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Everything posted by Revved

  1. DSDA page aka phtga // phtga.wad // phouse // "the great arena" Phouse: The Great Arena (phtga.wad) D2ALL UV Max in 32:20 30ph3220.zip
  2. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Crispy Chicken Speedmap Session 02 Episode 1 UV Max in 26:25 ccss02e1-2625.zip
  3. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    CEDE UV Max in 28:15 cedeall-2815.zip
  4. Revved

    Nostalgia 2 Demos [-complevel 2]

    D2ALL UV Max in 1:39:28 Bonus demos: MAP21 UV Max in 2:24 Episode 3 UV Max in 32:43 no2all-9928.zip no221-224.zip no2e3-3243.zip
  5. Revved

    Weird demos

    Failed Nostalgia 2 UV Max D2ALL attempt, on MAP14 at about 35 minutes in. This mancubus is wandering around on a platform, and then it suddenly falls into a pit, in the middle of the floor which is supposedly even all the way through. And this is on complevel 2, where this shouldn't be happening. Going back to the demo using a savegame, I was able to kill it with a chaingun from above, but I still don't know if I can explain it myself. nos2map14what.zip
  6. DSDA page aka dot old NM demo pack thread here Dimensions of Time UV Max Map 19 in 1:50 dt19-150.zip
  7. Revved

    10 Line Genocide demos [-complevel 9]

    This should contain the version I used. The port it was recorded with is DSDA Doom 0.21.3, if it makes any difference.
  8. Revved

    10 Line Genocide demos [-complevel 9]

    That seems to be from before the update, which 4shockblast warned against recording for that map, as well as a few others for those previous versions of their respective mapsets. The version I used is dated June 16, 2024, 8:05 PM, which is from the recent update that was uploaded to idgames a few days ago.
  9. Revved

    Abscission Demos [-complevel 2]

    MAP31 UV Max in 2:37 ab31-237.zip
  10. Revved

    10 Line Genocide demos [-complevel 9]

    Episode 1 UV Max in 17:52 10linee1all-1752.zip
  11. Revved

    10 Line Genocide demos [-complevel 9]

    It seems that an update appeared on idgames a couple days ago. Would this be the final update, or is there another one coming after that?
  12. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Doom: Part 2 - Earth in Hell Episode 3 UV Max in 46:23 eihe3-4628.zip
  13. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    SC-384 UV Max in 24:09 sc384all-2409.zip
  14. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Solar Struggle Episode 2 UV Max in 50:29 sse2-5029.zip
  15. Revved

    100Lines Demos [-complevel 9]

    100 Lines (traditional) Episode 1 UV Max in 13:51 1te1-1351.zip
  16. Revved

    100Lines Demos [-complevel 9]

    100 Lines (traditional) UV Max in 54:34 1tall-5434.zip
  17. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    The Beginning of the End (part 1) Episode 2 UV Max in 46:49 end1e2-4649.zip
  18. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Fastest Shovels presents: 30 years Doomed Episode 2 UV Max in 30:22 30yde2-3022.zip
  19. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    The Beginning of the End Part I (end1.wad) Episode 1 UV Max in 45:54 end1e1-4554.zip
  20. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Forsaken Compound UV Max in 35:34 forcomall-3534.zip
  21. Crate Expectations MAP29 UV Max/Pacifist in 0:16 ce29-016.zip
  22. This demo thread is for the Boom-based wads Plutonia 7, 8, 9, X, Plutonia In Space, Plutonia vs Jason, Plutonia XXX, Plutonia vs BtSX, Plut0nia: 0rigins and Revenge of the Son of Plutonia. However this thread is NOT for Plutonia 1024, that'd be too many sequels. Thank you for your understanding. -mods --------------------------------------------------------------- Plutonia 7: Going to the Hell Map 10 UV Pacifist in 0:01 Map 20 UV Speed/Pacifist in 2:35 p710-001.zip p720-235.zip
  23. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Alphabet Doom UV Max in 1:46:49 alpall-14649.zip
  24. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Thrice Doomed Episode 3 UV Max in 21:41 trie3-2141.zip
  25. Revved

    Miscellaneous demos (part 5)

    Thrice Doomed Episode 2 UV Max in 19:59 trie2-1959.zip