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About Doomguy0505

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  1. Doomguy0505

    Doom BuilderX

    If you get new object errors, make sure you did "Upgrade Configuration" in the BuilderX menu. I couldn't edit the original post as it was too old. So here's a reupload: DBX 1.06 BIN Though you really should use DB2
  2. Doomguy0505

    On Vista

    Download this, extract all and then run fixdb.bat After that try the 3DMode.bat again
  3. Doomguy0505

    On Vista

    Is this error in Doom Builder or the file I uploaded? Maybe you should run this file and see if any required files are missing If the error is in the 3Dmode.bat then right click on the file, choose Edit, this should open up notepad. Edit -> Select All and then Edit -> Delete, and then paste this into there@echo off echo Doom Builder 3D Mode for Vista echo. if not exist "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dx8vb.dll" copy dx8vb.dll C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dx8vb.dll regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\dx8vb.dll echo Press any key to close the window pause > nul File -> Save, close notepad and then run the file again
  4. Doomguy0505

    On Vista

    Make sure you extracted all the files first and that you are an administrator, then run 3dmode.bat. But download this one because I made a few typos I didn't realise (I was supposed to put regsvr32 but put regsrv32) Download fix
  5. Doomguy0505

    On Vista

    Download the zip file in the next post, extract it somewhere and run the file called 3DMode that you extracted
  6. Doomguy0505

    [db1&dbx]windows update remove a component

    Download this and extract it to C:\Windows\System32
  7. Doomguy0505

    On Vista

    Try using regsrv32 with the DLLs, I had to do this before 3D mode worked EDIT: type this in the command promptregsrv32 C:\Windows\System32\dx8vb.dll
  8. Doomguy0505

    Can no longer open a particular WAD

    Is Vista UAC enabled? That causes heaps of problems for old software
  9. Doomguy0505

    Can no longer open a particular WAD

    Opening the same wad with 2 Doom Builders would probably be your problem. VB6 isn't friendly with non-English, so I wouldn't be surprised if the 64-bit OS is causing the problem
  10. Doomguy0505

    Doom BuilderX

    You forgot to escape the backslashes, try this instead forcewad = "D:\\program files\\Risen3Dv2\\Data\\Risen3D.wad";
  11. Doomguy0505

    Doom Builder2 suggestion

    The latest DBX allows use of external editor
  12. Doomguy0505

    Doom BuilderX

    Add a line like this to a game configuration file forcewad = "$PATH$";
  13. Doomguy0505

    Doom BuilderX problems

    Number 2 doesn't need to compile, decorate is text Try using 3D mode with normal Doom Builder to make sure it's only DBX
  14. Doomguy0505

    Vista and 3D mode

    Nevermind, I register dx8vb.dll with regserv32
  15. Doomguy0505

    Doom Builder Macro Conversion?

    Use zwadconv to convert map formats