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Cursed Lemon

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About Cursed Lemon

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  1. I've been hoarding every Doom 64-related thing I can find lately and this will just be yet another welcome addition to the pile
  2. Cursed Lemon

    Doom 3 or Doom 3: BFG Edition?

    I prefer the original because for some reason I can't get my edits to the shotgun spread variable to stick in the BFG version :P
  3. Cursed Lemon

    Some good snowy or christmassy doom levels?

    Invasion UAC I think has a couple snowy levels that are pretty cool, if I'm remembering correctly
  4. It looks like the linedef types for secrets are just listed as "unknown" and the configuration file doesn't make it clear what I should be looking for. Looks like it's pretty much a dead end, Doom 64 CE it is then
  5. Interesting, I was playing them through the original TC engine, maybe that's my whole problem to start? EDIT: I misunderstood and thought you meant the expansions were MEANT for D64EX
  6. This isn't true for the expansions, for example the page for Redemption Denied lists "no official secrets" on majority of the maps.
  7. Looks like the original Doombuilder will load the config file if I delete this string, guess it didn't like that there: But when I try to load the doom64_abstin.wad file, it gives me this error: I think I might be loading the wrong file when it asks me to select the associated IWAD, I was trying to just load doom2.wad Not sure where to go from here.
  8. I hunted it down with Wayback Machine, that first error is what that's from. Also while I've got you on the phone "memory=entryrrrr/////" is life EDIT: A YAML checker says that that whole section around line 659 is fine, so don't know what's up.
  9. So I just noticed there's a "d64_editors.zip" file included in the TC bundle with a .cfg file inside it that's apparently meant for Doom Builder. I went ahead and installed the original and put the .cfg file in place, however I get this error: There are no spaces there lol EDIT: Just tried the same thing with Doom Builder 2: I'm attaching the D64_builder.cfg file to the thread. D64_Builder.zip
  10. Hey guys, so just out of boredness I was playing through Doom 64 TC and the associated expansions The Reckoning and Redemption Denied in the original modified Doomsday engine (which is just awful let me tell you), and I noticed on a few maps I was unable to get 100% secret completion no matter how hard I scoured the map. It seems like more of a glitch than me not actually finding all the secrets. So I thought, eh I've never gotten into Doom map editing, maybe this would be an opportunity to load the maps up in Ultimate Doom Builder and check out some things. Specifically, I was following this video's example on how to locate and decrypt secrets. However, in UDB when I load up the TC, all sector effects are listed as "unknown" and there aren't any secrets listed when I search for type "9": Any idea what gives? EDIT: I should say that I load the wads in with game configuration "Doom: Doom 2 Format" since the game is based on the original Doom2.wad, maybe that's wrong?
  11. John Stalvern wai- okay just making sure
  12. Waddayaknow, that did it. Adding "wait 1" between each command used all the items in quick sequence. Thanks!
  13. So I'm playing Hedon: Bloodrite which uses a fork of GZDoom and I'd like to be able to use multiple items at once without having to press five keys at the same time. I could bind these specific items to something easy like Y-U-I-O-P but I want to see if I can do this instead. I found this Reddit thread also asking the same question, however when I enter a bind manually into the console (and confirm it made it into the config file) as: bind O "use InventoryPotionofStoneskin; use InventoryPotionofHaste; use InventoryAmuletofShadows; use InventoryElementalRing; use InventoryChokeroftheBeast; use InventoryPotionofMight" The only item that gets activated when I use the "O" key is the last item, Potion of Might. Am I doing this wrong or is what I'm trying to do not feasible?
  14. This but unironically when playing Brutal Doom 64 They somehow took it from the best weapon in the game to the worst lmao
  15. Cursed Lemon

    Doom 1 E1 unrealistic space

    Everything has to be bright and cheery at first so it can be dark and ominous later :B