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About blackthorn

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  1. blackthorn

    dsda-doom v0.28.0 [2024-08-10]

    Agree with this. I'm not a speedrunner either but DSDA is just the perfect port. Having a PrBoom-like port with Heretic and Hexen support is a dream come true. Thanks for the new version!
  2. blackthorn

    Classic Doom - New Update on Steam

    This new port is a marked improvement over the old Unity ones. The id Vault sections are amazing, but it's a real shame that any attempt at being a "definitive" version of classic Doom is always going to be overshadowed by the inclusion of censored IWADs. On a more positive note let's hope this means a sorely-needed Nightdive port of Heretic/Hexen might be on the way some time soon.
  3. blackthorn

    dsda-doom v0.27.5 [2023-12-03]

    I use a widescreen status bar in a WAD I put together myself with Hexen in DSDA and it’s still working as of the latest version. It doesn’t extend the full length of the screen but has additional wing graphics on the gargoyles at the ends that extend out beyond the traditional 4:3 format. Is this what you’re looking for or is it a different issue?
  4. blackthorn

    dsda-doom v0.26.2 UDMF [2023-06-04]

    Late to the party on this one as I hadn't realised there was a new thread, but thank you SO much for making those fixes to Hexen (animated mid textures, music). This means DSDA will now be my go-to port for everything!
  5. DSDA-Doom for me as it achieves the dream scenario of a Boom-based port which also includes Heretic and Hexen support.
  6. blackthorn

    Where should I buy Doom 64?

    If you’re wanting to play on PC, definitely GOG. DRM-free and allows you to download standalone installers that can be backed up. I try to buy from GOG exclusively these days if at all possible.
  7. As many have already said I think it’s a matter of perspective. With thousands of hours of play and countless custom WADs under our belts in 2023, all of the original boss levels seem a bit underwhelming. Back in the mid-‘90s as a keyboard-only kid though, they were all pretty memorable and awe-inspiring at the time. These days the Icon of Sin is just an overly-simplistic face on a wall, but my younger self thought it was the coolest thing ever.
  8. blackthorn

    What WAD are you playing now?

    I just recently finished up AUGER;ZENITH and Anomaly Report, and am now half-way through my first (and long overdue) playthrough of Eviternity. In the closing stages of MAP32 currently, which has been quite the ordeal (great map though)!
  9. blackthorn

    dsda-doom v0.25.6 [2023-01-15]

    I've just discovered a bug with Heretic support - when using the v1.0 WAD (i.e. the three-episode version), only episodes 1 and 2 appear on the selection menu (although e3 can be warped to). Not sure if this also affects the v1.2 WAD as I don't have it, and this probably won't be an issue for most as I expect everyone is using the Shadow of the Serpent Riders (v1.3) version, but just thought I'd mention it for compatibility's sake.
  10. The bloody homing Revenant missiles. No matter how many thousands of hours I’ve put into these games over the years nothing makes me panic more than a group of Revenants pouring out of a recently opened door with no cover in sight. Also a Pain Elemental blasting a Lost Soul straight at me the second I fire a rocket.
  11. blackthorn

    dsda-doom v0.25.6 [2023-01-15]

    Sure, sorry, my comment probably wasn't that helpful. To be honest at the moment these are the main two things I've noticed - as they were fairly noticeable early on in the game I assumed they'd probably be known already and as there was likely some way to go with the implementation and haven't attempted to play through the entire game. I appreciate though that Hexen isn't that popular and as such many people aren't familiar with or or just aren't that bothered. The fact you've even supported it at all is fantastic for those of us who enjoy the game! I will look to carry out some more thorough testing to see if I can find anything else obviously wrong with Hexen's current state. In the mean time though, to clarify on the points already mentioned: - As with Doom and Heretic, there is supposed to be music playing on the title screen/main menu. Currently this doesn't work, although music playback within the game is completely fine. I tried both vanilla Hexen and with the Deathkings expansion pack and neither works. I did notice the following error in the command window that runs in the background, maybe this explains it? - Certain textures (I don't know what the correct term of these kind of objects is in Hexen) which should be animated currently don't work properly. For example these portals that appear frequently throughout the game just display one static frame: - Similarly, at the start of each hub Korax appears in fire and says something to the player. Currently only parts of this animate properly (when the face appears and dissappears). The flames in the background are supposed to move constantly but currently stay static outside of the two working parts of the animation. I hope that helps. As I say I will continue playing and see if I spot anything else.
  12. blackthorn

    dsda-doom v0.25.6 [2023-01-15]

    Really glad to see a new release of DSDA-Doom - I bloody love this port! I know Hexen implementation is a way from being complete, but there are a few very obvious issues at the moment (no title screen music, hub start Korax faces not animating for example) and I’m wondering if there’s a rough timeline for getting Hexen into a fully functional state? Once that’s happened I doubt I’ll have much use for any other ports.
  13. blackthorn

    International Doom/Heretic/Hexen 8.0 (updated October 6, 2024)

    Great stuff! Really glad to have the OpenGL renderer available in Heretic now. I love these ports but for some reason I get weird periodic frame-dropping issues with the D3D renderer that I haven't been able to eliminate no matter what I try (vsync on or off, various levels of framerate capping). No such issues with the OpenGL one though. I know I asked this last release, but will International Hexen get an update soon with the OpenGL renderer in place?
  14. blackthorn

    International Doom/Heretic/Hexen 8.0 (updated October 6, 2024)

    Great stuff! Can we expect the OpenGL renderer to be added to International Heretic and Hexen at some point?
  15. This looks fantastic! I love a vanilla-compatible megwad - will definitely be checking this out tonight.