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Everything posted by termrork

  1. termrork

    1000 Line Community Project - Released

    when I read the topic I thought it is about coding doom as authentic as possible only using 1000 lines of code. I must say I am little bit disappointed it is not meant like that ;)
  2. this is awesome linguica! will let you know what I create with this awesome technique!
  3. termrork

    Half-Life 1 or Doom 1?

    why? look at this HL doom mod, imo it feels a lot like HL:
  4. termrork

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    very atmospheric! what port did you use (because of the resolution)?
  5. termrork

    Eureka 1.24 Released

    DB works fine with wine, but not the others afaik. once ran DB2 with wine but 3D mode was a mess. I used to use slade3, but due to some bugs I will use eureka now. I've send the slade3 guys bug reports and they do fix them which is nice. nevertheless, one specific bug slade still has eureka does not so I will use eureka for now.
  6. termrork

    Eureka 1.24 Released

    oh wow there is a NIX package of this, awesome! tried it, very solid editor, impressive word!
  7. termrork

    Doom 2 rendered with a Raycaster

    @Dark Pulse oh I see but from the very same link it states: "Raycasting is not the same as raytracing! Raycasting is a fast semi-3D technique that works in realtime even on 4MHz graphical calculators, while raytracing is a realistic rendering technique that supports reflections and shadows in true 3D scenes, and only recently computers became fast enough to do it in realtime for reasonably high resolutions and complex scenes." @Daryn glad you like it :). @gzdoom with raycasting would for sure look nice (i.e. comparable to the shots I've posted), but I do not know how one wants to implement sprites in a way it looks good.
  8. Some sample shots can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/7YJvbkD Why: The motivation behind this was to create a stereographic projection of maps with realistic light so I can use them for doomiablo, a Doom Diablo crossover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqWWeb5nitc How: Extracting the data out of the doom maps and rearranging it such that the raycaster POV-ray can use it to render the map with light sources. Do you like it?
  9. termrork

    Doom 2 rendered with a Raycaster

    thank you! the rendering time is a few seconds, one has to prepare the map though. I.e. the map I took for the projection does not have a ceiling. Never really liked projections of indoor maps because you have to handle the "back side" of walls which do not have a back side. one can take them away or make them translucent a little bit, but both are not solutions I really like. umm, not sure what you mean, like a live raytracer game?
  10. termrork

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    thank you! not sure what you mean. why the lower part is way brighter than the upper part? the reason is because there is only light in the "tunnel" one is looking at. there is no direct light source in the main room and therefore this shadow pattern.
  11. termrork

    Post Your Doom Picture (Part 2)

    doom 2 rendered with a raycaster, moar here:
  12. termrork

    What is the most interesting way you died in Doom?

    thank you, that looks interesting, did not know that effect. nevertheless the exit room is very small and therefore I doubt I triggered this effect. probably a monster in a different region of the map.
  13. termrork

    What is the most interesting way you died in Doom?

    sadly no, I cheated in doom2.exe to get there quickly and I was never able to reproduce it...
  14. termrork

    What is the most interesting way you died in Doom?

    just at the end of map32 avj.wad I encountered I was able to run through walls just before doom2.exe crashed... since this would have been my first exit of the map without saving I was quite outrageous and never played the map with doom2.exe anymore. so strictly speaking it was not a death of the doom marine, but of the software ;)
  15. If you have to take 1 screenshot of the part of a map you are most proud of, what would it be? mine would be of course out of avj map32:
  16. termrork

    The screenshot you are most proud of

    damn a lot of these screenshots are eye candy! please if the shot is taken of a released wad write the name so everybody can play it.
  17. termrork

    Do you still have your very first map?

    my first map was an attempt to recreate Resident evil 1 in doom. it was horrible due to the lack of experience. maybe I will give it a shot again sometime. I do not have it anymore, but I am not sad about it :D
  18. termrork

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    damn, these SG and BFG shots and ammo management are top-notch! now I can repeat my comment to your map30 run which was unintended wrong there: "you know a time is crazy if it even beats all TAS runs! hats off!" also sent the demo to my partner of the coop run, he was very impressed (and a little bit pissed :D).
  19. termrork

