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About warriordoomer

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  1. whats that hitler wad called?
  2. warriordoomer

    call of duty modern warfare

    has anybody played call of duty modern warfare?
  3. warriordoomer

    wad problems testing

    http://rapidshare.com/files/102642324/delta.zip.html can somebody please help me!!!!! ok so whenever i play it,it is like trippy and ive worked really hard on this project but im gonna make friggin huge!!!! so what im going to do is let one of you guys who is very good with maps to please test it and fix it just tell me whats wrong please!
  4. warriordoomer


    i did what you said and enters my screenshot button but when i press it nothing happens is that supposed to happen/ and once i take the photos were do they end u what folder?
  5. warriordoomer

    [WIP] Factory.wad (8multiplayer)

    i love it best wad ive seen since hell revealed
  6. warriordoomer


    well i downloaded it but i dont know what you mean know?
  7. warriordoomer


    well i use doomsday and if thats not the right one then what one do i use??? and i dont have dos i have windows xp
  8. warriordoomer


    i dont know how to take pictures in doom
  9. warriordoomer

    [WIP] Factory.wad (8multiplayer)

    i liked it great work!
  10. warriordoomer

    doom sky textures

    does anybody have any sky textures they have made themselves and if you have can you place a pic up?..
  11. warriordoomer


    this is just a little wad i put together with some friends who are a little bit,well bad at mapping but its a good deathmatch never the less. http://rapidshare.com/files/101710077/chainsaw.zip.html
  12. warriordoomer

    My first Wad

    i liked it... although i dont like heretic that much i can say its a good map!
  13. warriordoomer


    yeah i told him that!,but he cant be bothered doing that and im working on a new project which is going to be a megwad which will take you about 2 hours to finish lol p.s my brother took the test and it took hime 3 hours lol and im still ading rooms!
  14. warriordoomer


    this is my little brothers wad who is only 8! and he wanted me to show you guys!.. oh and by the way its for doom1 http://rapidshare.com/files/101174508/phobos.zip.html
  15. warriordoomer

    pictures in doom

    ok so how do i take pictures while im playing a wad>