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About Raikoh_Minamoto

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    Junior Member

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  1. Raikoh_Minamoto

    What music reminds you of Doom?

    You are my new hero; that soundtrack kicks ass!
  2. Raikoh_Minamoto

    Assmaster confirmed deceased

    Ah, hell. Hope everything's gonna be okay. :(
  3. Raikoh_Minamoto

    Doom Wad Station shutting down

    This sucks. This really sucks. :,(
  4. Raikoh_Minamoto

    Unused DOOM tracks

    Listening to it right now, un13 specifically. Speaking of which, un13 is a dead ringer for (I Hate) Everything About You, from Three Days Grace. It's a cover from the future! Edit: un20 is a cover. Of what, I'm not sure, but I KNOW it's a cover. Edit: Sh*t, maybe I should read the thread first. Zarkyb beat me to it.
  5. Raikoh_Minamoto

    Best game of all time in your opinion

    Meh, depends on the genre. I like Japanese single-player RPGs and American FPS games. For the RPG category, it's a tie between the Golden Sun series (on the GBA) and Final Fantasy VII (I got SO PISSED when my copy glitched up). Others are: ~Star Wars: KotOR comes in a close second. ~Star Ocean: the Second Story technically shouldn't be on this list (on the grounds of it's not really anything special), but it comes in third, simply because it was the first videogame I ever played, and so it holds a very special place in my heart. ~The Otogi series kicks ass. Anyone with an Xbox and anything not unlike self-respect needs to experience this. And no, in spite of the Japanese title, you do not have to import it. Go buy it, now. Raikoh commands you! When it comes to FPS games, Quake II absolutely enthralls me. I couldn't tell you why; I can very easily think of better games to play (HLHLHL), but for some unknown reason Q2 simply grabs me by the 'nads and refuses to let go. It reminds me of this one girl... but that's a story for another day. Some of my other favorites are: ~Half-Life/Half-Life 2 (duh) ~Doom/Doom2 ~Doom 3 (don't judge me) ~Unreal series/UT series (I likes teh exotic weaponz) ~Metroid Prime: Hunters (I like this one mostly 'cos I'm so damn good at it)
  6. Raikoh_Minamoto

    Motion sickness in Doom (or other FPS)

    I got some really bad headaches when I played Half-Life 2 for the first time, probably from some combination of those washed-out yellows of the Water Hazard chapter and the visual cone, which was of a smaller angle than most FPS games. When I'm in the family RV while it's moving, I can't play games or read, or I get really nauseated. Curiously enough, this doesn't happen when I'm in a moving car. Never got anything from Doom, though. :)
  7. Winnar! ** Edit: What the hell? We block emotes?
  8. Raikoh_Minamoto

    The most hated family in...

    The part that really cut me to the bone was when the 21-year-old had to ask her parents' permission to go get some coffee. I'm a Christian, but anything in excess, even religion, can be bad. Christianity is about spreading your faith to others and providing constructive criticism where needed, not supporting genocide of homosexuals and hate-mongering. Christianity would have a much better reputation were it not for people like this who misconstrue and twist the Bible to fit their own distorted views. While calling them "The Most Hated Family in America" isn't inaccurate, I feel no hate for these people, only pity, because while atheists and non-Christians need God, they need it far more.
  9. Raikoh_Minamoto

    Does Doom still make you jump?

    Hellz yes. 'Nuff said.
  10. Raikoh_Minamoto


    Haha, I don't know if I should hate or <3 Reznor for this... STFU. I'm frickin' tired of people constantly bashing Doom 3. Doom 3 was a good game, damnit! Granted, it wasn't nearly as good as Half-Life 2, and it may not have been true to the original, but it was still a damn good game.
  11. Raikoh_Minamoto

    This is me playing Doom's music on guitar !

    Holy crap, E2M1 is purified sexy. How'zabout MAP01?
  12. Raikoh_Minamoto

    Girl receives head of her missing dog in the mail

    What kind of sick douche does that? Someone needs to bathe him in gasoline, light a match, and... well, use your imagination. He'd deserve it. <EDIT> Just realized that it sounded like I was talking about a fellow forum member... no, I was speaking about the skullf*cked asscracker who decapitated a dog and sent its head to its owner.
  13. Raikoh_Minamoto

    id Anthology - Shrink Wrapped in box!

    He asked. I answered.
  14. Raikoh_Minamoto

    Vocal Doom Players

    Pshaw! You name the game, and I'll prolly find some excuse to scream my head off in multiplayer. Lessee... outbursts, vocalizations... -Quake: Mostly venting my frustrations when I'm losing cheaply (like against a camper). Quake 2: Ditto. -Quake 3 Arena: Same. -Unreal Tournament: Yah. -Halo 2: I <3 to sneak up on people with the shotgun, and either whisper or scream in their ear, wnd when they turn around, I go BLAM and they go dead an' stuff. MechAssault: MechAssault is a pure adrenaline experience, and I like to rub it in the other person's face when I win. This 'un just seems to get my adrenaline and my testosterone flowing at the same time. MechAssault 2: MA2 is actually a lot more cerebral for me, I'm usually the tactical guy in MA2. Star Wars Battlefront/Battlefront II: With about eight players to a team, it gets really strategic.
  15. Raikoh_Minamoto

    id Anthology - Shrink Wrapped in box!

    OMFG METHINKS I FIGURED IT OUT. In the SNES version of Doom, the instruction manual had a description of the Cyberdemon: "This walking nightmare... will *d-e-f-i-n-a-t-e-l-y* reach out and touch you." The correct spelling is d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y At least, that's how the Doom Wiki spelled it before someone changed it. See, methinks that the incorrect spelling was used in the SNES manual, and the forums here censor it out to reference this. Rai = genius Does anyone here have a copy of the manual for the SNES version of Doom, who is willing to verify this?