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Decorate Problems

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I am having two problems with zdoom decorate. First I added a new monster, and it works fine except its sounds keep looping even after death. Here is the code.
// Pig Cop

Actor PigCop 3245
Health 150
Radius 33
Height 79
Speed 8
PainChance 200
SeeSound "pig1/see"
AttackSound "pig1/attack"
DeathSound "pig1/die"
PainSound "pig1/pain"
ActiveSound "pig1/active"
Obituary "%o was subdued by a Pig Cop!"
DropItem "Shotgun"
PIG1 AB 10 A_Look
PIG1 E 10 A_FaceTarget
PIG1 F 10
PIG1 G 10 BRIGHT A_SposAttackUseAtkSound
PIG1 E 10
Goto See
PIG1 F 3
PIG1 F 3 A_Pain
Goto See
PIG1 H 5
PIG1 I 5 A_Scream
PIG1 J 5 A_NoBlocking
PIG1 K 5
PIG1 L 5
PIG1 M 5
PIG1 M -1
PIG1 L 5
Goto See

The second problem is about a weapon. A submachine gun I added has a
grenade launcher for an alt attack. It works fine except when you fire the grenades, they don't deplete ammo. Therefore you have unlimited grenades, which is not what I want.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sub Machinegun
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

ACTOR Chaingun : Weapon 3225
Decal BulletChip
Weapon.AmmoUse 1
Weapon.AmmoGive 30
Weapon.AmmoType "Clip"
Weapon.AmmoType2 "Grenades"
Weapon.AmmoGive2 1
Weapon.AmmoUse2 2
Inventory.PickupSound "subm/pickup"
Inventory.PickupMessage "You got the submachine gun!"
CHGG A 1 A_WeaponReady
CHGG A 1 A_Lower
CHGG A 1 A_Raise
CHGG AB 4 A_FireCGun
CHGG B 0 A_ReFire
Goto Ready
CHG1 A 2
CHG1 B 0 A_GunFlash
CHGG A 0 A_FireCustomMissile("PisCaseSpawn",0,0,-6,-8)
CHG1 B 0 A_PlayWeaponSound("weapons/grenlau")
CHG1 B 5 A_ThrowGrenade("GrenadeShot",-4,13,9,0)
CHG1 C 5
CHG1 D 5
CHG1 A 4
CHG1 A 3 A_ReFire
Goto Ready

ACTOR GrenadeShots
Radius 4
Height 3
Damage 1
SeeSound "sol1/grn"
DeathSound "weapons/grenexpl"
ExplosionDamage 160
ExplosionRadius 192
GRNE A 2 Bright A_Explode

I fixed the sndinfo but the sound still loops.

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22Alpha22 said:

I am having two problems with zdoom decorate. First I added a new monster, and it works fine except its sounds keep looping even after death. Here is the code.

Which sounds?

Also, what's your SNDINFO lump?

22Alpha22 said:

The second problem is about a weapon. A submachine gun I added has a grenade launcher for an alt attack. It works fine except when you fire the grenades, they don't deplete ammo. Therefore you have unlimited grenades, which is not what I want.

Your "useammo" parameter in the A_ThrowGrenade call is set to 0, or false. Set it to 1.

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The active sounds and the death sounds.

//Pig Cop
pig1/attack dsshotgn
pig1/see pig1see
pig1/active pig1acti
pig1/pain pig1pain
pig1/die pig1die

Thanks for the help on the submachine gun.

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not sure if it has much to do with it, you put "pig1/die pig1die" in SNDINFO, but have DeathSound "pig1/death" on the pigcop.

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What happens if you type "playsound soundname" at the console for the problem sound? The reason I ask is that WAV files can have instructions inside them to loop the sound and Zdoom will respond to this.

Someone had this exact same problem a little while back. On that occasion, simply opening the files and saving them again in a WAV editor removed the loop information and fixed the problem.

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Zdoom does not play the sound with the console cammand and I tried edditing the sound and reloading it, but it still looped. The sound does not loop outside the game.

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playsound pig1/die

(or whichever sound you were trying to play) at the console doesn't play your sound? Then something is definitely wrong because Zdoom should play it like that. Recheck to make sure that you are typing the sound name exactly as you have spelled it in sndinfo.

As for the not looping outside Zdoom, that may not be conclusive proof. Although WAV files can have these inbuilt loops, I have found very few programs that support them: zdoom being one of the few.

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I found the solution to the problem. I looked at the sounds in XWE and it showed that they were 16 bit Stereo sounds. Doom uses 8 bit mono sounds. I opened the sounds with Sound Recorder and converted them to 8 bit mono and they did not loop in Zdoom anymore!

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22Alpha22 said:

I found the solution to the problem. I looked at the sounds in XWE and it showed that they were 16 bit Stereo sounds. Doom uses 8 bit mono sounds. I opened the sounds with Sound Recorder and converted them to 8 bit mono and they did not loop in Zdoom anymore!

I have run into this problem, but with ambient sounds used in scripts rather than monster sounds. This might explain a lot. Thanks for this. :)

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22Alpha22 said:

I found the solution to the problem. I looked at the sounds in XWE and it showed that they were 16 bit Stereo sounds. Doom uses 8 bit mono sounds.

Seriously, I bet it had nothing to do with that. You're using Zdoom and it can quite happily cope with 16 bit stereo sounds. in fact, I just converted an entire 4 minute long MP3 to a 16 bit stereo WAV, saved it as DSPOSIT1 and then listened to the whole thing play in glorious stereo when I woke up a zombieman in map01.

22Alpha22 said:

I opened the sounds with Sound Recorder and converted them to 8 bit mono and they did not loop in Zdoom anymore!

As I said, there is probably some looping information saved in the WAV and simply opening it and resaving it should fix the problem.

Enjay said:

The reason I ask is that WAV files can have instructions inside them to loop the sound and Zdoom will respond to this.

...On that occasion, simply opening the files and saving them again in a WAV editor removed the loop information and fixed the problem.

See. :P

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