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Eric Vaughn

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About Eric Vaughn

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  1. Eric Vaughn

    My tutorial on how to make seamless textures

    If anyone is interested, I have the finished website up now at http://www.advanceddoom.com I still need to put up some textures and maps, but hopefully I'll have something in there very soon. I will probably make an official announcement in the Doom Editing subforum once I have something to show off in all of the site sections.
  2. In ZDoom you can modify difficulty settings and apply damage multipliers. I achieve my desired effect by simple multiplying the damage by 99999. For some reason, this is so strong that it will kill you even if you have god mode on. Might be a bug with the way god mode works.
  3. Zen Mode is essentially an extra difficulty level, so I can test it on the other levels just by starting a new game and choosing the difficulty level I want. I probably worded myself incorrectly before. I do test it on UV regardless because I need to make sure that the health pick ups are in good places (I can play a little bit lazy there). That being said, I don't apply the ideal of an average player onto my maps. I am very strictly into extreme difficult by choice and I know other people like maps like that too.
  4. Eric Vaughn

    My tutorial on how to make seamless textures

    Oh, I'm sorry about that. I've been making sites for 1024x768 resolution for years now :( First time anyone's complained.
  5. Eric Vaughn

    My tutorial on how to make seamless textures

    My next tutorial will be about manual palette coversion.
  6. I made a custom wad called zenmode.wad that is placed in the parameters of my copy of Doom Builder, so any time I test a map that I am working on, any damage I take will gib me immediately no matter how insignificant the damage is or how much armor and health I have. I adhere to a mapping philosophy that a player should be able to beat any map without taking any damage in the process if they are skilled enough, so I rigorously adhere to this principle whenever I am creating a map. This means a few things: 1) You have to be careful about how you use damaging floors or provide radiation suits if traveling across them without taking damage is impossible. 2) Chaingunners become the most dangerous enemy in the game. 3) The usefulness of invisibility artifacts comes into question. I always called a map run where you beat the level without taking any damage a Zen run. I don't know if other people have another name for it. Sometimes I play other people's wads while using zenmode.wad just for fun and I've never experienced tension like that while playing Doom before. Unforunately, some maps I play make damage unavoidable. If I ever actually release a wad I will probably include Zen Mode as a difficult setting. Are there any other source ports that allow you to modify damage multipliers aside from Zdoom?
  7. Eric Vaughn

    My tutorial on how to make seamless textures

    Don't take my metal comment seriously, I'm a very tongue in cheek sort of guy. Thanks for the proof reading.
  8. I think you could feasibly play Doom with one of those gaming mouses with 20 buttons (a left handed one). I remember playing Wolfenstein 3d with just a mouse. EDIT: Nevermind, watched your video.
  9. I'm currently in the process of setting up a new Doom website, mostly for textures that I am making and tutorials on how to make your own. I have my own game company where I produce the graphics for all of our games and I've realized that the techniques I use to make graphics in our more modern games are quite applicable to making Doom graphics. Since I love Doom so much, I decided to make a site for that very purpose. I've registered http://www.advanceddoom.com to put the site on but I am still waiting for my host to sort that out. In the mean time, here's the first tutorial which I have finished today: http://www.electricretard.com/doom/tut01.html I hope to have the full site up in a few days. I'd just like to know what you guys think of the layout and tutorial style. Please point out my spelling and grammar mistakes, I am very anal about those. Thanks.
  10. I am extremely anal about levels that I like. Generally speaking, I think the most common problem for Doom mappers is that the original Doom textures have been completely beaten into the dirt and a lot of people find them very boring. Including one, two or even a lot of new textures mixed with the original textures doesn't really do the trick either in most cases. Honestly, I think we are at the point now where the world just needs more good textures. I hope people start releasing more wads with entirely new textures.
  11. Eric Vaughn

    Hell Superior CTF

    I'm wanting to know what settings seem to be the most popular, because this will be important when I am placing items.
  12. Eric Vaughn

    Hell Superior CTF

    I have a few questions about CTF mapping I'd like to ask people. 1) Do weapons stay where they are if they are weapons placed in the editor and not weapons dropped by a dead player? 2) How long does it take for items to respawn? 3) How long does it take for players to respawn?
  13. Eric Vaughn

    Hell Superior CTF

    I created this account before that one. Yeah, it's Boom compatible.
  14. Eric Vaughn

    Hell Superior CTF

    Is there some way I can get my primary account (Sigvatr) unlosered?