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About Memfis

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  1. rip memfis ):


    he was one of the best posters on here...

  2. What happened to you, man?

    1. Catpho


      He was banned a while back. He's still alive and well if you are asking.

    2. Eugene Krabs

      Eugene Krabs

      Why'd he get banned?

    3. Catpho


      He cheated in a speedrunning contest that invovled money.

  3. last online 1 year ago :(

  4. come baaack ):

    1. Avoozl


      Didn't know he was gone.

    2. El Juancho

      El Juancho

      I hope he is fine

  5. Hey there.
    I just played through your mapset Kuchitsu and had fun.

    Thanks for making it! 🙂

  6. tumblr_pip2r3xjDt1qzeui2o1_1280.jpg


    I brought you a serval.

  7. Memfis

    420 blaze it [weed][marihuana][thc][legalized it]

    Oh, I know a Canadian who has been smoking for years, but now I realize that it was only possible due to his epilepsy (so, medical use) I guess. In any case, congratulations! Also I didn't know you still play ZDaemon. :)
  8. No, I can't describe details of game inputs, so your conclusion should stand. For possible future challenges I suggest using ports with more verifiable formats to avoid such situations.
  9. I will say that as most products of considerably long speedrunning sessions, that demo looks a little miraculous, with many things magically falling into place. Yes, the timing couldn't have been luckier. I cannot comment on the XDRE output as I don't understand the Doom demo format, but DSDA hosts almost 500 demos recorded by me for anyone to make a judgement on whether these patterns belong to my playing style. After seeing your post I managed to record this (attached) 0:37 *.lmp with 97% in ZDoom 2.8.1 relatively quickly. It flows very similarly to the demo I posted before. I might attempt a better run in ZDoom with less hiccups, but I understand it won't be conclusive or anything, especially due to the engine differences. I don't know what can be done here. That's really the problem with the contest's format, as highlighted in that post rdwpa quoted above. 18memfis-zdoom-37-97.zip
  10. My response... Again, trying to be bold in the blue room of doom in order to make random infightings a wee bit less important. Can I eat and sleep now????? 18-memfis36.zip