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Everything posted by Impie

  1. Impie

    The Earth is Bleeding

    I just assumed the blank space at the bottom was leaving room for game options. I dunno about the blending, but it seems like the letters would benefit from a border.
  2. Impie

    Doom style comic?

    or better yet, he could just practice writing or drawing on his own time and not have to outsource everything. Bank's right, too. If you want to start a thread about doing a new Doom comic, post storyboards or sketches and see what people think. Don't post a general idea for a project and ask everyone to pitch in and basically do the work for you if you don't wanna get bashed. Pretty sure that happens often enough in the Doom Editing sub-forum. "I got an idea for a Doom map with lotsa revenants! Somebody should make it!" "Why don't YOU make it?" "Cuz I'm lazy :D" Annnd ribbing ensues.
  3. Impie


    now comprised of e1m1 and e1m2. please note the invisibility powerup doesn't work yet, and ammo/armor is not carried over to the next level. those features will be implemented if i finish the thing.
  4. Impie


    It's an experiment in which I merged several of my game engines into a single engine, then reproduced the first level of Doom. http://www.yoyogames.com/games/150404/download
  5. Impie


    I'm probably going to leave them as-is to keep the reproduction accurate. Of course, it'll be a while before I finish the episode anyway. I might finish several new things before I finish this one....
  6. Impie


    Aren't you thinking of quake? Or are the doors unresponsive when you run it?
  7. Impie


    christ, what else is new? school comp labs have some kind of worldwide policy about hiring the least qualified people to manage their networks and machines.
  8. Impie


    I've got everything I need to do Knee Deep in the Dead, it's just really time consuming to translate the maps. It'll probably be an off-and-on project if anything, although now that I got everything working the way I want it'd be pretty much smooth sailing to do a whole ep. Weird that you have that sound error, magicsofa. I run it on windows 7 just fine.
  9. Impie

    Jayla's Labyrinth

    https://sites.google.com/site/5thmanstudio/home/jaylab Second and final contest entry for yoyogames, and the most disturbing entry in the Rift Cosmology (Shudder, Beyond the Doorway, Jayla's Labyrinth). The download link takes you to the yoyogames page. In summary JL is a stealth / puzzle game with lotsa need for strategy and occasional need for shootin' skills. Like Shudder it has two difficulty settings: Normal and Frantic. Normal has a "fog of war" effect on every level, where the fog reveals new areas (and sometimes monsters) as you move from room to room. On Frantic the fog always obscures unseen areas, so you never know for certain where the bad guys are hiding. This was a Shudder add-on originally but I decided to use the BtD engine instead and make something new.
  10. Impie

    Jayla's Labyrinth

    Put a hint guide together that describes the best solutions i've found to each level. Recommend you get the layout of a level first, and then read its entry so the directions make sense. https://sites.google.com/site/5thmanstudio/home/jaylab/walkthru EDIT: Latest version has a chapter select and the option to change the control scheme.
  11. Impie

    Jayla's Labyrinth

    well, JayLab didn't make it to the finalists' round, but its status as a semifinalist is pretty impressive. That helps me confirm this is one of my best games. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts.
  12. Impie

    Just tossing this out there (Doom fan-fic)

    He doesn't presently come off like he's intelligent; more like he's got delusions of eloquence. Being capable of articulating his thoughts -- even in a straightforward manner -- would be enough to show intelligence. We also don't know HOW his narrative is being delivered to us. If it's standard first person (we're inside his head) and present-tense then maybe he can go off the deep end as terrible things happen to him; but you have it in past-tense, which suggests he's reflecting on all this, in which case there's no real reason for the narrative to degrade at all (though making the narrative voice a little nihilistic and hopeless could foreshadow he's not gonna survive this mess, which would explain why he's reflecting -- H P Lovecraft frequently did stuff like this to great effect). Doing it in present-tense would require very careful work so as not to bore the reader with constant freakouts. Postmodern lit points out that stories are told for a reason and narratees are equally as important as narrators. That's why I wrote my fics the way I did: the narrator had a reason for telling the story, and somebody had a reason for reading it -- otherwise the story couldn't be told and would just sit undiscovered in a dark corner. The reader often adopts the role of the narratee when reading fiction, as seen in "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". I think understanding this concept really helps an author develop fiction (especially narrative voice).
  13. Impie

