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The Pursuer

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About The Pursuer

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  1. You had me at Lovecraftian inspired world. I'm really digging the art style. I will be eagerly awaiting the release.
  2. The Pursuer

    So, how old are you ?

    I vaguely remember this thread yet i don't recall posting in it, but there it is on the first page. That post was 3 months before i went on a path that completely changed my viewpoints in life. My perspective of empathy has drastically increased, petty issues that were once something i commonly participated in no longer phase or interest me. I was morbidly obese a big portion of my life, started at my peak of 360 lbs and over the last 2 years i've gotten down to 178 lbs. I am really just disassociated more than anything these days. I'm 33 as of last July. I hurt my back by laying on my side the other day, i switched from laying on my back to my side. It caused a back pain that lasted 3 days. That's what getting older is like. That's what we all have to look forward to. Anywho i hope everyone here is doing well. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. :)
  3. The Pursuer

    Memorable video game songs

    Just some random tracks from a playlist. Enjoy. :)
  4. The Pursuer

    Have you ever changed as a gamer as years went on?

    Very much so. Now if the game requires a considerable amount of time investment then the game itself must pique my interest a great deal to begin with. Before i had very esoteric/narrow tastes and those would be the only defining factors in my decision to play or not. I'm considerably more open minded now. I think this extends to many other aspects of my life as well. The Thunder Force series is great, IV is one of my favorite games of all time.
  5. MAP15 is actually Metallic Mario from Super Mario 64. Here are some new ones i recognized. -MAP05: Killer Instinct - Cinder's Theme -MAP23: Resident Evil Code Veronica - The Theme of Alexia Type 2 -MAP29: Jurassic Park (Sega Genesis) - Visitor's Center Not sure if these have been answered but i looked through the replies and seen none.
  6. The Pursuer

    Unloved II [BETA1 released]

    Which ones are you interested in? I may be of help.
  7. The Pursuer

    AUTOPSY, doom64 - styled map

    There are script errors when i load this in the current github version. Is this intentional (beta?) or because you have only tested with 2.3.2? There's a lot of eye candy, but i want it to play right before i give an opinion on it.
  8. I'm not sure if you're referring to the cesspool of media attentive whining or day to day people but i thought i would chime in on this. I've watched countless shock films based on true events or simply exist for the sake of entertainment. The only thing i really learned from it was the feeling of shock fatigue and the gnawing question of why people have the need to incessantly continue hurting or destroying one another. I suppose what i'm trying to say is that yes some people do things for attention but make no mistake, pain is a very relative process from one individual to the next. What is easy for one person could be a nightmare for another, it all depends on the social dependencies and mental stability of a person. I apologize for the mini blog but concerning the topic, the movie Happiness hasn't been mentioned so far. There are a lot of psycho-stimulating scenes in this movie but they mostly rely on the condition of mental illness. The most prominent scene in my opinion would be when the man that has pedophilia urges speaks to his son concerning an incident that happened when he had a friend sleep over. It is very raw and heart wrenching scene that shows the conflict in his mind but still manages to show compassion for his son, albeit in a very disturbing and blunt manner.
  9. The Pursuer

    Did you cheat through Doom as a kid?

    I only ever cheated on TNT/Plutonia back then, as the maps were confusing/more difficult than Doom 1/2.
  10. The Pursuer

    So where does your username come from?

    Interesting site change, never thought i would see it change again. I used to be Hell's Vendetta, not that anyone cares but i figured there is always that one person that wonders what happened to someone.
  11. Even if this is successful where in the world are body donations going to come from? Healthy people aren't going to give up their perfectly functioning bodies. I'm more surprised that this hasn't been asked yet in this thread.
  12. The Pursuer

    Hardest game Enemy you ever fought .

    The Dark Demon Lord from Demon's Crest. The guy that programmed that boss was a fucking sadist. i can only think of like 5 commercial games with a harder boss, and i've played a countless amount of games.
  13. The Pursuer

    The Underrated and Overrated Thread

    If you wear those rose tinted glasses any longer you might go blind. SMG and SMG2 are almost nothing alike outside of their basic gameplay construct neither.
  14. The Pursuer

    Capcom puts 30 FPS cap on Dead Rising 3 PC port

    There isn't a single rational thing this company has done in at least 8 years so it's not surprising.
  15. The Pursuer

    3 Wishes

    See my father again. Or what Bouncy said.