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About myolden

  • Rank
    Sadistic Penguin Mapper #2

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  1. myolden

    what are you working on? I wanna see your wads.

    I made a trailer for Nostalgia Zero for the Mapping Off stream, and now that it's been shown I can release it publicly. Coming this year! Probably!
  2. Looking forward to seeing that Punk @BluePineapple72 finally get put in his place! Avenge me, @Obsidian!
  3. Simulacrum is now archived on idgames. Thanks for playing!
  4. I've consulted the various wizards I keep in my basement and they've told me that GZDoom has an option called "Disable MBF21 features" which is ON by default. I'm not even sure why this is an option, much less why it's toggled the way it is by default. The wizards have told me if you turn if off the map will work correctly.
  5. There's a lump in the WAD that should force the complevel to MBF21 in ports like GZ, but apparently that didn't work in this case. I'll look into it and see if I can't figure out why.
  6. The mapset is MBF21 format. By default MBF21 does not allow monsters to telefrag one another in map 30. This is one of a handful of things that will break if you play in a Boom port that doesn't support MBF21, or set your complevel to Boom in something like GZDoom.
  7. Another quick bump to announce the release of RC3. Just some more minor fixes and balancing tweaks. The next version after this will likely be the idgames version, in case you folks who like to wait for that are wondering.
  8. My hard drive is littered with scraps and abandoned ideas. Some maps just don't work and collect dust, never to be finished. Others are fully complete but the project itself just doesn't come together so the map gets orphaned and sometimes reused in other projects. Two of my Pina Colada maps - 5 and 17 - were both originally part of a small solo project that I abandoned, but they found a nice home after a little bit of reworking. I ditched this idea because the core concept was really undercooked, and the maps sat on my drive for quite a while before finding a home. A handful of Simulacrum maps were scavenged in a similar way. Map 3 was originally developed for Altars of Madness, but got left on the cutting room floor about halfway into it's development. It had good bones but I wasn't sure what to do with it. During Simulacrum's development I fished it out and completed it. Maps 8, 19, 21, and 23 were all going to be in Altars of Madness 2. I had actually finished map 8 and the others were in various stages of completion when I first approached Muumi and asked if he wanted to collaborate on something. The idea to scrap AoM2 in favor of Simulacrum happened at some point pretty early in development. Maps 18 and 32 were also meant to be part of a 5 map set I wanted to put together. I won't spoil that one because it's an idea I'd like to revisit at some point. Map 11 (by muumi) was going to be in a solo project that he abandoned, but I don't know the details of that one. The secret map in Waffle House was originally part of a Swift Death inspired set that I abandoned. Only 2 maps were ever completed for this idea, and the other one has already been recycled into another collaborative map set that's being worked on right now. I can't say too much about this one but hopefully it'll be out this year. There are no cutting room scraps for Nostalgia, Nostalgia 2, or Obzen. I didn't scrap any maps, and any areas or parts that weren't working were pruned before even being finished. Honestly I barely remember making Obzen. It was made in like 4 months. Aside from that there are bits and pieces laying around that never went anywhere for various reasons. The rest I'll keep to myself, as I have a lingering sense that I'll revisit them someday and I wouldn't want to spoil any surprises.
  9. Hey folks, just a quick bump to announce that we've updated the wad to RC2. Just some small fixes and balancing tweaks. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments, we are glad you're enjoying the set!
  10. Everything in this post is 100% true.
  11. >>>>>>>>idgames download<<<<<<<< Simulacrum is a set of 32 maps in MBF21 format by @muumi and @myolden. This set starts modestly but steadily climbs into challenge and slaughter territory in the later maps. Difficulties and Coop are implemented. Target source port is DSDA-Doom, your mileage may vary in other ports. No jumping/crouching. Map Order MIDIs Screenshots Credits Bonus Content:
  12. myolden

    Liminal Doom 2 - idgames release

    Played the first couple of maps and I'm already really impressed. Great stuff!
  13. I've updated the link in the OP to point to the idgames download. A few fixes in this version. Thanks everyone!