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Everything posted by Jimmy

  1. One of the rooms in MAP01 of Icarus. I was amazed. Vanilla, too. :O EDIT: 10 Sector MAP11 is also pretty ingenious. It's Boom, but considering the limitations the project sets, it's an incredibly diverse map.
  2. Jimmy

    Project Ideas Thread

    Depends what you mean. :P The project never evolved beyond a stupid test level complete with NPCs whose sprites I shamelessly ripped from DeviantArt. If you really want it I guess I can send you it. :P
  3. Jimmy

    Project Ideas Thread

    I have a weird, abstract mod called "Sadness" in the works that I may never finish. I wrote a new NPC dialogue system, action menu and inventory system, and made a hi-res font for it. I even outlined some of the (crappy-ass) plot. Unfortunately a certain someone beat me to the black-and-white-cel-shaded-Madworld-esque-abstract-world punch. :P
  4. Jimmy

    The best map ever

    I think my favorite map in a megawad has to be MAP05 from Eternal Doom III. It's really atmospheric, really nicely laid out and textured, and has good flow and continuity. That, and you TRAVEL BACK IN TIME. :P
  5. Jimmy

    Monster blood colour

    You can't change the look of particles. Yet. However, you can try adding -ALLOWPARTICLES to the blood actor, which will force the actor to never be replaced by particles.
  6. Heh, I'd love to, really, but I've already got WAY too much on my plate right now. Once I ease my workload a bit we'll see. :P
  7. Jimmy

    Monster blood colour

    With ZDoom you can edit the monster's behavior with DECORATE to specify the color of the blood sprites. The syntax goes like this:actor NewCacodemon : Cacodemon replaces Cacodemon { BloodColor blue }and to remove blood entirely, use this flag:actor NewLostSoul : LostSoul replaces LostSoul { +NOBLOOD }Getting translucent or fuzzy blood is a slightly more complicated matter:actor FuzzyBlood : Blood { RenderStyle Fuzzy } actor NewSpectre : Spectre replaces Spectre { BloodType FuzzyBlood }Hope that helps. :)
  8. I guess not, but Community Chest and Oniria were Boom and ZDoom projects, respectively. :?
  9. And it's at that point that MUS should have become totally obsolete. Yet I still see fairly recent WADs using MUS format for their original MIDI songs. Really good level tracks like Oniria's, and those by B.P.R.D. for the Community Chest and Nuts series of levels were converted into MUS format for little reason (that I can see, anyway). (Sorry for the thread derailment, Erik.)
  10. Jimmy

    Great names

    Any character from Sheep in the Big City.
  11. I have that in the track names for all my songs, too. :P Open them with a midi editor and you should see 'em.
  12. I'm back! Wait...I left? :P Three new midis are up! These are for the Speed of Doom project, which hasn't released yet, so it'd be appreciated if they weren't used for other purposes until its release. :) These midis are located under the "Unreleased Projects" section in the first post, under which I'll post midis which shouldn't be used (therefore "Alice" has been moved there). Here y'all go: Unknown Organism Baron's Province Great Hall Comments, please! :D
  13. Jimmy

    Plutonia 2 reviewed

    A nice honest review, I think. :)
  14. http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/43725-epic-new-map-finished-and-ready-to-play/ It's an awful sprite edit, though - and the sound used for its firing sequence is equally terrible.
  15. Jimmy

    Whispers of Satan RELEASED!

    Wow, you guys are doin' great. :D Loving the shots.
  16. Jimmy

    Megawad difficulty?

    I personally love difficulty progressions like that - I plan something similar for Blocks of Doom II.
  17. The first problem you mentioned, hitting corners of non-lethal walls while standing in a damaging tile with boots on, is known about and unfortunately can't be fixed right now. It's apparently a ZDoom bug - if the player bumps into any wall while standing on top of a line with the "Player bumps" activation, he activates the special of the line he's standing on as if he'd bumped into it. I know, it's annoying as frak, but neither me nor Carl can fix it at the moment. As for your other problem, lethal walls don't check for boots, but I plan to introduce fire- and slime-proof suits that will protect you from walls (but not floors) of damaging tiles. Suits combined with boots of the same type will hence make you completely immune to damaging tiles (temporarily, anyway), and will also alleviate the aforementioned ZDoom bug while you have them. Now, I believe the reason for "use" not working on the intermission screen is due to the sloppy way I set up the map. Make sure you're facing north just before you exit (so you face the linedef that triggers the intermission skipping script). This has been fixed for the next version of Blocks II. Thanks for your input, anyway. :) Check out the bug report thread on our dev forums for what's also been fixed.
  18. Jimmy

    Doom Advent Calendar 2009

    I just sent you my map, Torn. Sorry, I said I'd have it to you sooner. :/ Ah well - check your e-mail.
  19. Jimmy

    Edit and Delete broken?

    Unless there's some sort of forum software technical limitation in the way, I don't see a problem with allowing deletion of your posts as long as it's the last post in a thread. :?
  20. Jimmy

    Icon of Sin

    Plus creating such a project would likely erase all reason to include Icon fights as the conclusion to every future wad release ever. :/ At least I think it would do.
  21. Noice! Sending you a PM with potential titlepic. :)
  22. Jimmy

    Sonic Robo Blast 2 Version 2.0 Released

    I just tried this for the first time. ...Wow. O_O I can barely recognise the Doom engine under all this epicness. Just... awesome. :D I do have one "bug" to report (I won't register on the forums just yet) - on using the mid-air dash attack on Eggman I get flung back a massive distance. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but it sure makes the Zone 2 boss a bloody chore. :/
  23. Jimmy

    Doom Advent Calendar 2009

    I swear I posted already saying that I actually wanted to sign up. =S I've pretty much finished my map now, anyway - you'll be receiving a PM shortly, Torn.
  24. Jimmy

    Evil Eye

    I somehow just managed to complete the whole of this map legitimately. Whew. o_O It's a cool concept, but... just not really my kinda puzzle. I also have to say:
  25. Jimmy

    Doom Advent Calendar 2009

    Screenshots of my map, "The Atrium". http://img40.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=atrium1.png :D