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  1. Yeah thanks, but NOW an annoying message tells me to switch "screenblocks" to 11 and it'll go away! Grrrr...as far as I know screenblocks are the size of the screen, and it only goes up to 9 or 10, at least on my machine.
  2. Thanks a bunch, I will look at those. I also want to make it so when you kill a monster it spawns gibs that fly off in all directions (think Rise of the Triad's "ludicrous gibs") and I'm sure that's possible. But on the subject of CIF3, here is a screenshot of what's going on...the colors are bad and I can't get past this cutscene... Just look at what happened to the Doomguy's face! It's much, MUCH worse when you use The Ultimate DOOM (DOOM.WAD) as the IWAD...ALL the colors are screwed-up.
  3. This looks quite epic...but when I play it the colors are all messed up and weird-looking. In case it means something I'm using ZDoom 2.4.0 but I'm not sure that should be a problem. Also, on the first cutscene the text where you're talking to "some guy" is possibly half-invisible (as if it's cut off somewhat) and I find that no button or key at all will make it progress, despite there being a "more" arrow at the bottom of the text box.
  4. Wow, I feel stupid. Sorry about that. Well anyways, I've beaten the Harbringer and look forward to playing more multi-sprite DOOM mods. I just wish Chibi Rebellion worked. Perhaps the same MAP02 trick will work? I can tell that making enemies out of multiple sprites, let alone anything worthwhile, is gonna take a helluva lot of practice with DECORATE and the like. Do any of you guys know of some good tutorials for DECORATE, lumps and all that ACS jazz? I'd really appreciate it ^_^
  5. Thanks a bunch for that. I see the Harbringer and wow, he's tough! The only problem is, his sprites also appear to be "blitted" over the top half of the screen, as if they're just floating there...however, he still functions just fine, even if he is nigh-impossible to beat. I just wonder what's up with those weird sprite glitches...here, look:
  6. How do I warp? Also, I've beaten level 01 (MAP01?) and gotten manually to map02. Seems just like on the normal DOOM game *sigh* Only did so on DOOM.WAD not on DOOM2.WAD, but I presume the results are the same, and that this "warping" you speak of is the proper way to get there.
  7. FFFFFFFUUUUUUU- Same problem
  8. Gee, I did so but it's just showing me the normal level, and all I'm getting is just DOOM 1. A little help? EDIT: I tried downloading Chibi Rebellion, but I gt a bnch of small WADs instead of one big one, and they all just take me to DOOM 1. Help!
  9. Hmm...interesting But please explain more, I'm sort of confused
  10. Okay thanks. Not quite sure what ACS is but I think I'll hold off until I get more experienced.
  11. Hi, I've been curious about this for ages now. I am wondering if it is possible to create a monster or enemy that uses more than one sprite synced together so it moves fluidly. I understand much programming would be involved, and perhaps the "monster" might actually have to be several monsters synced to move in unison. Multi-sprite bosses were very common in the days of SNES and Sega Genesis, as shown rather stunningly here, in the game Gunstar Heroes.
  12. Dash

    Best way to reduce PWAD filesize?

    Not usable or useful? I use XWE, and as far as I know that's pretty useful. But thanks for the advice. Also, since it's used so often is there any commonly-used techniques for cleaning the PWAD in XWE?
  13. Hey there, I've noticed that my patch wads I create retain the large filesize of the actual DOOM2 IWAD, if not become even more bloated (with some things I've been up to 20 megabytes, which is HUGE for a game like DOOM.) This even still seems to happen when I delete all the DOOM2 components I will not be modding. Okay, well the filesize is sometimes smaller than the original IWAD but STILL, considering how little data is in it, something seems very wrong. Or I could just be remembering wrong. So tell me, is there any good way to optimize PWADs?
  14. I use ZDOOM for all my wads, but WHACKED seems to work fine with ZDOOM. Also, what if you're creating a totally new monster, and want it to have 8 full directions? Oh wait, that's what you were saying, right?
  15. I am wondering if you can change the speed of the sprite animations (DOOM's default is painfully slow for the mod I'm making.) From what I can recall I thought the DOOM 3 weapons mod has sped up the frames of the weapons. Also, when creating a new monster, can you use more frames than the original monsters to give smoother movement? I really hope you can. regards, -Dash