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Everything posted by dew

  1. This thread is dedicated for all you speedrunners who wish to share your personal improvements with the world, but the runs aren't world record beaters just yet. Post all your non-WR PBs here, for all IWADs and PWADs! Posts from this thread do get collected by DSDA, however it may happen at a slower pace, since there's usually a deluge of them. Please be patient if you don't see your PBs in the archive in a recent archive update. Sidenote: This is a part 2 of the original thread, which may or may not be broken forever, possibly by too many attachments for the Invision software to handle. Fixing it is apparently quite a conundrum, which is why it's still down as I'm writing this.
  2. Welcome to the TAS Demos thread: part 2! This thread is the place to post all your TAS demos, or at least the ones you don't wish to put in their own separate threads. DO NOT post TAS demos into regular threads, the local custom expects regular and TAS'd demos separated. Please do note that TAS demos in general are expected to meet certain (not meticulously specified) quality criteria. Sub-par contributions might get filtered into separate "learning" threads to maintain the standard expected of Doom tool-assisted demos. Do not be afraid to post here, however. It is the best place to get hints on improving yourself and learn understanding the general TASing etiquette. Simply said, there's no better place to learn why you suck at TAS! If you're looking for earlier TAS demos, check out part 1 of this multi-thread.
  3. "Oh no, what cop-out are they going to allow this time???" This topic has been brewing behind the curtains for a while now, so we should move to some actual proposals and decisions. But wait, is the max category even problematic? Yes and no. Let us recapitulate the description of UV-Max, as defined by DSDA: The 100% part is obvious, get all kills and secrets. Now, for the uninitiated, the particularities are: Lost souls counted towards the kill tally in original releases of Doom, but ever since Doom 2 they got excluded. The logic is simple: lost souls became projectiles shot at will by pain elementals, which can inflate monster count forever. id themselves made this change, and they applied it retrospectively even for the 1.9 release of Ultimate Doom. Some players feel like the original logic should count for UD where no PEs exist, but even Compet-N rules disagree. 100% items are not required, because collecting all items sucks. This is an objective fact, get over it. Next. Archvile revives/rekills were a pain to track in vanilla times, but modern ports can programatically check for those, so this rule is easily enforced now. If the vile raises it, you need to kill it again. The IoS exception: icon monsters do not count, since they're generated forever. You only need to kill pre-placed monsters on any map30. However, there's a paradox: a pre-placed archvile can revive cube monsters, or a cube archvile can revive pre-placed monsters. You only need to rekill any pre-placed, revived monsters! This may be hard to check ingame, but again, some modern ports can track it. So what of this wise, sensible, measured wording is getting reformed, you may ask. Nothing. The law is good. However, there's an entire world of exceptions. Compet-N rules specify concrete map exceptions, but only for wads included in its selection. There's a vast ocean of PWADs to choose from and many of them cannot be maxed under the criteria mentioned above. For those, the status quo is self-reporting. The runner encounters a scenario they consider unsolvable for maxing, they explain it in the attached description. Then the archive marks it down in the table entry footnote - there might even be a middle step where someone checks out the veracity of the claim. Self-reporting is also a legitimate -- and definitely the most convenient -- aproach to discover exceptions. However there is no central place akin to the C-N rules page to browse them, they are scattered in footnotes across the archive. The purpose of this thread is to: identify categories of exceptions and establish how to deal with each of them in general, decide how to handle reporting, approving, rejecting and removing exceptions. That means this is a meta thread. An eventual report thread will be set up and stickied later. Actual real-life exceptions should be listed in full archive-side, because they're too numerous for forum posts. There might be a buffer google spreadsheet. We'll see.
  4. Valiant DSDA page Sawdust DSDA page Post your demos for Valiant here. This is a 32 map MBF megawad using advanced features, so -complevel 11 and at least a prboom-plus version dated to 2015 are required. You might get away with using Eternity. Get it right, who knows what hell you might unleash otherwise. The suggested naming convention is vaXY-ZZZ.lmp, where XY is the map number and ZZZ is the time. Replace the "-" with a letter to represent categories such as NM (n), fast (f), tyson (t), pacifist (p) or nomo (o). idgames download link: Valiant (final) You can also post Sawdust demos here, since it's a collection of "Valiant scrap" - maps not good enough to be included in the main wad, but still relevant to this thread.
