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About Adam3

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  1. Adam3

    Don LaFontaine Dead

    Damn, he made trailers seem so epic too... :(
  2. Adam3

    Fish Food

    Well when it comes to fried fish, I only like it fried in a thinner batter, not that real thick stuff. :(
  3. Adam3

    Stroyent red.

    Heh, I love strogg humor!
  4. Adam3

    Doom Connector 4

    Aww, I missed DoomConnector. This rocks!
  5. Adam3

    How do you play DOOM?

    Wow, you took a chance.
  6. Adam3

    How do you play DOOM?

    Hmm, nice! thats a few steps above mine.
  7. Adam3

    How do you play DOOM?

    I just wanna know, what type of computer do you have?
  8. Adam3

    How do you play DOOM?

    Im the usual Zdoom enthusiast, I play skulltag for the usual multi-player action, and occasionally I play Gzdoom. Even though I had Doom for 3 years, Im still kind of a newcomer.
  9. Adam3

    Cardboard consoles

    Consoles are poisonous?? Then I must have some fatal disease with all the consoles I have!! This really reminds me of those sites where if you have an opposing opinion, they would either Lecture you in an angry way,or beat you to death with Protest signs,or both! *Shudders*
  10. Adam3

    doom on the wii?

    Hmmm, I wonder if the wii can handle Doom3? Its specs are a small step above the original xbox right?
  11. Adam3

    Dragonball Z movie scheduled in 2008

    Heheh...My bad...D:
  12. Adam3

    Dragonball Z movie scheduled in 2008

    Oh god,Robin Williams is in it? *Snickers uncontrollably*
  13. Adam3

    Monkeys going gangsta

    Jeez... what is up with these Peta-esque wildlife laws? Whats more important, Protecting the crops, or protecting psychotic perverted monkeys? *shudders*
  14. Adam3

    Doom 4 A Certainty

    Amen brother! To bad Im still afraid of quake4 though...
  15. Adam3

    Doom 4 A Certainty

    Meh, Raven's ok but Quake 4 was kind of a let down to me.