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Heretic demos (non-demopack and NM)

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9 minutes ago, 4shockblast said:

Hey, you used skill 5 for this demo, NoMo should use skill 4. I don't have an easy way to check if this plays back on skill 4 in Heretic, do you mind redoing this run?

FYI it syncs fine in Chocolate Heretic if you hex-edit the first byte of the demo to be 3 instead of 4, which should be the skill level. (Same format as Doom 1.2 demos I believe.)

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On 10/17/2023 at 9:01 PM, 4shockblast said:

Hey, you used skill 5 for this demo, NoMo should use skill 4. I don't have an easy way to check if this plays back on skill 4 in Heretic, do you mind redoing this run?

Oh, I didn't know that and I really can't remember if it was on 4 or 5, but I'm gonna try and do it again, no problem.

P.S. Sorry for the delay, only checked the site today, thank you!

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So... I decided to go do more Heretic runs, jumping into the hardest version: BPMAX, where I get 100% kills and secrets on Heretics hardest difficulty.


Overall, Heretic is a fine game with a few... issues. The random RNG damage has major problems where it feels the crossbow is always one shot more than you need, and the flying pathing of imps is.... annoying AF.


Might do a BPMAX movie at some point.


Total time: 30:47.13

Total reduced time: 4:15.37


E1M1: 1:28.71 (-1.95) h1f1-128.zip



Surprisingly soft map 1 record. Got the 1:29 in about 30 tries, and 1:28 in less than 60. Mostly hoping the imps don't fly away annoyingly.


E1M2: 3:40.00 (-13.71) h1f2-340.zip



Original route by Doomniel was perfectly fine, small changes to using the timebombs to be faster. Mostly hoping imps don't mess up and get stuck outside, and slightly better explosions from the barrels.


Was still getting used to flying controls.


E1M3: 2:40.31 (-1.55) h1f3-240.zip



Holy mother of god. In between maps of soft records and 1 min + increases, came THIS fucking record. Set by Vile it was an exceptionally strong record, requiring perfect luck and movement to beat. high damage rolls are required for a less than 3 min run, so beating this one took some TIME.


To put this into perspective, all other maps combined, including routing and learning the runs, took less than 400 attempts in total. GG


E1M4: 3:01.94 (-8.73) h1f4-301.zip



Originally wanted a less than 3 min run, but didn't want to put in the grinding. The new routing made by Kimo Xvirus was perfectly serviceable, with most speed increases coming from being more efficient, getting a good crusher, and clearing out the bottom area of the final blue room before moving on.


E1M5: 4:58.17 (-1:15.49) h1f5-458.zip



First map I did some routing changes for. Far heavier usage of the gloves in order to be more efficient in the first area (DPS is only slightly lower than the crossbow when I did the math), and more aggressive usage of the tomes to clear the courtyard area faster. I actually picked up and used the final third tome in the final room instead of saving one from outside, and didn't use a tome to kill the Disciple (Instead focusing on using the timebombs + egg)


I picked up the torch as it made killing the knights more consistent. More time can be saved here but a full 2 min barrier drop is good.


E1M6: 4:55.45(-1:23.09) h1f6-455.zip



Another reroute, the beginning area and the graveyward in particular get some changes to be more efficient. Overall just about making sure the imps in claw room don't wander off. Another 2 minute barrier drop.


E1M7: 4:52.86 (-48.77) h1f7-452.zip



Original route by Archi was perfectly fine, changed amount of time spend killing things at the beginning, better egg usage, generally more efficient movement (I kill the gargoyles in the back of the claw room in order to make the imps group up) . No real issues with this map really.


E1M8: 1:24.83 (-4.68) h1f8-124.zip



More aggressive start, blowing up the barrels is faster, apart from that just keep doing it until you get a fast run.


E1M9 3:44.86 (-17.40) h1f9-344.zip



Once again route by Doomniel was perfectly fine, mostly coming down to more efficient execution at clearing out enemies. Main sticking point was leaving the yellow door, as I'd get blocked here often, so I used the egg to stop that from happening

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