    30nm1244 (TAS)

    well I have to admit that I am way more interested in iwad (speedruns) compared to pwads and therefore I usually look in the specific threads and only sometimes at the speedrunning subforum in general. actually looper told me in a youtube comment today that you made this run because I thought his new 29s map30 run is the fastest around currently. he must have thought that I try to fool him since your run completely went over me xD. guess you are right with UV being faster, but with sub 10? with the last time you looked at it you mean that you made an unfinished uv TAS run which was below 11 mins? if so, why dont you upload it? if it is because what you wrote in the txt that it is not polished enough, I would not mind not inch perfect movement at all. I see, never used XDRE before, sounds like a good piece of software. the one I used back then only was able to do lmp to txt and txt to lmp. map24: surprisingly I always thought that the pinkies lower that platform because they get stuck when it wants to raise. thank you for all your clarifications and good luck with your projects in the future! Just skipped through your collection of super fast runs, just a small list of what you might want to do if you ever go out of ideas: doom2: - coop run non-tas (what could be as epic as a ZM-looper or ZM-elim coop run?, probably not possible due to ping). i.e. the NM coop run is very old - first ever pacifist or tyson D2ALL TAS - Max TAS & non-TAS, cyberdemon531 might be happy about some competition - NoMo doom: - coop TAS run with void glides
  20. termrork

    30nm1244 (TAS)

    just saw this thread, congratulations ZM! finally someone pulled off the map30 trick! so happy to see it. I am really glad I was able to contribute to any doom2 run :). I wonder if a UV run would have been faster or not. of course in non-tas NM is always slower also because of the difficulty, but what about TAS? is there anything you can do faster or slower compared to a UV run? (in other words, would a almost perfect UV run or a almost perfect NM run faster in doom2 D2all)? I can only come up with map03 monster run. are there any other monster runs which are only possible in UV (except of a potential map29 cacorun :)) holy moly how difficult is it to get to the correct RNG table position again after you changed it? always thought editing an existing TAS run is almost impossible since it would be a pain or would take too much time to get to the correct position back. is there a tool which allows you to know the exact position? when I did some RNG manipulation in map30 back then I edited chocolate doom such that it prints out the position. what you wrote with bad TAS made this actually very enjoyable to watch for me. I like smooth turns way more compared to the inch perfect ones in as you call it "good" tas. what surprised me most: - megasphere grab in map11 - RJ in 17 nice! you did not even mention it in the txt. is it an old trick? - 18 almost missed that soulsphere grab! - 23 glide - 24 wow, how is this possible? the lost soul does what? - 26 it seems you can get both cell packs at the end... - 27 end, wow! - 29 end of course
  21. termrork

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    and if I am not entirely mistaken looper was the first who showed this strat about 5 years ago. nevertheless, I meant a new TAS strat which has not been done yet since the current route is optimal I guess.
  22. termrork

    DOOM II demos [-complevel 2]

    holy cow. congratulations for beating this almost 20 year old record! It will highly depend on whether any TAS strategy which might be faster will ever be pulled off in nontas. I highly doubt it. but who knows? maybe someone will beat this in 2038!
  23. termrork

    The greatest video game of this decade so far

    the games of the decades I played most: 90: doom 2 (out of 50 good games) 00: diablo 2 (out of 20 good games) 10: Quake champions (out of 4 good games)
  24. Most games do, why not doom? (i.e. I would count glides as glitches)
  25. termrork

    Why is there no glitchless category?

    @kraflab & @Looper thank you for your feedback to over 100%, I am glad you enjoyed it! I brought it up in this thread because that recording sth your own and discussing it afterwards might not be the best order. that is why I wanted it to do the other way around this time. @all let me summarize how I see the topic. the most important question about the topic is as I pointed out earlier imo whether skipping certain parts of levels due to glitches as we see it today is too much such that the fun suffers too much. the technical implementation is of secondary importance unless nobody comes up with a nogo theorem which was not the case (this is what I ment with details). from what I have seen in this thread the current speedrun community answers the first question with a clear no. that is fine, so there is no reason to think about an implementation since there is no necessity.