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About DeetOpianSky

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  1. A series of videos dropped on Necro Insomniac's YouTube today showing gameplay in GZDOOM? with the Blood Dead Redemption mod. I've uploaded an updated version of Hollowmind to my drive.
  2. Update uploaded to drive for Hollowmind. I haven't heard back from the band yet and have emailed idmaint to see if maybe permission was given without me receiving the notification. I have asked a composer to create a new track in the case I'm not able to use it or to possibly use it prior to the final encounter with a music changer. If we get to a point we're 3 days away from final submission let me know and I'll pick something else if neither of the above options have come to fruition.
  3. DeetOpianSky

    What are you listening to?

    Waiting to hear back from the band for permission to use this in a map for Paint It DOOM.
  4. DeetOpianSky

    I need textures

  5. DeetOpianSky

    What are you listening to?

  6. Ketx started a Youtube series of a playthrough using Project Brutality 3.0 a bit go. Pretty wild.
  7. DeetOpianSky

    Very weird and seriously game-breaking script problem

    What exactly is calling script 4017 to run? From my experience a (void) script doesn't run automatically or loop. It waits to be called by an execute function, runs just once and ends. (depending on the content of the script itself). It looks like this would be solved by one of the following: A While loop that waits on the boolean to change; Changing the script to an OPEN script which runs when your map loads, then adding an Else in your current script so that IF the variable is 0 it delays and resarts, otherwise it runs the desired functions.
  8. Update uploaded to drive addressing the issues above along with a few more tweaks. On another note: I still haven't heard back from The Neskimos (the band that made the music featured in Hollowmind). Took a week the first time I messaged them so I would like to give it a few more days and hope to hear back soon.
  9. DeetOpianSky

    DBP66: Lunar Strain

    Some minor issues on map 19 (possible sky-tear?) and map 20 (missing texture/HOM) Saw these while watching @TheShep 's playthrough on stream. Map 19 was blink and you can miss it, forget exactly where and forgot to grab timestamp. Map starts at 53:53 Map 20 HOM can be seen just after 1:23:40
  10. If running DOOM2 from Steam you launch directly into DOOM2, you've set the Launch Option to always pick DOOM2. Go to DOOM2 in your Steam Library, click the Settings icon / General / Launch Options and change it to Always Ask so you can choose on clicking the Play button. **Re-read this and realized you were primarily looking for the local files to run in GZDOOM. cheers.
  11. DeetOpianSky

    Reject table editing

    While I know extremely little about this, you can change the node builder options in UDB to generate a reject table that is all 0s which I believe can be edited manually. At one point (possibly still?) ZenNode allowed RMB options to be used spoken of in this article. I am pretty sure the above is somewhat deprecated. I have heard of the ZokumBSP nodebuilder, which may offer some of the options you're looking for.
  12. DeetOpianSky

    [ACS] Assigning values to an array

    #include "zcommon.acs" int table[0x100]; script 1 ENTER { table[50] = 50; Print(i:table[50]); } script 2 (void) { for (int i = 0; i < 255 ; i++) { table[i] = Random(1,100); Delay(1); }} script 3 (void) { Print(i:table[40]); } I assigned 2 switches that activate Script 2 and 3 and this appears to be working.
  13. DeetOpianSky

    [ACS] Assigning values to an array

    The number in square brackets is how many entries are in your array. Your array as written will have 0 entries. You have to declare what the possible/starting entries will be by adding an = and putting the possible entries in curly brackets {} separated by commas. int table[5] = {1,2,3,4,5}; These are indexed from 0 when adding or changing a value or calling on the array. 1=0 2=1 3=2 4=3 5=4 To add to your array you would call which index to increase before adding to it. So something more like 'table[0] = table[0]++;' would increase the 1 in the first (0) index to 2 and so on. (I am a bit rusty but that should illustrate the concept). To better understand these I would recommend Chubz' ACS Scripting Tutorial for 1 dimensional arrays, or this one for multi-dimensional arrays. Not understanding the full scope of what you're trying to accomplish that's the best I can come up with right now. Hope it's of some help and best of luck on your project ! **Re-reading this I may have picked up on what you're trying to accomplish. I would relate a single dimensional ACS Array to a column of a spreadsheet, you have it's name and then how many indexed rows are present, finally what occupies those rows if you choose to assign a starting value. If you want multiple 'columns' or an actual 'Table' like on a spreadsheet, you would want a Multi Dimensional Array. If this structure makes more sense (and I'm not sounding like a complete idiot) then the declaration of your array would be accomplished by adding additional square brackets for levels of depth. The name would then become the 'Table' name or title, then you would call which column with the first set of [] and the row with the 2nd set. This is all better described in the tutorials linked above, just thought I'd add my interpretation as Chubz' relates it to filing cabinet drawers as an analogy and I felt like rambling.