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practice doom WAD

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Hello, you must be new here. Would you please provide some screenshots and details about your map, such as, what source port should this run on, or what IWAD (Doom or Doom II), etc. That way players will know what they're in for when playing the map.

For the map itself, it was okay. The fight at the end was tough in my opinion.

Edited by BonJoviStatue

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Oh, sorry, I can't provide screenshots but it runs on doom 2 and gz, I have no idea what source port it would run on, I apologize I'm extremely new to this

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Not too shabby. Aside from a few odd choices that can be chalked up to typical newbie stuff you'll iron out over time, this map is okay for what it is. I liked the blunt, but surprising nonetheless closet trap when the player grabs the blue key. Keep practicing!



Edited by Biodegradable

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not a bad map, found a missing texture in the wood room and the exit was a bit weird.

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It's good for a basic map.


Maybe cut back on the enemies? In small spaces it gets kind of intense!
Keep up the good work! :D

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Great first start to mapping. I enjoyed it! Many monsters in small spaces can get a bit claustrophobic at times, however. Make sure you can take advantage of the player's speed and maneuverability in high-intensity situations.

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