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The SuperFly

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Everything posted by The SuperFly

  1. The SuperFly

    UAC Screensaver?

    Seen some blurbs in various forums about a screensaver that displays a 3d rendered UAC logo like the one in DOOM3. Last posts I saw about it were around Sept-Dec 2004 so I would have been in the Middle East. After some net searching, all I was able to come up with was about 6 .bmp's with the logo in various states of movement. Does anyone out there still have a good version of this thing spyware free?
  2. The SuperFly

    More StrifeToons...

    Was that music from "Trancers" i heard in Episode 1?
  3. The SuperFly

    Scariest sound?

    The first time I made it into the Tower of Babel and crossed the threshold to hear the cyberdemon roar through my headphones is still etched vividly in my mind. I literally hopped out of my seat and banged my knee on the underside of my desk. The next five minutes were spent hiding in the tower while I calmed down, listening to that monstrosity stomp his way around outside. And for my money, nothing beats the old school chortling of roaming imps.
  4. The SuperFly

    Monster Lookalikes

    Oh, and three cheers for Blood/Blood 2! Possibly the most under-appreciated shooters of all time.
  5. The SuperFly

    Monster Lookalikes

    None of you have ever seen the Pumkinhead films? The first one pre-dates DOOM by at least 4 years, with the sequel coming out shortly after that in 1994.
  6. The SuperFly

    Was the Doom movie good?

    Since the theatrical draw of DOOM was an utter failure and the studios lost about 40million dollars on it (thanks in no small part to a fan boycott), I seriously doubt there will ever be a sequel.
  7. The SuperFly

    stuff you do when you're really bored

    Maybe try going outside? Taking a walk, perhaps...
  8. The SuperFly

    rare Doom I/II commercial add-ons

    I've got the D!Zone CD-Rom and the original retail Shareware package and floppies I bought at Babbages. The package is all brown with a subdued "marine fighting hordes of demons" artwork and proclaims DOOM to be the "Ultimate 3D Virtual Reality Game". Good times.
  9. The SuperFly

    Black Doomers?

  10. The SuperFly

    Rip & Tear: The Doom movie

    Wooo! Thank you.
  11. Does anyone have that old avi from back in the day called something like "doommovie.avi"? It was basically just the titles, then "RIP & TEAR!" with a Korn guitar riff and the space marine blasting a caco demon. That vid always tickled me pink.
  12. The SuperFly

    Rip & Tear: The Doom movie

    It just gets shot by the doom marine. The whole clip was maybe 30 seconds long and was done with sprites and cheap PS wording.
  13. The SuperFly

    Was the Doom movie good?

    QS, which stands for "Quake Sucks", was an old 'DOOM clan' from back in the days when all the DOOM news sites were run by individuals, FuncE was still the shit, and the ADA was working on STRAIN...Which, I have to add, is my favorite DOOM TC of all time.
  14. The SuperFly

    Was the Doom movie good?

    Tsk...Newbs. I'm with you, Mord!
  15. More time than is possibly healthy for a human being to endure. DOOM had a huge impact on my developing years, and quite possibly played a large part (although subconciously) in my enlisting in the USMC Infantry. I did learn that this shit is really not all that fun in the real world, though. =)
  16. The SuperFly

    Was the Doom movie good?

  17. The SuperFly

    Was the Doom movie good?

    Speaking of the DOOM movie... Does anyone have that old avi from back in the day called "doommovie.avi" or whatever? It was basically just the titles then "RIP & TEAR!" with a Korn guitar riff and the marine blasting a caco demon. That vid always tickled me pink.
  18. The SuperFly

    Was the Doom movie good?

    Meh, I still like it. I still also hate a lot of things in it, and some of the unrated scenes they shaved off (like the lady writing SUFFER in blood from her own stump) for time really helped to make it more a "DOOM" film in my eyes. Sadly, no one will ever see their dream DOOM film come to life. It's like the star wars prequels, expectations are too high. That being said, this 'attempt' was much better than it COULD have turned out (Uwe Boll anyone?)
  19. The SuperFly

    the 3rd novel - any good?

    At least the second novel still dealt with zombies and monsters instead of sentient plants and gorilla men is what I meant.
  20. The SuperFly

    the 3rd novel - any good?

    The first two books were very good as i recall. The first being goddamn AWESOME! The second was kind of slow in a lot of areas, but still very DOOM (except when they pretended to be zombies in that grocery store...Shaun of the Dead, anyone?) The third and fourth books just seemed to take a plunge into the absurd, waxing idiotic on the idea of "cloning souls" and inserting these souls into video games. Pretty lame stuff. Any why a wookie like Arlene would marry some mormon computer geek is beyond me...Skip them if you want, but I'd read them anyway out of morbid curiosity.
  21. The SuperFly

    New Bobby Prince music!

    That was some of the worst BP music I have ever heard... And this coming from a guy who actually BOUGHT the old 'DooM MusiC' CD.
  22. The SuperFly

    What if everyone on Earth were to vanish?

    I'd finally be able to finish my backlog of PC games. w00t...Very nice. Twilight Zone FTW!
  23. The SuperFly

    Doom Movie Score Available

    Years ago I could have told you right off the top of my head because I knew every tune from every level by heart, but not these days.
  24. The SuperFly

    Doom Movie Score Available

    Some remixes of old Bobby prince tunes are in there. I got the album the other night. Don't bother going to Best Buy, they don't even have it in their systems. Use Circuit City or another supplier.
  25. The SuperFly

    Doom Ringtones

    Go to "3gforfree.com" from your phone and you can DL a DOOM ringtone there.