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  1. Gez

    Scientist - Unity release

    Scientist 2 already contains Scientist 1. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Scientist_2 Yeah, no problem. In fact the older versions also work with modern ports without issues. You don't need to use deusf if you're using a source port. DeuSF only exists because of shortcomings in vanilla Doom's resource loading code; where it was not capable of loading a partial set of sprites and flats from a PWAD without jumping through hoops. This has all been resolved a very long time ago in source ports. With Chocolate Doom you'd have to use the -merge parameter to load the Scientist wad, instead of -file; but with everything else there's no worry. https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Scientist_2023 It is pretty much the same just with added improvements. Though more than "added improvements" I'd say "complete overhaul". It's largely the same story with largely the same levels, but still very different. Oh, and without the multiplayer levels, if you cared about that.
  2. Gez

    Change where custom things are in the editor.

    So yes, I've checked and UDB does support editor keys in DEHACKED. I should have remembered it did, but it's been a while. The difference is that since DEHACKED does not use // but # for its comments, editor keys start with #$ instead of //$.
  3. Gez

    Change where custom things are in the editor.

    How did you replace the name? Just in DEHACKED? I wonder if UDB's DEHACKED parser handles some editor keys...
  4. https://zdoom.org/wiki/SoundVolume Seems to me like your SoundVolume call has too many parameters. SoundVolume (6, CHAN_BODY, 50.0); If you want a gradual fade, you probably need to do it "by hand", something like this: script 2 (void) { float fade = 0.0; while (fade < 50.0) { SoundVolume (6, CHAN_BODY, fade); fade+=1.0; // Increases volume by steps of 1. Test in game and feel free to change to higher value if that's too slow. delay(1); // Loops the volume ramp up every tic. Test in game and feel free to change to higher value if that's too fast. } }
  5. Gez

    The Official 'Trying to Find a Specific WAD' Thread

    The one from @exl is Demons of Problematique, which is still around; unless you're specifically looking for the development/test version from this thread and not the final version. No idea for @impkilla's; the author didn't seem to stick around a long time.
  6. Gez

    'A_Teleport' query regarding random points

    Either should work, really. Do as you see fit.
  7. Gez

    'A_Teleport' query regarding random points

    They are. Usually, what people use when they want to make a monster teleport around is that they actually turn the monster invisible, make a few/some/a lot of A_Wander calls with a 0 tic duration so that they're instantaneous, and turn the monster visible again. For style, you can spawn a teleport fog at the monster when it turns invisible and another when it turns visible. Tada! It teleported!
  8. Gez

    Quake II Remastered

    ...yet. On the Youtube vid, the author commented: So, it might still happen.
  9. All those things are linked together. The broligarchs which are behind the AI boom and, before, the crypto boom, are also behind climate denialism and the rise of fascism in western countries, and they support fascist regimes, advocating for appeasement towards russia by coercing Ukrainian capitulation. The fascist dictatorships like russia, iran, china, and north korea also support the broligarchs as they need crypto for money transfers that escape Western sanctions, and they need AI to flood the Internet with bots spouting their post-truth bullshit. And fascism always supports and incites genocide everywhere, as fascism is always built upon the idea that The Other is responsible for all ills, and so eliminating The Other will be how a golden age is reached.
  10. What is the point? What purpose would it serve that is not already served by Freedoom?
  11. Gez

    Doomguy's mugshot code

    Here is the code in GZDoom: https://github.com/ZDoom/gzdoom/blob/f671018700e1e71ad2dda9ccdbf3fe62bb9efb49/src/g_statusbar/sbar_mugshot.cpp#L439 So it needs to have the player character be flagged as being "extremely dead", and to have the mugshot flagged as allowed extreme death mugs. However, the files you'll most want to look at, if you want to change your local copy, are not in the executable, they'll be in gzdoom.pk3. https://github.com/ZDoom/gzdoom/blob/f671018700e1e71ad2dda9ccdbf3fe62bb9efb49/wadsrc/static/sbarinfo/doom.txt https://github.com/ZDoom/gzdoom/blob/f671018700e1e71ad2dda9ccdbf3fe62bb9efb49/wadsrc/static/zscript/ui/statusbar/doom_sbar.zs https://github.com/ZDoom/gzdoom/blob/f671018700e1e71ad2dda9ccdbf3fe62bb9efb49/wadsrc/static/zscript/ui/statusbar/statusbar.zs
  12. Gez

    Doomguy's mugshot code

    I believe you'll have to change the GibHealth property of the player class for that. You'll need to replace the Backpack with a CustomInventory that gives the regular backpack and calls A_SetMugShotState("Grin").
  13. Gez

    Wolf3D engine games worth playing

    It honestly looks more like the Raven engine. Though I wouldn't assert that it's what they used. Just like when I watched some gameplay video of it, it strongly reminded me of Shadowcaster. I mean, look at the gameplay outside of the cutscenes and grammar quizzes...