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Agamemnon XVI

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About Agamemnon XVI

  • Rank
    Warming Up
  1. Agamemnon XVI


    They should change it in one of the engens
  2. Agamemnon XVI

    Stitching Help

    yeah I think its next to snap to grid toggle
  3. Agamemnon XVI

    Has Doom ever mocked you???

    I have the same problem. It has somthing to do with no true depth in doom.so it is hard to figur out how far they are.
  4. Agamemnon XVI

    Movies you would like to see made into games

    Soylent Green Lol
  5. Agamemnon XVI


    But we have id cards in america and were fine with it.mine alows me to go to the comescery and get meat at the third of the price.I dont get what the big deal is.
  6. Agamemnon XVI


    Im sorry but there are no id cards in the U.K. Im confuesed.
  7. Agamemnon XVI

    Idea for 3d

    sorry thanks
  8. Agamemnon XVI

    Howcome no one plays ST

    Thats what i meant sorry. Skulltag online.
  9. Agamemnon XVI

    Got "Doom artifacts"?

  10. Agamemnon XVI

    Idea for 3d

    What if you could edit sector hight in 3d.I was wandeing if you would have to rebuild the nodes tho.
  11. Agamemnon XVI

    Got "Doom artifacts"?

    I want the lost episodes so bad. Are they good? And where can you buy them.
  12. Agamemnon XVI

    Howcome no one plays ST

    This is a great port,but I only see like 20 peopl a day playing it.
  13. I liked.. e2> E3>Plutonia>E1> Doom2>E4>TNT E4 I didnt get the story behind and it was very stiff gameplay. note on doom 2,the first 2 thirds were ok and stand in order as they are but the last third was on par with e3.
  14. Agamemnon XVI

    Doom for the Nintendo DS.

    Leave him alone. It does look very professional.you need an enthusiastic programmer tho. Yeah alot of people on doomworld have low self esteem and like to put other people down. Here are my sugestions. - Hexen ported instead of making your own engein, plese. - A built in version of doombuilder using the stylus, plese. - Doom 1 style play instead of 64, plese. - wad format exactly the same,so you can put wads you like and play them, plese. - skulltag multyplayer port, plese.
  15. Agamemnon XVI

    Editing PSX Doom

    does that mean you could edit it, and make it like zdoom.