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About newt

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  1. I'LL TAKE TWELVE No seriously, I just might be up for this. I'm wayyyyy rusty (literally have not mapped in almost two years) but I am positive I could find time in two years to make one damn room. :P Also HOLY DAMMIT was 13 years of Doom really 4+ years ago?! WHERE HAS MY LIFE GONE
  2. newt

    United mod!

    What he said. Though it is a very creative abuse (that's an understatement) of DEHACKED. It's like Doom 2 with ADHD. I couldn't get past MAP02. I seem to keep dying at random. Anyone who could actually get through the game in this condition deserves a medal. Also lol, useless BMP.
  3. newt

    NDCP2: Bugfixing thread

    Alright, if that's all that needs to be done then it's taken care of. Yes. It's been a long while, but IIRC someone who playtested it in Legacy suggested this... but if generalized crushers don't work then it pretty much defeats the point I suppose. I was hoping to send the maps over yesterday morning but as it stands I haven't had any internet access at home for the past two days. As soon as Concast stops being obnoxious I will send it ASAP.
  4. newt

    NDCP2: Bugfixing thread

    Bugs? What bugs? :P Before I send it on over, one question: MAP23 also utilizes another generalized trigger for lowering a floor triggered by another imp. Should this be changed as well? I'm thinking perhaps it is just the generalized crusher type that is not supported but I wanted to make sure first. It's been eons since I've done any serious mapping. Super glad that this is getting the overhaul it deserves, at long last!
  5. Ah, you've got me there. And, true enough, HL2 was not terribly revolutionary for its time. Although I wouldn't say it's a completely fair comparison, as HL2 (IMO) made for a much better sequel than Doom 3 did, it's a fair point there. I will agree that HL was much more important, influential and revolutionary at the time it was released, and I'm as it was very new and unique it obviously had more entertainment value in its time than the sequel did. But as far as FPS of this decade are concerned, I still consider HL2 to be one of the best, most balanced, most varied etc etc that have been released since 2001 or so. When you look at the competition, that's not all that impressive, but even if it didn't take a step forward I don't consider it any less fun than its predecessor. And neither your position or mine on this point is factual, because it has no objective basis whatsoever--it completely relies on what either of us considers to be entertaining in reference to a time frame or a genre or what have you. There does need to be perspective in reference to time, I agree, but that becomes problematic. With each new revolution it becomes more difficult to make another; games have been borrowing ideas from each other for decades, at which point I begin to wonder why bothering trying to make a list at all. Nevertheless, you'll certainly be more hard-pressed to find something truly ingenious that has been produced in the past ten years than in the ten years prior, at which point you have to be willing to say that a newer game that wasn't as breathtaking or new was still better than the rest at the time. I do agree that HL2 shouldn't have been so high on the list, or at the least not higher than HL1 (and Doom), I do. But it's just a damn list, after all. Nobody has to agree with it. It is what it is.
  6. What's wrong with saying HL2 is better than HL1? It took the same basic formula, added some more variety, fleshed out the story, expanded the physics and puzzle concepts, and polished it to a sheen with all them fancy graphics and animation to boot. HL was revolutionary for certain--with that I cannot and would not argue--but HL2 was the logical next step. It is tremendously difficult to follow a revolution with another revolution in sequence. So they took what they did with the revolution and improved upon it. The game was still far from perfect, and it lacks the same nostalgia, but just because the first game was a serious revolution does not automatically make it the better of the two--just the more important. It's still a fantastic game to this day, but I like its successors just as much for other reasons. Also, what Mr. Freeze said. No matter how objectively you try to look at this, these are still all positions based on opinion--nothing more.
  7. Whoa, this started an interesting argument. Could (should) have seen that coming. It's some stupid list made by some stupid magazine. Don't read so much into it other than that Doom got some good recognition (whether it was good enough or not), and that a vast majority of the games on the list were worthy at least of being included, whether they deserved the particular spot they "earned." For what it's worth, the way I interpret the list--and most "top" lists for that matter--is based not on how good the placements were, but their historical value and overall influence on the current shape of the industry. Doom was unarguably the archetype that paved the way for the first person shooter genre and 3D design; but even I, who has played Doom more than every other game combined 10 fold over the past 13 years, wouldn't consider it worthy, in terms of its influence, of a #1 spot. Even if half of all the games that come out today are shooters anymore. I consider Zelda and Super Mario Bros. fairly deserving of the top spots, because they set standards that are still greatly followed today. Zelda itself could be considered hugely influential when one considers the elements of action/fighting, adventure, role-playing and story that initiated similar trends that continue today. The game might not have been the most fun or the best, and personally I've never gotten into any of the Zelda franchise, but I think that's fairly monumental. And likewise, Super Mario Bros. set the standards for sidescrolling and platformers--you get the idea. GTAIII could arguably be seen as (one of) the most important trendsetter for sandbox/free-roaming gameplay that has recently become more and more popular, and it too has had a considerable impact on third-person shooters. I'm not sure it deserves a spot above so many other earlier titles, but it's there nonetheless. I would certainly argue that HL and HL2's spots should be switched--but HL2 is certainly tremendous when it comes down to the fact that it put a major spin on how story and character development are weaved into a game and gameplay that several new titles owe influence to, and above all it created a very involved environment in terms of design. HL was certainly more revolutionary, and probably does deserve that higher spot, but alas. Of course, by my argument, this list is far from perfect. But it's just a list. Personally, if any game should get #1 for influence it's probably Pong. But that owes its inception to previous attempts at interactivity, so where do you stop? No list will ever be perfect and they can be interpreted so many damn ways nobody will be entirely satisfied anyway. TL;DR : It's a decent enough list for the games that are included, and if you don't agree with it (I don't entirely at all either) who gives a fuck.
  8. Oh hey, it made it. I feel all special inside. I've really never much cared for game magazines or "top" lists, but I figured it was worth the mention. It doesn't have so much to do with the fact that it's high in the list but that it is in the list at all--as DuckRecon said, it's for the recognition. Who knows, maybe some casual lamecakes who've never heard of it would pick it up and give it a whirl now. ...Nahhh. But wouldn't that be nifty?
  9. Fascinating. I've had Doom dreams on a sporadic basis, and they are often pixel-perfect to the original graphics. Seems to me the level design in dreams is a bit cooler, though. :P If a study like this ever comes around here, I am definitely signing up.
  10. Game Informer Magazine has reached 200 issues, and in commemoration they have compiled a list of the Top 200 Games Of All Time. Doom is ranked in sixth place. Id Software's Wolfenstein 3D threw out the first pitch when it came to popularizing the first-person shooter, but Doom knocked it out of park, giving the genre the kick start it needed to rule the gaming landscape two decades later. Who could forget the first time they chainsawed a demon or pulled the trigger on the BFG9000? More important than the awesome weapons and setting is the inception of Internet-enabled deathmatches; legend has it that Doom co-creator John Romero coined the term. Opening up John Carmack's brilliant engine to the masses started the first widespread modding community, resulting in endless user content distributed over bullentin board systems, and providing training grounds for many of today's top designers. This December 2009 issue is delivered in eight unique cover designs; one of these eight features none other but the Pinky Demon, in all its pixelated glory.
  11. Game Informer Magazine has reached 200 issues, and in commemoration they have compiled a list of the Top 200 Games Of All Time. Doom is ranked in sixth place. This December 2009 issue is delivered in eight unique cover designs; one of these eight features none other but the Pinky Demon, in all its pixelated glory.
  12. newt

