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Everything posted by Darch

  1. Glad you're having fun! There are graphic and sound replacements, but all game mechanics, weapons and enemies, are untouched :) Edit: Sorry, double post, I thought I was editing the post above :P
  2. Thanks for the feedback guys! Gonna fix this texture right now. I'm doing a couple of runs to see if I find anything else wrong, sometimes when you fix one thing, you screw another. Like this crucified dudes :P
  3. Alright here you go! Preacher v1.1 https://www.sendspace.com/file/1vrxie
  4. Hurray! Very excited to watch this on multiplayer. There's a little bug at MAP07 though, if a player dies at the blue key trap, the cage can't be opened from outside and blue key will stay locked. I've fixed it already, but didn't uploaded yet. I can upload this version if you want.
  5. Darch

    Avactor last update is out

    Congrats on the release! Screenshots look gorgeous
  6. 1. Never. Because they're too long 2. Yes, because I can finish those 3. Probably for those still tied to the IWADs' 32 map format, but hey, nobody's going to ask their money back if there are only 5 maps.
  7. MAP10 is already there :) And yes please demos yay
  8. Hey Galileo thanks for your quick feedback! I was pretty sure this lift wasn't going to be that appreciated, hence I said "don't play if you don't love lifts" :) But somehow this lack of control is part of the chaos I wanted to put on this mapset. That central lift is only triggered by the switches, by the way. Monsters keep activating them, they can get out of the blood pits and annoy you at the same time by doing this ;) It will be uploaded on idgames as soon as I get some more feedback (demos will be adored and watched with beer and popcorn), as I did the testing by myself. The second picture is from MAP10 heh surprise
  9. Hey, long time no see! Thanks for the feedback guys, sorry for taking so long to reply. I've finished this mapset, there is a new map that runs on slot 08. Don't play it if you don't love lifts. Or Cyberdemons. Or Cyberdemons on lifts. DOWNLOAD FINAL VERSION: Preacher.zip So now it's officially released, this is it, unless someone report me a bug or any unaligned texture :P But there won't be any more maps. There are little changes on every map, and ammo has been totally rebalanced so continuous play is not too different from pistol starting. Any feedback is much appreciated :) MAP 08 - Witch Hunt
  10. Darch

    OK, NOW I'M MAD!!!!

    Loved it!
  11. Darch

    WADs with little ammo

    RF's 1024: https://onemandoom.blogspot.com.br/2016/06/rf-1024-rf1024wad.html
  12. Didn't read everything, but I think I didn't see anybody mentioning BTSX's Commander Keen secret level yet.
  13. According to the pool, that would be somewhere outside the U.S. xD
  14. Anyone knows wads with good liquid floor textures with permission to be used? 

    1. Darch


      Gonna download,  thanks rdwpa!

    2. Tracer


      I heard that Doom II Redux had the best liquid floor textures.

    3. BigDickBzzrak


      Aquatex has some decent ones.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  15. Darch

    Allan Holdsworth dead at age 70

    Liked the first 40 seconds and the ending riff. That shredding in between is a bit too much for me. Hadn't heard of him before, but RIP.
  16. @Zaratulnot all monsters, I just replaced the zombiemen faces because their human / military appearance weren't fitting the theme. Same thing for the high tech weapons, but if there are some good sprites out there, maybe more things can be replaced, why not. @rhinoduck seems like removing the server dehacked solved the issue; revolver animation works fine now and I didn't spot random sprites anymore, either. Thank you!
  17. Thanks @rhinoduck, today I was able to fix these things you pointed out and played it online with ZDaemon. One weird thing, though: in this version I added one extra frame to the pistol shooting animation, with one unused player death sprite (PLAYU0). Is this sprite already taken for something else in Zdaemon? Because the extra animation didn't work, and this sprite seemed to appear randomly at crazy spots, maybe when there were hitscanners around, but I'm not sure. When I ran Zdaemon offline, the pistol animation worked as intended. No clue on what's happening.
  18. Darch

    BDBU drinking v2

    I was about to open a beer, but I'm just gonna play this mod instead.
  19. @rhinoduck I noticed Preacher server is still running (thanks for that!), could we update to this new version? I think I was able to fix some things in the multiplayer department.
  20. Darch

    Need help with A_PlaySound usage

    You need to define it in SNDINFO lump: https://zdoom.org/wiki/SNDINFO
  21. Darch

    Your Favorite Avatars on Doomworld

    Nevanos avatar makes me want to play this game... anyone knows where is it from?
  22. Darch

    I need an artist

    This one didn't turn out as expected, but anyway here it is if you want to use:
  23. Darch

    I need an artist

    It's png. Doom palette doesn't have that blue, it turned gray when converted.
  24. Darch

    I need an artist

    I rather use only one frame for static things in Doom, rotation makes it feel like they are moving. Not to mention the extra work in this case. But if someone else wants to do it, go ahead.