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About Reinchard666

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  1. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Brick12: Ingame screenshot: http://i.xomf.com/pmdmx.png
  2. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Here's new gargoyle, with comparison to original: And both gargoyle and lion switch textures: sw1garg sw2garg sw1lion sw2lion
  3. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    First version of SW1GARG: @Flynn Taggart - I had this in mind.
  4. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Yes I know Flynn, this door texture is a very far from finished.
  5. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    New one, but there is still something wrong:
  6. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Another version, this time more metal. I searched a lot of sites from gargoyles and mascarons but never came across this lion. I am sure that these textures are made ​​from a photograph, as in 1996, Bethesda had their own versions of the texture with many other mascarons. Maybe they are a pictures from some book or something related with D&D?
  7. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Here's new SW1LION and SW2LION:
  8. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    I do some tests of my lion model:
  9. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Thanks. I'm work today on lion model. Tell me what you think about them in SW1LION texture: This is, of course, only a test.
  10. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Here is finished MIDGRATE: http://i.xomf.com/lrygh.png And here is first, rough version of BIGDOOR6: As uoy can see the biggest problem is the lion. I try make them as close to the original as possible, but in low resolution difference between my version and original is very evident. Eris Falling - first I'm make 3d version of original texture. I do it very carefully. After that I work on it in photoshop.
  11. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Thanks. Little update:
  12. Reinchard666

    Reinchards high resolution textures and sprites - demo available

    Another, but not final version of MIDGRATE: Here's next to original: Tell me what you think. (imgur make my textures little blurry)