    G.I Suck

    I didn't have to go see this movie to know it would suck--I got that plenty fine from the trailers. The saddest thing I have ever heard any person say all year was a high school freshman who said that this was the best movie he had ever seen. Pathetic.
  13. newt

    Young Doomers: Why this game?

    Childhood certainly is the most obvious answer to this. I've been playing Doom for about twelve years, since I was 6 years old give or take. In fact, I played the Mac version of Wolf3D before even that. In terms of shooters, I didn't know anything else for a long time; among the first "modern" shooters I played were Quake II (much later than it was released), TimeSplitters 2 and the PS2 version of Half-Life. Now that I've come to play more and more shooters released throughout the time between Wolf3D up to the present day, I feel I can objectively say that fundamentally, shooters haven't really progressed a lot in the past 17 years. Sure, graphic engines have evolved greatly; sure, the addition of scripted events, cinematics and NPCs, vehicles, and so on have spiced things up. But at the core, most games still have the same basic idea: Linear progression, run and shoot, run and shoot, drive and shoot, run and shoot. And that's okay. Though I feel that the complete and utter simplicity of Doom and Wolfenstein are no longer enough to satisfy my tastes, it is a formula that works. However, in the past three or four years, games have gone more and more from sheer simplicity to bogged down excess. Elements like regenerating health are tacked on to every title because it's the popular thing to do, and games become more cookie-cutter unoriginal and easy. In this sense, one could argue FPS titles have begun to take steps backwards to appeal to more casual audiences (as most games have). And that's why Doom has remained a game that, while lately less frequently, is one I enjoy immensely. The tried and true simplicity of the gameplay has not entirely kept my interest in more recent years, but it is a more than welcome retreat from the most recent titles which look and play more and more the same, each utilizing a formula which simply removes much of what made older shooters so much fun. It's a damn shame.
  14. newt

    Level with a most epic feeling?

    Three words: Phocas Island 2. I can't think of any other Doom mapset I've played that gave me a greater sense of grandiose. Most of Hellcore 2.0 and UTNT is pretty epic. IC2004/IC2005 are as well. And Phobos: Anomaly Reborn. And of course DV/DVII, but those are a given. And I see plenty that have been suggested that I would easily second. I would definitely say Blackrock was incredibly epic as well, if not more so.