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Turbomies (don't care about the name)

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Happy new year everybody! Here's a fun map with the best name of the year (the name has absolutely nothing to do with the map itself).

Base game: Doom II

Advanced port needed: GZDoom (the map was built to be vanilla compatible but with the textures I added it was easier to use GZDoom)

Map format: Boom

Tested with: GZDoom

Description: This map is more challenging than BASE and I would compare the UV difficulty to Plutonia. It is probably more fun to play on the lower skill levels. Also I didn't have an idea for the whole map (only for the central area) as I had for BASE so this might not be as interesting (couldn't find a better word) as BASE was. I'll probably release some deathmatch maps soon... 

Screenshot time:


Screenshot (240).png

Screenshot (241).png


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This map is pretty sick, I especially like the centeral hub area with the chaingunners, it looks fantastic.

I managed to find both secrets, though im not sure what the BFG one is about since you get the actual one a few seconds later, the latter half of the map definitely feels a lot easier than the first, sure there are a lot more monsters but you have a rocket launcher + BFG and plenty of ammo for both.

Overall though, maybe im just easy to please but I had a great time figuring out the little tricks of this one.

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Not bad, but a bit too simple (the fights that is). The last room is a bit... hmm... odd. I guess the idea is to get everything in there infighting, but that isn't that easy because of the way the area before the yellow door is designed. Overall it is still fun, but that last fight/room needs some alteration in my opinion.

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Phew, this map has some pretty unfair encounters.
My biggest complaint aside from the unfair difficulty at times is that you allow access to the central platform before the bridge is extended, which can be a bit confusing.


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I was not able to run this map using DSDA Doom; To fix this, you have to generate again the TEXTURE1 and PATCHES lumps.


To fix the error:

1/ Delete current PATCHES and TEXTURE 1 lump

2/ Select both your next texture ("1.bmp" and "2.bmp")

3/ Right click, then select "Add to TEXTUREx"

4/ Slade will ask you generate a new TEXTUREx/PATCHES duo, click "Yes"

5/ From the menu that pops, select "Doom" for the format, then check "Generate from base resource archive"


Doing this made it so I was able to run the level.

And I got the yellow key, but couldn't figure how to jump off the pool so I didn't go much further.

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