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Chilly Willy

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  1. Chilly Willy

    Which source ports all plan to implement UDMF?

    I noticed and already changed the code to use doom translation on the line special. I said zdoomt because the string compare only checks that many letters. I suppose we should have an edge namespace, but if you come up with something to make the namespace better, I'll implement it in edge. :) Do editors use the first namespace they come across? If they do, you could add extra namespaces after the first one to specify compatible namespaces. If a port doesn't recognize the first, it could look if there's additional ones it does recognize.
  2. Chilly Willy

    Which source ports all plan to implement UDMF?

    If you use the doom namespace, you have all the doom specials. If you use hexen/zdoom/zdoomt namespace, you get the hexen/zdoom specials... which are not all supported yet. That's one of the things we'll be working on this weekend - getting all the most commonly used specials going. Note that we don't plan of full zdoom specials or properties, just the common ones needed to make it easier on modders.
  3. Chilly Willy

    Which source ports all plan to implement UDMF?

    I'm working on the UDMF support. It's been coming along pretty well. If you use the latest from the repo, you have: Support for uncompressed GL v1/v2/v3 znodes. Sector properties: heightfloor heightceiling xpanningfloor ypanningfloor xpanningceiling ypanningceiling xscalefloor yscalefloor xscaleceiling yscaleceiling rotationfloor rotationceiling gravity texturefloor textureceiling lightlevel lightcolor fadecolor special id desaturation Linedef properties: id v1 v2 special arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 sidefront sideback blocking blockmonsters twosided dontpegtop dontpegbottom secret blocksound dontdraw mapped passuse repeatspecial playeruse impact Sidedef properties: offsetx offsety offsetx_bottom offsety_bottom offsetx_mid offsety_mid offsetx_top offsety_top scalex_bottom scaley_bottom scalex_mid scaley_mid scalex_top scaley_top texturetop texturebottom texturemiddle sector Vertex properties: x y zfloor zceiling Thing properties: id x y height angle type skill1 skill2 skill3 skill4 skill5 ambush single dm coop friend standing strifeally translucent invisible dormant class1 class2 class3 Note that not every property is complete. For example, while sector specials are read, only a few are supported just yet. That should expand rapidly. I've been spending the last few days on the important visual properties - scaling, rotation, light color, fog, desaturation, vertex slopes... those all should be working fine now.
  4. Chilly Willy

    Wolfenstein 3D equivalent of Chocolate Doom

    Wolf4SDL may not be perfect, but it's a good base for a Chocolate Wolf3D. Because it IS done for SDL, it's easy to see what's being done so you can replace the code (if need be).
  5. Chilly Willy

    Wolfenstein 3D equivalent of Chocolate Doom

    Yep. This is about as close as you'll get to Chocolate Wolf3D. It has been ported to a lot of platforms, and was the base for Wolf3D for the PSP, which was in turn the base for Wolf3D for the 32X. :)
  6. Chilly Willy

    Quake 1 for XP: Ideal singleplayer source port

    I'm sorry about the rant earlier. I shouldn't insult people. I'll try to hold me tongue. I'll just say, try ioquake3 yourself before writing it off. Every program goes through versions where something gets broken. Ioquake3 has enough people working on it and using it that such problems get worked out fairly quickly.
  7. Chilly Willy

    Quake 1 for XP: Ideal singleplayer source port

    Pay no attention to leileilol - he's a jackass. There's many threads on what a jackass he is over at the ioquake3 forums. He's always giving them a hard time... because he's a jackass. Ioquake3 doesn't have input problems... he's just being the jackass he is. Here's one of those threads... check out what a complete douchebag leileilol is! http://ioquake.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=47
  8. Chilly Willy

    Quake 1 for XP: Ideal singleplayer source port

    Right... pull the other one. ioquake3 THE best Quake 3 source port around. Fixes many bugs and adds many features. It's used as the base of many free TCs.
  9. Chilly Willy

    Timidity DOESN'T WORK... But Why?

    Thanks. I've been using that set for a while now, particularly with games on the PSP. You don't have a lot of memory to spend on some of the really big patch sets. This one was small, but still sounded good. There is one difference between the minipats on the web and the set I posted: The sawtooth voice has been replaced. The original sawtooth instrument worked fine on a modern PC, but made everything grind to a halt on systems with a CPU rate less than a GHz. I discovered that using the instruments with ROTT on the PSP. I replaced the sawtooth with a different one that did not cause the same problem.
  10. Chilly Willy

    Timidity DOESN'T WORK... But Why?

    Here's the instruments I use with timidity and wildmidi. They're the perfect compromise between size and quality (in my opinion). The only thing you need to do is change the DIR path in the timidity.cfg file. minipats.zip
  11. I've got that same Ult Doom box as in the OP, but it's opened. I've also got the mostly cardboard CD case Final Doom. My Doom 2 is actually the Mac version.
  12. I wouldn't go that far. The source port used for the PSP port of ROTT is pretty nice, and no violations there at all. It uses SDL, so using it in Windows shouldn't be a problem. The BIGGEST problem I can see is it's still just 320x200, and uses SDL to stretch it to the actual screen size.
  13. Chilly Willy

    Best Doom Console Port?

    What I listed is the default controls. An earlier beta of Doom is supposed to run in high detail mode. They supposedly switched to low detail because they though it more important to have a consistently high frame rate. I'm looking through PrBoom+ to see what can be hacked out for consoles that leaves things like BOOM/MBF level compatibility in place while getting rid of what can't be used on said consoles.
  14. Chilly Willy

    Best Doom Console Port?

    A = FAST B = FIRE C = STRAFE X = Prev Weapon Y = Next Weapon Z = Map START = Menu The Jaguar/32X/SNES console ports use low detail mode (pixels are doubled horizontally), and the 32X display is larger than the SNES version. The music is identical to the original AdLIB/SB music. You're just used to modern wavetable synthesis and MP3s. :) But it's still not that good a conversion. Once I'm done experimenting with Wolf3D on the 32X, I'll move on to Doom. Like Wolf3D, it'll run in high detail mode, and allow you to set the display size (default to one click down from max, more than likely).
  15. Chilly Willy

    Best Doom Console Port?

    The PSX version was based off the Jaguar version because of memory constraints. Remember, the PSX only has 2MB of RAM total. There really wasn't enough room for all the textures. Also, pulling textures from a harddrive into 4 to 8 MB of RAM on a 486 is much faster than trying to pull textures from a CDROM into 2 MB of RAM. Also, I'm not sure what you're referring to, but all the 25 MHz 486s I ran Doom on never came close to being as detailed or smooth as the PSX. It was 50 or 66 MHz 486DX4s that ran Doom in high detail fairly smoothly. You put your 486/25 into low detail mode and put up with how slow the frame updates were.