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Everything posted by jallamann

  1. Sorry. You can't, buy one yourself, 24" screens are cheap nowadays. Yes, I can, it's not perfect since some characters are missing, but it works quite well and makes it feel cooler. Yes. Thanks :) It's my own guild, for me only. Because the guild bank system is tons better than a second character for bank-alt bag space. Also, two Steely Dan references in one character is better than no Steely Dan references in no characters ;)
  2. http://nightmaster.net/stuff/WoWScrnShot_012110_212350.jpg my wow interface
  3. jallamann

    Soundfont "mixer" program?

    Probably your best bet. If you have Cubase or another VST compatible program, you can use SFZ
  4. jallamann

    What car(s) do you own.

    not my car, but my brother's, and as he is doing his for the army, I steal borrow it regularly. It's a 1984 Datsun King Cab 2.4 liter diesel, 5 speed manual and with a boatload of amateur fixing (i.e. good luck getting it running without knowing how)
  5. jallamann

    ployobjects AND 3dfloors?

    The only way to do this is massive trickery, like making a path where you want the 3d floor to move with lots of sectors and correspondingly a lot of control sectors, instantly raising/lowering them in careful order. It'll probably show, though, because instant in this context is not as instant as people might like it to be. It's not an optimal solution, more like crap and tedious, but if it's absolutely necessary, it could work. If you want to have things on top of the 3d floor moving with it, I'd leave it there and never touch it again, though.
  6. jallamann

    Moving boat.

    The only way to truly move linedefs (not sectors, mind you) in ZDoom is polyobjects. Everything "inside" the polyobject is nonexistant, i.e. void, so the player can't really be inside it, and as a result of being void, it's infinitely tall. Floors and ceilings can be moved up and down with Floor_ and Ceiling_Waggle, which is a lot smoother than Floor_/Ceiling_Raise/LowerByValue. Making it look like you're on a ship, moving, you can make it by scrolling the surrounding water and put a Floor_Waggle on it.
  7. jallamann

    Vista Use Causes Suicide

    Vista works perfectly if you can get your head out of your ass and have a little patience while learning it. Sure, it's got a bit bigger memory overhead and things aren't where they were in Windows XP, but it was exactly the same when Windows XP hit the streets too.
  8. :'D it's almost too good to be true *sniff*
  9. jallamann

    your ringtones

    The A-Team theme ;D
  10. jallamann


    ADSL, but when one of the local ISPs gets their heads out of their collective ass and start expanding their fiberoptic lines it's 50Mbps full screaming duplex baby!
  11. jallamann

    Help Creaphis Find a New Mouse

    about wireless mice eating too much power: http://www.afrotechmods.com/cheap/arnoldpad/arnoldpad.htm ;)
  12. jallamann

    Runing Whacked Patches w/ZDOOM

    "c:\whatever\zdoom.exe" -deh whatever.bex mind the quotation marks...
  13. jallamann

    Weed worse than cigs?

    pub + beer + smoke + peanuts = best quad-combo ever. except myself and cute, nymphomaniac triplets.
  14. jallamann

    Command & Conquer Gold for free

    The 1st Decade version (dunno about the Worldwide Warfare version) requires IPX, modem or nullmodem to play multiplayer. I've tried IPX-ing it without any luck, as it won't find games on the network. Modem is pointless and finding nullmodem over ethernet software is easier said than done. Unless, of course, you want to pay for a nullmodem cable and fiddle around with dialing into your opponent's computer.
  15. jallamann

    Real age calculator (or maybe not)

    Biological 21 Real 11.9 Average 74 Mine 83.1 also why can't the parents and grandparents age go over 90? My great grandparents all lived until they were at least 90. None of my grandparents are dead and they're in their 70s and well and healthy for the most part. Oh well, as long as I live long enough to die it shouldn't be a concern.
  16. jallamann

    post your desktop

    Background is the latest front page from a norwegian comic magazine, "M".
  17. jallamann

    Cure for Cancer??

    somehow I doubt a new placebo will cure real diseases.
  18. A colleague of mine suggested making a DM map of our workplace in Doom. I was like "WHOA. People know about Doom here?". I never thought he was a terrorist though. Guess I should report him.
  19. first time I got drunk I was like WTF weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee but now that I'm so used to being drunk it's much worse than being sober :P never did anything stronger than alcohol or tobacco tho.
  20. jallamann

    leileitracker tracking compo #4

    wtf only 4 points :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
  21. jallamann

    Escape from Doomworld

    But what lies beyond? The most logical (I think) response would be infiniteness :O
  22. jallamann

    leileitracker tracking compo #4

    it's jallamann F00!!1
  23. jallamann

    leileitracker tracking compo #4

    well did I win or not?