  5. DSDA page aka btsx // get out of my stations // btsx1 // btsxe1 // btsx e1 // episode 1 old E1 page Post your demos for Back to Saturn X here. BtSX is a series of vanilla megawads, so you can use doom2.exe, chocolate, prboom-plus with -complevel 2, or Eternity with the -vanilla parameter. The suggested naming convention is b101-123.lmp, where the first number represents the episode (BtSX part), the following two are the map number and the last three are time in seconds. Replace the "-" with a letter to represent categories such as NM (n), fast (f), tyson (t), pacifist (p) or nomo (o). idgames download link: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/btsx_e1 Only post BtSX E1 demos for now, it's the only one finished! Make sure you're recording on version 1.1.4 (2017-08-14)!
  6. DSDA page creating a thread in hopes that one day, an admin will move demos from the misc. thread in here. i was in the mood to make a bunch of sharp, aggressive maxes, but i can only do that with short enough maps and well, there aren't many wads with maps shorter than demonfear. most of the entries were recorded by people at the start of their "careers", so i found it rather easy to improve the times in the dsda table. i didn't record for all the maps, i found i didn't like some of them and the others i thought either had a decent record already or revved would like to improve himself. :) i also added a pack of pacifist runs on maps where kimo killed stuff. i have to say his speedruns are improvable though, as he also recorded his pack before he became a uv-speed juggernaut. quick edit: some of the later maps require dfearfix.wad to play back correctly. it is included in the dsda download. uv-max: map01 in 0:46 map02 in 0:36 map03 in 0:58 map04 in 1:02 map07 in 1:17 map09 in 1:15 map11 in 1:10 map13 in 0:51 map15 in 0:55 map17 in 0:55 map18 in 1:13 map19 in 0:29 map21 in 1:14 map23 in 1:41 map27 in 2:12 map28 in 1:54 uv-pacifist: map01 in 0:07 map02 in 0:13 map03 in 0:22 map05 in 0:18 map06 in 0:15 map07 in 0:23 map09 in 0:10 map11 in 0:23 map13 in 0:22 map14 in 0:23 map17 in 0:08 map21 in 0:31 map24 in 0:13 map27 in 0:35 misc: map04 uv-speed in 0:38 map14 uv-speed TAS in 0:13 (two 20dmg AVjumps) enjoy. :) dfeardew.zip
  7. DSDA page aka prcp http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/?id=16429 woo, final version is up in /idgames, so here we go! as promised, i started with pcorf's map13, because it's a neat little arena. it should be a decent starter demo. map13 uv-max in 3:15 ------ note to andy: memfis' pv01-019, phml's pv13-012 and pv31-103, qaatar's pv12-345 and hock's pv24o102 survived the transition to final release. the other pubtest demos desync. pv13-315.zip
  8. Welcome to the Miscellaneous Demos thread! This thread is the place to post your demos on maps and wads that haven't so far attracted a great deal of attention from the demos community. If your demo fits into a pre-existing thread, then it is better to post it there. Megawads and episodes, for example, usually get their own threads. Note also that this thread is for unassisted (non-TAS) demos. There is also a thread in this forum for Miscellaneous TAS demos. If you're looking for older miscellaneous demos, check out part 1, part 2 or part 3 of this multi-thread.
  9. DSDA page Post your demos for SIGIL here. This is a 9 map limit-removing mEgAwAd that replaces E3, so Crispy, prboom-plus and Eternity (using the "-vanilla" parameter) should be your port menu. The suggested naming convention is sigX-ZZZ.lmp, where X is the map number and ZZZ is the time. Replace the "-" with a letter to represent categories such as NM (n), fast (f), tyson (t), pacifist (p) or nomo (o). Always use SIGIL_COMPAT.wad for demo recording! None of the valid ports will work properly on SIGIL.wad, not even Eternity (it will force-replace the episode value in the demo header to 4). homepage download link: https://www.romerogames.ie/si6il/ idgames download link: pending Always try to use version 1.21, all the maps were updated from the boxed version and version 1.1! The update should be final!
  10. Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Henry's Dream Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes Portishead - Dummy Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven I would give 5 different names on a different day, it's just a vibe of the moment.
  11. DSDA page aka dbimpact // dbimpact.wad dbimpact has great demo potential, the maps are open designed right from start and building routes isn't a trivial task. it's also quite tough for an ep1 replacement. ultimate doom means "-complevel 3" should be used under prboom+. i'm not sure vanilla exe won't bomb out occasionally. i propose d1iX-123 naming convention, that shouldn't clash with anything, symbolizes the name and leaves space for possible sequels. -------------------------------------------------------------------- here's a start, one of the tougher maps to complete (if you don't count maxing the supertroll m8, heh). not extremely optimized, careless mistakes here and there, plus totally caco-owned in chainsaw fights, but there's still quite a lot of effort behind it. :p e1m9 uv max in 12:28 d1i9-1228.zip
  12. dew

    Laz Rojas - an old Doomer in trouble.

