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  1. What you achieved with this map could easily be reworked to require no jumping, thereby opening it up to potentially more players. (And really this could easily work without the ramp as well) It's definitely not a slaughtermap really though, you'd need to at least double the monster count if that's what you were aiming for. However what is here plays really nicely, and killer music to boot!
  2. Finally finished this. Map 29 suffers from the same problem that all large maps suffer from - floating enemies can be knocked absolutely miles away, and they also sometimes floated over teleporters which caused two of my deaths here as a monster teleported right next to me and killed me with no warning. In Map 30, several monsters got telefragged immediately on spawn, was that supposed to happen? Overall an incredible MegaWAD.
  3. As above, I didn't think the Nightmares would be that much of a problem. The most annoying thing was how easily they dodged Rockets with their sideways movement! However as I've gotten through more of the WAD, they have definitely have been placed in situations where they are fare more dangerous. Just (finally) finished Map28 which kicked my ass a few times. There were some bars to some extra "exit" switch I wasn't seemingly able to lower, but having spent over 45 minutes on my successful completion, plus probably another 40 minutes in death attempts, I'm happy to move on!
  4. Degree23

    My first public doom wad

    The ending was definitely not signposted well. If you go onto the Cyberdemon platform there's some big HOM effects from missing textures. I also died down there as there didn't seem to be a way to escape the lava? I might have been getting blinded by the HOM and missed it though. The layout of the map seemed pretty good. I did know mostly where I should be going, and while the larger areas could have used a few more monsters, the combat was quite enjoyable.
  5. Degree23

    (My First Map!) Hell Forge

    I played through this. The start is rough because you can easily die to those two Chaingunners and it's quite luck based. That's frustrating more than difficult. The progression is a bit cryptic, but also the map isn't huge so it's something you can work out after a short while I think. It's quite easy to miss how to get the RL, and I'd personally have preferred to have a SSG than the RL in such a tight map. Not bad for a first map though!
  6. To be honest, it's just a personal preference. I really wouldn't change anything based on it unless a lot of others felt the same. There's nothing inherently unfair about them, just them getting up in your face is very annoying! You've designed the entire WAD with how it currently plays in mind so I really wouldn't change it now. I just played through Maps 17 and 18 and boy can I really feel the Sunlust difficulty starting to kick in now. I love using the SSG where I can, but Map 18 was the first map where I've more brazenly just gone around with the Rocket Launcher, and didn't shy away from holding down the trigger finger on the BFG. Can't wait to see what else is in store!
  7. There's no indication that there's going to be extra ammo anywhere though, so it's not something I think people are likely to realise on a first playthrough. Because of the nature of that final fight, you could do with placing another 100 Cells there and maybe removing some Rockets if you didn't want too much ammo around. Because I saw the AVs before I started firing, I used both BFG blasts on the three of them but that did leave none left for the Cyberdemon, and usually taking that on without a PG/BFG in most normal maps tends to be frowned upon now. I had a good amount of infighting so it wasn't too bad in my playthrough. If you hadn't said this was a first public map though there's no way I would have thought it was.
  8. An interesting map for sure. - I got to the SSG fight and barely had enough Shells to take down the AV, let alone the other monsters here, yet when I came out of this fight, a cupboard had opened up with 40 Shells and some Bullets. Some of this ammo is definitely needed for the Blue Key fight so I would move at least one box of Shells to the SSG location. - There was a HOM or two in the first crushing ceiling part with the Barons and Imps. (Can't seem to get a good screenshot at the moment - thanks Windows 11!) - Some of the areas are just enormous with not much to fill them in and it creates a lot of running for no real purpose. They could probably be half the size and still give the feeling of being enormous. (Or put in another 1000 monsters and make it a SlaughterWad!) - The final fight was really fun. Again the room is enormous though, with very little happening in the first third of the room, so it also could be a little bit smaller. Overall for a first map it was a great job!
  9. I would not object to that Lost Soul replacement having less health. It's more that this monster is damned annoying, rather than difficult.
  10. Lost Souls are annoying as hell anyway, but where this one immediately melee attacks you if it hits you means it does way more damage if it catches you unaware. I definitely wouldn't want to make them any more dangerous than they already are. I've completed up to the end of Map 32 now. Superb first half. Looking forward to the second half.
  11. I'm playing through a few maps a day. Just beat Map 10, which was one of the most fun maps I've played in years.
  12. Degree23

    [Release] Cliffside Combat

    Like LadyMistDragon I also ended up with 4/5 secrets. Really enjoyable map.
  13. Degree23

    cleaning up (boom)

    Interesting approach where you can essentially only use one weapon for most of the map. A few comments: - I took the CG as it seemed the most versatile, but you have several Barons in the map. The only starting weapon that can really take them down is the RL. If you take anything else it's incredibly tedious to kill Barons. This is something where in Doom II using Hell Knights for most of the map would work a lot better. (I went back in to test with the RL and see that you can actually get a two different end fights!) - If you take the Cyberdemon fight, you definitely need more PG ammo at the end as I had to CG a lot of the health off the Cyberdemon, which was not that great. Also please remove the Partial Invisibility. Having that with a Cyberdemon in reasonably close quarters as well as Lost Souls is not a help, and feels like the player is being trolled because a lot of the time you dogde into damage. Having played through with two different weapons, I have to say there is plenty of ammo around. There is perhaps slightly too much, but on a map like this that's not a bad thing.
  14. Degree23

    blue paradise

    "When creating this map, i was inspired by the maps of Sunder and Simulacrum." I mean, it's 2024, are you downloading on 56K modem? The time it took you to post you could have downloaded and found out, but also he clearly said it was inspired by Sunder.
  15. Degree23

    blue paradise

    Died in the final fight but enjoyed playing this. The only thing that felt weird was that I'd amassed 92 rockets before actually getting the RL. Because I had picked up so much ammo, I thought I must have missed where it was somehow and spent a good 5 mins exploring around before deciding to just carry on with the map. Only then did I realise it was by the Blue Key.