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About PeterMoro

  • Rank
    UAC architect

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  1. PeterMoro

    How do I upload mods to the new 2024 update?

    My mod upload, a single player wad, is stuck in "validating" mode. There's no profanity in the description. I don't get it. There's no indication of what the problem is. It's been in "validating" mode for three days now. Anyone got any ideas what's going wrong?
  2. PeterMoro

    Have you never made a DOOM map before??

    The problem with making a Doom map is that, once you get through your first map, you want to make a better one...and then a better one...and then a better one..until one day you wake up and realise "I'm a mappaholic" LOL
  3. PeterMoro

    Does UDB have "sketch" lines?

    So it's not just me :D "There is a close solution, which is to use a background image and draw on it in another program." That's actually a pretty good workaround. Thanks for the input.
  4. PeterMoro

    Does UDB have "sketch" lines?

    I'm making a map with complex geometry and I'm wondering if it's possible to confige UDB's line defs so that they are just grey "sketch" lines, or "ghost" lines, ie. they don't have any value or useage besides visually for mappers. The reason I ask is because I'm drawing over and copying + pasting over a lot of complex geometry and I don't want to disturb the actual linedefs and sectors. I'd like to paste certain designs overtop of existing sectors without affecting the sectors, as well as just having the ability to use sketch lines in my mapping. Thanks for the replies.
  5. Fair enough @RataUnderground. That's why I prefer using all (or mostly) stock textures so it looks and feels close to the original.
  6. @BunnyBun Thanks so much for trying my map and posting a video! Really glad that you liked it. You had a lot of compliments at the end, and it really made my day :D "One of the best wads I've ever played." wow, thanks so much! "I hope he keeps making maps." I've made six, including this one. There's more on the way ;)
  7. PeterMoro

    I started a new Doom Commentary Channel!

    Hey @BunnyBun Thanks so much for trying my map! Glad you liked it. I was having a bad morning and then I watched your review and it made my day :D You gave this map a lot of high praise - thank you so much! I'm smiling all day. I really like your review style and playthrough commentary. Fun to watch. You are really good at Doom wad videos. I'll be watching all your reviews in the future. :)
  8. PeterMoro

    Big Maps with Icon of Sin at the end

    Cool! Hope you like it dude :) There are some screenshots here:
  9. PeterMoro

    Doom Pictures Thread 2024

    My new wad "the Box" has tons of secrets and has just been added to the IdGamesArchive:
  10. PeterMoro

    Big Maps with Icon of Sin at the end

    I've made one! Phobos Abandoned Outpost (pt1+pt2). The IOS is at the end of pt.2. It's a huge fight. This wad was so big that I decided to make it into two smaller wads, hence the title. https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/pao_1_2
  11. Looks amazing! Will definitely put on my to-play list :)
  12. PeterMoro

    I started a new Doom Commentary Channel!

    Hey, congrats on your new YT channel. I'll be watching for sure. I made a map a few months ago but no-one seemed interested in trying it sniff sniff (wipes eyes) Maybe you could give it a try? Cheers :)
  13. PeterMoro

    Unable to find sprite lump

    Thanks for all your help guys. You were all right, part of the wad was still stuck in DoomII mode. I saved the whole map as a prefab, then started a new map from scratch as a "Doom Doom (Doom format)" map. Then just imported the prefab. It worked!
  14. PeterMoro

    Unable to find sprite lump

    I'm making a 'vanilla' 9-wad episode in UDB that is for Doom1 and uses Doom.wad as a base resource. I want to make a replacement episode for Doom episode 1 that only uses Doom1 textures and assets, and I'd like to make it in UDB for GZDoom. Whenever I load into UDB I get errors of missing sprite lumps. Why is this and how can I fix it? Thanks for your help.
  15. PeterMoro

    The texture pack for BIGDOOR lovers :)

    I think we might be related. I'm in the big door fan club! Great textures BTW. Definitely gunna use some in the future.