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MIDNIGHT - 7 maps in the gloom (+new vanilla version)

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Just finished this set in one sitting, really good stuff! The combat was fun and fast, and I really like your layouts and visuals, particularly the lighting. Also you really took the graveyard concept and brought it to the next level. 

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Awesome awesome maps! Really good aesthetic and combat encounters! Felt very unique to other sorts of maps I’ve played. Secrets are clever and your forced to work out the section and where it might take you. 

I like the changing of styles between maps as well. The use of textures here is really smart and all of them work together to make the visual experience that much  more excellent. Really good stuff! 

Even made me want to make my own map in a similar style.


I can now say with confidence that I am a fan of your maps! 

I made walkthroughs of all maps and will be posting them over the next week so feel free to check em out if you want! I’ll post the playlist link here when it’s ready!


EDIT: Here is the link to the playlist: 


keep up the good work! I wanna play more!





Edited by dmh094

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Oh man, I had a really good time with this. I foresee many a tablefill in my future. The maps played really well. I really enjoyed the texturing actually. Brown is underrated and I think it worked well with the night theme. I loved Map04 Untended Graves. The midi choices were very apt I think. I found the start of 06 Mean Streets, to be quite harrowing, in an "oh shit oh shit run run" kind of way. That map doesn't slow down really either. Very exciting. Can't find much to complain about outside of wanting more. 


I am always a fan of your short and punchy maps. The Glaive series is a personal favorite of mine and I think this set is going to join them. Keep up the great work!

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I've meaning to get into vanilla mapping, so I figured as a bit of practice I would try converting this set to be fully vanilla/chocolate compatible. 

This isn't replacing the original version, I'm just putting this here as a curio or for anyone who prefers playing in chocolate doom.




It was an interesting exercise. Most maps only required a few nips and tucks, and I think sometimes having less detail looks less 'busy' and possibly better. I tried to avoid just putting up big blocking walls but sometimes it couldn't be avoided. Map 4 needed considerable renovations because of its more open plan - the opening view alone had 1325 segs and 165 visplanes, which was slashed down to 237 and 65. I was able to keep almost all the fights the same, though much of the gradient lighting was sacrificed. In spite of that, I think most of the atmosphere carries through. 

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That vanilla version was fun! I didn't leave a particularly long comment the first time but I really enjoyed this set and it's one of the more memorable things I've played this year. I tried out most of the Glaive series too (congrats on the runner-up Cacoward!) and I liked them but the gloominess and soundtrack of Midnight made it my favourite. So this was a nice opportunity to go back to play it again. MAP04 felt fairly different by necessity but otherwise the vanilla-fied versions played like how I remembered the originals, and losing the smooth lighting isn't as important for people who actually play this in vanilla/chocolate anyhow.


MAP04 did have some pain elementals who *couldn't shoot anything because of too many lost souls on the map, I guess that was a problem in the original release too.


Nice work, and like many, I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us next!

Edited by plums

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