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Keep dynamic lights immovable


(UDB / Doom2 / UDMF / GZDoom)


I've got some dynamic lights in my map and whenever the floor gets lowered, the dynamic lights close to the ceiling also get lowered. I don't want this to happen. I want them to stay where I've put them.  I've tried changing their gravity to 0 or to -1 but this has no effect. Is there a way I can make them immovable? Thanks in advance.

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5 answers to this question

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Thanks to everyone for the helpful replies!

@DeetOpianSky Thanks for the test wad but changing the light brightness in my wad is not an option in this case.

@Caffeine I tried both Absolute height and Relative height but the results were the same, unfortunately. The dynamic light sprite still goes down as the floor is also decreased.


Well the good news is that, although in UDB the dynamic light sprite will go down when the floor is decreased, it seems to stay put in-game! I've only just noticed it today. It makes no sense but in-game the light is definitely still near the ceiling, even after the floor has gone down 300mp. So that's not so bad. Just wished I'd noticed it before posting this thread...oh well. Thanks again everyone.

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44 minutes ago, DeetOpianSky said:

Gravity is a Fixed Point variable, so it has to have a decimal value.

Try 0.0 

Both 0 and 0.0 are identical values, given 0 * 65536, or frankly 0 multiplied by anything, is still 0.

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1 hour ago, Edward850 said:

Both 0 and 0.0 are identical values, given 0 * 65536, or frankly 0 multiplied by anything, is still 0.


Agreed, I was concerned with the way the engine interprets the value. I'd had situations where a Fixed Point was required and I was trying to use non decimal values.


I ran a test and both work identically, the value is even converted from "0.0" to "0" by UDB in the example given.

If you can still see the light after the platform moves after setting the gravity to 0, you may want to adjust the intensity of the light.

In my test the lights are still at the ceiling but if the intensity is higher than the difference in distance to the ground, the light will still shine through.

*The lights in front of the player start are low intensity and placed close enough to the edge to appear outside the sector.
*The lights behind the player start are higher intensity and can be seen to shine both at the ceiling and onto the floor.


Edited by DeetOpianSky : Corrected text.

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I'm not sure about gravity, but what about making the Z height absolute instead of relative? There's a checkbox in the Thing editor window to toggle this.

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