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'Neat' Special Effects guide

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Right, so i downloaded 'Hykkelbjerg's Doom Editing Pages' from the Doomworld Editing Tutorial page.

It seems pretty comprehensive of what i wanna be doing, but the problem is I can figure out where the word wrap and what not is meant to be in the Notepad files.

Has anyone got a tidied up version of these files? I tried doing it my self until i got to the ASCII interpretations of drawing sectors. I don't know what I'm doing yet, so how can i tell where the sectors are meant to be? :p

If not the above, has anyone else got another comprehensive guide to effects and whatnot they can give me?

Much appreciated :)

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I looked at this before going on a hunt for a better guide.
It is good, but its not as indepth and doesn't have certain effects at all, eg, Deep water.
Thanks for the Help, mind.

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If you download the 0.98a version of ZenNode, there is a special effects demonstration wad included, made by Hykkelbjerg. It showcases invisible stairs, invisible doors and deep water, among other things. Also, it comes with a configuration file for building the nodes for wads with such effects properly (for vanilla doom).

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