of the big ideas and how much time and energy that person/team is willing to put in the effort to see it through to its completion. Scaling back on all the grand plans (whether its for new enemies, weapons or just some crazy ideas for a level) could lessen the chance of the person getting bogged down and getting stuck trying to turn any of these ideas into reality. I know I'm guilty of trying to create some gigantic megawad in the past lol. My old Lizard War mod was supposed to be part of a 4 part super ambitious Total Conversion: Part 1 was Pokestein (the Doom version of the original Pokestein 3D), Part 2 was Lizard War (and also Immoral Conduct: Lizard Edition) Part 3 was some Quake 2 inspired thing and Part 4 was the finale. Part 1 sort of came out, but the maps were shit and the weapon sprites and enemies were shit. Part 2 was released in some form (no new maps, but Lizard War and ICD:Lizard were released). The only things from Part 3 that ever became a reality were two cyborg lizard enemies that eventually found their way in to ICD:Lizard and nothing from Part 4 ever came into fruition. The plans were originally laid out in my old Geocities website, but that's long gone as far as I remember.
  6. Memento Mori, Memento Mori 2, Anomaly Report, Requiem and No Rest for the Living are my personal recommendations. Alternatively, you could always browse through the different Cacowards to find something that interests you.
  7. This looks quite interesting. I'll have to take a look at this.
  8. With a name like Dr. Disrespect, yeah... not surprising this guy is a total douche.
  9. Lizardcommando

    Somewhat easy wads?

    I feel like some of the maps I've made during the past year lean towards on the easy difficulty, especially if you play on the lower difficulty settings. Keep in mind that playing in "Hey Not Too Rough" and "I'm Too Young To Die" will have no monsters in this level specifically.
  10. Lizardcommando

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I've been slowly working on my underground jungle base map once again. I more or less have the upper floors done (not sure if I'll actually move the door in the mess hall and make it actually accessible or not). I'll probably go back and some more doomcute stuff in the mess hall and rec room later on. I started working on the research labs area (the place with the brown wall textures) recently and it's mostly going smoothly.
  11. Lizardcommando

    Maria's Hell (Maria no Jigoku / マリアの地獄)

    I started looking into this manga and began reading the translated manga scans because of this mod lol.
  12. Lizardcommando

    Maria's Hell (Maria no Jigoku / マリアの地獄)

    That's a nice looking arsenal. Will she also have a regular crossbow (like the one seen in one of the most recent chapters of the manga?)
  13. Lizardcommando

    RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!

    I'm glad to have taken part in this community project! I can't wait to see what the final version of this looks like.
  14. Lizardcommando

    What TV series did you watch recently

    I've been rewatching Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam and been watching Kaiju No. 8.
  15. Lizardcommando

    Known lost WADs of our history?

    Yep, that's the one. Truly a relic of mid 2000's - early 2010s wads and internet crapola.
  16. Lizardcommando

    RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!

    Are there things in your maps that conflict with someone else's map?
  17. Reading through the last topic about the different rendering modes people use, I feel like finding out what other people use when it comes to the different sector light modes could be another fun topic to dive in to. As for me, I always use the Doom Legacy sector light mode. Maybe it's because I've gotten used to it, but I feel like the dark shadows in the other modes are way too dark and too sharp of a contrast between bright areas and dark areas. I guess this does bring up another question: How do you accommodate for everyone's different preferences for the different sector light modes? Do you just design your maps/mods under one specific sector light mode or do you do what you can to try and accommodate for as many of the different sector light modes as you can?
  18. Lizardcommando

    good DOOM 2 WADS you'd replay more than once

    Memento Mori 2 and Anomaly Report
  19. Lizardcommando

    RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!

    After watching the last RAMP 2024 video that @DavidN posted on his youtube channel, I went ahead and updated my map once more. I added in some midgate textures around the main area with the boat and added in a few more details. Hopefully this will be the last update from me. EDIT: Ok, I swear this is the last time I edit and update my map. I updated the RAMPSHOT image in the wad and also added a little more detailing to the map. Unless there are some major bugs in the map, hopefully that will be the last update.
  20. Lizardcommando

    Maria's Hell (Maria no Jigoku / マリアの地獄)

    Color me intrigued. Will this have new maps too or will remain just a gameplay mod?
  21. Lizardcommando

    RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!

    I did download the latest version of GZDoom after making that reply, but I still got that error. It seems to be working now. I had to download the latest snapshot (Snapshot 784 as of this post).
  22. I'm sure there comes a point in every modder and mapper's life when you are working on a project and have a bunch of stuff already created for it, but then you notice that some things just don't work. It could be a new enemy replacement that's just too frustrating or boring to fight or new weapon that is no fun to use. Or maybe it's some part of a level you make that ends up making no sense being a part of the entire level so you cut it out entirely. Anyone else have this sort of situation happen to them before? The last map I made, which was for Ramp 2024, I initially had the map start off with the player board a submarine but I couldn't get portals working so I scrapped the entire thing. I tried keeping the submarine theme, but I made it so that boarding the submarine is the main objective and was where the map was supposed to end, but I still couldn't figure out how to build the rest of the map around this theme, so it got scrapped. I made a brand new map once more, but the only thing I kept from the original idea was to have players board some kind of vessel as the map's exit. Somehow I was able to work around that theme and eventually finished making that map. The edited Eri's Guns mod I made, I originally added in a rocket launcher that had a secondary function which lets you remote control the rocket, similar to the RPG from Half Life 2, but I ended up cutting that function out and made it act more like a traditional rocket launcher.
  23. Lizardcommando

    RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!

    I just got this error while trying to play the latest RAMP snapshot build.
  24. Lizardcommando

    RAMP 2024 - Newcomer-friendly community project!

    A bit long overdue, but here's a video of me playing through my submitted map. After watching through the video a couple times and playtesting the map a bit more, I ended up updating the map once more. I added in some more minor details here and there throughout the level, updated the RAMPSHOT image and added an extra step in the control room so you can observe the gates opening up more easily when you hit the buttons.