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Pedro VC

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About Pedro VC

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  1. Pedro VC

    The DWmegawad Club plays: Hellbound

    Yes, Hellbound is amazing. I'll follow this thread.
  2. Pedro VC

    [ZDoom] Make Doom Great Again

    As a brazilian, I'm offended by this wad.
  3. Pedro VC

    Favorite movie quote?

    Chucky always have the best lines.
  4. Pedro VC

    Wads with realistic lighting?

    This one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ziKutzI4uHg
  5. Pedro VC

    Best Doom Mappers?

    Romero, Daniel, Arch, skillsaw, the guy who made HellBound, the guy who made Phobos Revisited
  6. Pedro VC

    Why has no one made a fan made doom 64 sequel?

    How UDMF is harder than zdoom format?
  7. Legacy of Suffering has some doom 3 textures.
  8. Pedro VC

    Why has no one made a fan made doom 64 sequel?

    Trust me, Zdoom colored lightning will look awful with Doom 64.
  9. Pedro VC

    Most recent movie you saw

    Pixote. Totally brutal and shocking. Actually tops City of God in the category awful stuff happening to poor kids.
  10. Pedro VC

    Why has no one made a fan made doom 64 sequel?

  11. Pedro VC

    D4D: Doom(4) for Doom [WIP]

    This is great. When people will start to convert the maps?
  12. Pedro VC

    What are your top 5 PWADs?

    NeoDoom, KDIZD, Hellbound, Deus Vult 2, LOS