    Blood curdling. Infuriating.
  13. This is the real issue for any "meme" category and no amount of voting or filtering will pick the right ones. The only possible solution that comes to my mind puts onus on the archive developers, sorry, heh. Basically, a frame to specify notable categories per wad, not per archive. There are wads where collector is absolutely a legit category with great, unique runs/demos, whereas the vast majority is uninteresting and just busywork. So basically what you want, imo, is specifying wads where the expanded tables make sense, and having the fringe categories rolled into "other" everywhere else. Of course the nuclear option is specifying this per-map, but that seems like a good way to hand out a few heart attacks.
  14. The doll continues to fall through the floor infinitely and doesn't lose its momentum while pressing against the blocker thing. Then it continues forward when the blocker gets crushed. There was actually a report by Revenant about the setup failing, which we figured out was the doll sliding off the blocker, since there was enough space on the side and it triggered the wrong specials prematurely. However we could only confirm this for EE, it didn't happen in vanilla/choco/pr+. Is this the cosine value table imprecision for heading, and should it be applied to the doll? Genuinely asking the programmers! This is the borrowed setup from Linguica and NIH, which allows the mikoveyors to work even for ITYTD. As far as I understand it, the explosion normally blocks off the secondary one, and the doll has enough momentum to continue its infinite fall. However on ITYTD the effect is halved and a secondary explosion is needed for the doll to get pushed far enough (and still only take 1% total dmg). This thing is black magic, I suggest looking up the particular research thread, links should be here.
  15. There is one more step to this setup worth mentioning that took some painful debugging and experimentation. No-damage mikoveyors are inherently very slow, so essel devised a fan-like setup for trigger linedefs to activate as many of them as fast as possible. However that is when the vanilla SPECHIT (special hit) overflow strikes, allowing only 8 special triggers per actor at once. This can be benign (think tons of tiny identical teleport lines for a large telecloset monster), but breaks the map if every action is unique and important. So we devised voodoo doll threading where the conveyors are parallelized, 8 actions per thread/doll. Since the dolls move extremely slow, they sync up reasonably well, though general thread safety is not entirely guaranteed.
  16. Just a bonus to your explanation: Crushing barrels is notoriously unreliable, because they can be reduced to gibs without producing an explosion, so essel created a dedicated dehaced thing that generates explosions.
  17. That's a crash when the attract loop tries to play a stock demo on map11. For now start your game quickly (or just -warp from command line straight away), custom demos will have to be provided.
  18. Definitely use -file and not -merge, no matter what port you're using. Command line params should look something akin to: choco/crispy: chocolate-doom.exe -iwad doom2 -file KDiKDi_A.wad KDiKDi_B.wad -deh kdikdizd.deh -warp 13 -skill 4 eternity: eternity.exe -vanilla -iwad doom2 -file KDiKDi_A.wad KDiKDi_B.wad -warp 13 -skill 4 dsda-doom: dsda-doom.exe -complevel 2 -iwad doom2 -file KDiKDi_A.wad KDiKDi_B.wad -warp 13 -skill 4 I tried the crispy setup loader and couldn't get it to work properly either, heh. Maybe something crispy-related that should be brought up with fabian.
  19. I tested across dsda, chocorenderlimits and vanilla, and I do recall the teeth from dsda. But that's the least of it, other custom monsters are completely sparkly because of the palette issues. You'll know. Basically, dsda complevel 2 is functionally perfect, but visually there will be glitches.
  20. Comparable in size, but not in backtrackinggrandeur! Many hours of gameplay have been cut out from z1m7.
  21. 15 years of delays, then fretting over 15 minutes... congrats to getting rid of this albatross around your neck!
  22. dew

    what is the worst censorship in doom

    Absolutely fantastic point, it's really crazy how fraggle single-mindedly sticks to the tired "why do u even care" argument and says literally nothing else on the matter. Glad you caught him redgreen-handed. Another victory for 🧊🍑 and selective quoting!
  23. dew

    Most delicious maps

    I dare you to taste Icarus map11, cowards!
  24. dew

    Doomworld Rules

    And they said early 00's flash animations will never be relevant again.
  25. dew

    DBP50: Emerald City [idgames]

    I liked this map, joe is finally maturing as a mapper. Can't wait to see where his future contributions to the series!