    D64 Fan Fic - The Last Battle

    It's a very typical Doom fic: all you're doing is describing gameplay. No plot, no character, nothing for the reader to invest in. Read more fiction before trying again. I recommend Brahm Stoker, H P Lovecraft, Robert Bloch, Stephen King, and William Gibson.
  14. Impie

    Just tossing this out there (Doom fan-fic)

    I don't usually read these 'cos they're usually so terrible I quit a few sentences in. Gave yours a shot on the grounds that I like the structural idea: shows more effort than most fanfic authors invest in their work. Mark Twain once said "Choose the right word, not its second cousin." After writing something, take a break from it for a while, then go back through and try to find words to replace or remove. Question whether you need this adjective or that adjective and whether a metaphor conveys exactly what you want to say. I won't tell you everything that needs fixing -- I hate writing people's work for them. However I will give you a few notes to use as a springboard for your next proofreading session. Notes for part 1: - First thing that will help you improve this is to give it a better voice. The current narrative feels like an author pretending to be the protagonist. This guy's a marine. If the narrative is first person, it needs to reflect that. Don't use descriptions he wouldn't use on the battlefield or after hours. A marine probably wouldn't say "deformed horrific beasts" (not a good description to begin with); he might say "alien nightmare" or just "demons". Make the narrative grittier and more colloquial. First paragraph almost nails it (I'd ditch "What the hell?" though, as it isn't needed) - Always be concise. Say what you want in as few words as possible, and if two sentences would be better combined into one (or one broken into several short ones), go for it. "I wake up on the side of a rocky hill strewn with dead bodies of both humans and deformed horrific beasts." could be "I wake up on a rocky hill peppered with bodies. Some are human. Some ain't." - Good example of the wrong word AND too many words: "my fellow comrades" = bad and redundant "my fellow marines" = better "my comrades" = much better - "Whoever it was, it wasn’t them anymore; a shell of a friend, now a monster." Omit. You already say this at the end of the paragraph, and it's said better there. - "I gazed deeply into those sockets that I’m sure once held eyes" We're sure of it too so he doesn't need to say so. suggestion: "I gazed into his sockets" - "Half-assed, just the way I like it." Not sure what this is supposed to refer to. Should be reworded. - "I took off toward what’s left of the hangar, mostly intact, but mostly still in ruin." Redundant. Would be better as something like: "I took off toward the hangar (or what was left of it)" - "I didn’t know exactly what I’ll be facing." Proofread every paragraph to make sure your tense is consistent. Is this story supposed to be in past-tense or present tense? "I didn't know exactly what I would be facing." I'll post notes on the other parts if I find something significant. Also if you want examples of narrative voice relating to Doom and Quake you can take a look at Bank's Quake fanfic from several years back or my own Doom novellas. If nothing else they show how I think these characters would narrate their misadventures in eldritch dungeons. http://www.doomworld.com/vb/fan-fics-fan-pics/40624-how-i-became-a-cowboy-quake-fan-fiction/ http://sites.google.com/site/theplutoniasaga/Home Hope this helped. Now go forth and find similar stuff to adjust in parts 1, 2, and 3! And happy writing! EDIT: I think it's funny how everyone who writes a Doom fanfic has a character named Sarge on account of the shotgun guys being called Sergeants. Even the Doom movie did it. EDIT2: Quick note on dialogue punctuation (something I used to do myself). “Eh, same shit different day.” I replied, This is ONE sentence. The period and comma need to be swapped. A quote which is followed by "he/she said" is a single sentence. Unless the quote ends in a question mark or exclamation point, the punctuation should remember it. I'll use this conversation to illustrate how dialogue should be punctuated, numbering the sentences for clarity. “Hey, man, how’s it going?” sounded a familiar voice behind me.(1) “Eh, same shit different day,” I replied.(2) “It’s been boring as hell around here lately.”(3) “Yeah, I hear ya,” he said with a laugh.(4) “I’m thinking about catching a shuttle back to Earth.”(5)
  15. Impie

