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   (1 review)
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This wad turns your fist into a wimpy fork. This is pretty neat, but its kind of cartoonish.

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Rofl, "kind of cartoonish" is a BIG understatement.

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  • File Reviews

    • By Costa de Vale · Posted
      If I could give it six stars I would.
    • By GodofthisWorld · Posted
      if i could give it zero stars i would
    • By QuaketallicA · Posted
      Totally awesome western TC. The graphics transport you into the setting, yet they remain delightfully 90s. It's fantastic how effective the mod authors could be in achieving their vision, without any of the fancy more modern modding tools. There's a lot of custom textures and mid-textures, custom sprites and sound effects for weapons and monsters, and custom HUD showcasing DoomGuy as the Man With No Name (fitting, they're both anonymous). First map is the spitting image of a western town, and the bank building reminded me of the final duel scene in Fistful of Dollars. The second map is more a Mexican village. Impressive visuals.   You might be surprised too, but these maps are pretty hard. That's what you can expect when there's no projectile-based monsters and all shotguns, pistols, and chainguns. There's plenty of banditos taking shelter inside buildings with windows, waiting to ambush you. You may not see them till you're dead. I played on Ultra-Violence with no-saves (except at beginning of second level), and I died many times. It's fun though to find out where the beserk packs, secret area, TNT (rockets) and Super Shotgun are. Which route in this village is the best to take to not die. Should I save the beserk for now or later? There's not a lot of health in the map, apart from bonuses, which are drinks.   There's also special sector-based sounds, like the church bells tolling for the fallen, and the honky tonk inside the saloon.   5/5 One of the most famous 90s mapsets for a reason, it really holds up very well.    
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      The greatest map of all time.
    • By MeriMemesX · Posted
      TOO MANY LOST SOULS   Other than that the map is fine, I liked all the mapping and the secrets I was able to find.