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Posts posted by Gokuma

  1. 15 hours ago, Jello said:

    I'm assuming it's a GP-5 gas mask. It's the filters designed during the Cold War period that contain asbestos, not the mask itself. So as long as you didn't put a filter on it, you're fine. If you did, as long as it's not one of those giant green filters, you're fine. And even if you did, wearing it once or twice is probably fine. I just wouldn't make a habit of it. The filters are only designed with a shelf life of ten or twenty years when sealed, and 24 hours unsealed. But it is important, the Russians weren't the only ones who used asbestos in gas mask filters, so any of those old filters need to be tossed, sealed or not. And really, anything made before May 13th, 2001 should be thrown out. So use 'em while you got 'em.


    Ok, I never attached the filter fortunately.   Thanks for the info.

  2. That's because doom2.exe is hardcoded for the secret exit special to only work as intended on maps15 and 31.   So any Doom 2 wad that's vanilla compatible will do that.   Now with Doom 1 in any episode, a secret exit takes you to mission 9, but each episode is hardcoded where mission 9's normal exit then takes you.   So with vanilla Doom 1 you have a little more flexibility.


    Hexen or ports supporting mapinfo (including the current official Doom Classic) allow you to change this.   Or in Strife you set a tag # for the normal exit level to pick which map for it to go to and secret exit line triggers a story sequence instead.

  3. Almond, but some people may say "Show me the tit on an almond."


    Or cashew, or a coconut blend with one of those.


    I like lots of milk based food but just drinking milk tastes funky to me.   Goat's milk is supposed to better for people than cow's, so I've downed a small bottle of that, though I still don't like the taste.   Dark chocolate is always my definite choice over milk chocolate and something being only available in milk chocolate irritates, except for ice cream is obviously made with milk.

  4. As far as editing text with a hex editor, there's some good youtube tutorials for doing that to NES roms.   Now that information how big the file should be I think is called a checksum.   I ran into that hacking save files of a special version of the Japanese Gameboy Advance version of River City Ransom (Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari), I think called 2007 Parodi Ban.  Hacking the save data to change items in the inventory such as different technique books, whatever I changed the hex values by positively or negatively, I had to offset that amount by changing one item to some junk with the change to its value equaling the sum of all the other various changes.  Well this checksum as I think was, wasn't necessarily the size of file, but rather the sum of all its data bytes added together.  I have no idea where in the save file the checksum was located.   Sorry if this is totally different and in your case, it literally just checks the size of file which was getting changed.   But I guess this might give you some ideas of what could be going on.

  5. I had a little bit of moonshine since it got in style, but wasn't enthusiastic about it.   The old stories of it making people blind from careless/stingy makers not discarding enough of the beginning of a batch (which is bad methanol) kinda deter me.   I haven't heard of any such problems with the recent trend though.    And I have no problem with the old bootleggers who did it good quality.

  6. I've always said KACK-O-DEMON, further reinforced by I'm pretty sure the word cacophony is pronounced similar and is the origin of it.


    There's also a band called that.


    Some people might pronounce it more like KAHK-O-DEMON.   Think before requesting a picture of how that sounds.


    Something that drives me nuts though is I've always pronounced and heard advertisement like AD-VER-TIZE-MENT.   But in the movie Twelve Monkeys, a women says it like Advert-tissment.


    I also say jibs for gibs and jiffs for gifs.


    And I say water like a soft worter rather than wahter.

  7. 22 hours ago, leejacksonaudio said:

    I've had that! At a restaurant called Fritzl's in Rowlett, TX. He does authentic Austrian and German food, and serves authentic German beer on tap to go with it! It got hit hard by the D/FW Snow Disaster (-2°F). Pipes burst *everywhere* in his restaurant. His landlord has been an asshole about the whole thing, and his insurance company has been even worse.  Still, he finally started rebuilding. He should be open in about 6-to-8 weeks, if his luck holds out.


    Damn I don't think I've ever had Optimator on tap, though I've had great beers on tap.   Must be amazing.   That's a real shame about that restaurant.   Hopefully he recovers well.

  8. The Ultimate Add-on Collection for Doom1/2 was the first I got, same day my family got a computer.   It's so old it has folders of just a bunch of sounds and graphics with .bat files to put them into your iwad with dmgraph or dmaud.   There's some hilarious stuff just to browse through.   Of course there's already made wads such as MSTDoom.    As far as its map wad selection with its launcher, it's all Doom 1 maps and it runs them through dm1todm2.exe if you're using Doom 2, but then there are folders of a bunch of actual Doom 2 maps they just didn't bother to set up.


    Now Demon Gate Mega Collection, over 6000 levels, seemed to actually have good quality control for being so jam-packed with all the wads compressed.  3D Alchemy might have had the best quality control but obviously a smaller selection.

  9. What about just getting a good USB hub?   Definitely check reviews though as a lot are dysfunctional garbage or have a high failure rate.   Ankor is supposed to be the best, but I have a 7-port inland that works great.

  10. Buckets of Captain Bludbeard's rum fermented and distilled from toxic barrels in the finest UAC still formally nice and polished but now rusted corrupted by Hell, with a zombieman's dirty socks in it.

  11. I don't listen to much rap, but years ago I accidentally ordered the album Creature Feature by Swamp Thing thinking it was an album by the band Creature Feature.   It was a happy accident because it was a profoundly awesome retro horror/sci-fi concept album.


    This band is what I meant to order and they're awesome, but albums were expensive AF.


    This is what I got:



    Time Machine Massacre is my favorite song on the album.   Reefer Vendetta is a hilarious joke where they took the ridiculous propaganda movie Reefer Madness and treated it as an actual horror movie.


  12. Regardless of however they may F*** up Windows 10 with updates removing features such as CD mixed mode data+CDaudio support, I'm actually a bit optimistic that the CURRENT Microsoft may not be so bad about that and will hopefully reign in Zenimax Legal being such assholes.   We already see Sigil being selected as an official add-on for Doom Classic on all systems.  Really I think MS should make Zenimax Legal bow down, kiss ass, and apologize to John Carmack for their shit, and then fire them.