    Jayla's Labyrinth

    Jayla's Labyrinth made it to Round 2 of the judging process! I guess that means it doesn't suck. If you haven't played it yet, give it a go and tell me watcha think! If you'd like to play the other contest entries, they're here: http://competition.yoyogames.com/#/Round2 You'll need Silverlight to view the list.
  16. Impie

    freeware: Beyond the Doorway

    Holy crap I forgot all about Fiend. And here I was trying to remember the name of the game earlier. Yeah I'd say "Fiend but better" had some hand in it. Though I think Fiend led the player on a more straightforward path than BtD does, even if mine handles a little better (i remember Fiend's controls being kinda awkward). It's also my second attempt at making this project. The first was with RPGMaker and it....it didn't work. It didn't work at all.
  17. Info here: http://sites.google.com/site/5thmanstudio/home/beyond EDIT: Available now! It's the most advanced game I've made yet. Imperfect like my other works, but infinitely more atmospheric.
  18. Impie

    freeware: Beyond the Doorway

    I've added a walkthrough to the BtD page. It's still in-progress, but it should come in handy for those of you who want to breeze through the game. It doesn't provide THE path to solving the game: just one of many paths.
  19. The latest hit action game from MacDee Studios is now available for download! http://sites.google.com/site/5thmanstudio/home/biomech Here's what it has to offer: - Move and shoot in 8 directions - Strafe to carpet entire rooms with deadly ordnance - Master 7 lethal weapons, from the lowly .45 ACP to the wall-bouncing Tabasco Bomb to the ultra-volatile Sherman Com-RPG - 6 white-knuckle episodes, each location grislier than the last: prisons, sewers, and cyborg farms - Use stealth tactics to get the drop on your foes....or brute force to plow through them - Swim through hordes of the most unforgiving bad guys this side of freeware gaming: armored shotgunners, hungry mutants, and missile-launching biomechs - Dodge booby traps and seemingly impossible obstacle courses - Practice hard and destroy Pendragon Labs....even if it takes a million deaths M2F'd Biomech will run on Windows XP and Vista, and uses the Fmod sound system to produce quality sound effects and unnerving ambiance. It also comes with an instruction manual in the form of a Word doc, for those of you who actually read ReadMe files. So what're you waiting for? Check it out! EDIT: Posted an updated version so F4 doesn't skip the opening scene when going fullscreen.
  20. Impie

    Freeware: Mean Two-Fisted Biomech

    Fixed a major bug: on the second-to-last level if the Dreadmech ran over a mutant it killed Spartan instead of the mutant. Shouldn't do that now. Also made a couple tiny fixes here and there. Punches are slightly longer, kicks slightly shorter.
  21. Impie

    Freeware: Mean Two-Fisted Biomech

    Update! I know it's been awhile, but Biomech has received a new 3.0 flavor! - New sprites! All the characters got makeovers. - Spartan now uses martial arts: punch and kick your way to victory! - You can set enemies on fire! Hit 'em with a Tabasco Bomb and watch em flail and burn. It never gets old. - The bloodthirstiest enemies now chase you much more relentlessly: they move faster and follow you around corners! Check out the game's webpage (first post) for the new version. If you prefer the old version, it's still available for download.
  22. Impie

    gzdoom lock-ups

    Even if the lock-ups are consistent only with certain areas of certain mods?
  23. Impie

    gzdoom lock-ups

    I can't remember how to find out. All I can find under graphics properties is "intel graphics media accelerator driver" and I dunno if that's it or something else. And googling for answers is stupidly unhelpful. I hope I don't have to look in the control panel cos that stupid thing always freezes the windows browser. Apparently it does that to everyone else, too.
  24. Impie

    Killing Time weapons

    Hope I put this in the right sub-forum. I started a Killing Time fan site a while back and just posted a download for the weapon graphics. I ripped 'em with the help of MS Paint and the FreeDO emulator. They haven't been converted to the Doom palette -- as it stands, they're a much smaller resolution than Doom's weapon graphics (the "smallres" folder contains the normal sized frames). I'm sharing them in the hopes that someone might want to use them as the base for a new weapon resource: I think everyone would agree it's nice to see new weapon sets now and then instead of the same ones being borrowed from other mods over and over. http://sites.google.com/site/conwayestate/home/kitchen
  25. Even if you wanted to use the Dakota instead of a real shotgun model, the Dakota is pretty freakin' unnatural looking. I used the Winchester 1200 in my Doom novellas: http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/winchester_1200.jpg I really like the work you put into this guy. I agree with the others that it's refreshing to have someone post Doom fan art and not have it be utter crap. Especially love the texture on the armor. Does he use turtle wax on it? *ba-da-bump*