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About MidnightMage

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  1. MidnightMage

    [SLOTS OPEN] DARKZONE: A low-lit Community Project

    Well, this theme is certainly up my alley. I don't know if I can support with mapping for this project until my other projects start to wrap up, but I'm definitely very interested in this.
  2. I have been working on a small set of limit removing maps that have been an absolute blast to make. Not sure if I'll release them this month but definitely intend to post the completed project when its 'done.'
  3. You know this has been just what I've been waiting on to get back into Doom mapping! I'd like to sign up for this!
  4. MidnightMage

    Angry NilsQuilt a Discord CP: 1 map by 7 people

    It makes me quite happy to see this spiritual successor of the series continuing. I look forward to playing this!
  5. If everyone is happy with how this turned out, this should be uploaded as a finished product. If you need any assistance with the upload process I can help.
  6. MidnightMage

    Thoughts On Hexen?

    ^ Wow! That's beautifully broken.
  7. MidnightMage

    Doomworld Mega Project 2021 (18 maps)

    Oh boy, now the only thing we're missing is a Chex Quest map...
  8. MidnightMage

    Good free-to-play multiplayer computer games?

    I would recommend Open Arena. It's sort of like the Quake 3 equivalent of Doom's Freedoom. It's definitely a classic.
  9. MidnightMage

    Doom Pictures Thread 2021

    Holy shit! It looks more like Amid Evil than Doom anymore! Great screenshots Danlex! That's incredibly impressive!
  10. MidnightMage

    Starting format?

    Honestly, if you are really new to mapping. I would suggest starting with a limit removing port and mapping for vanilla compatibility. Once you get the basics of map design down, it's easier to starting adding on more complicated topics such as Boom or UDMF features. I would suggest if you are very new to mapping to start with the Doom 2 IWAD and try to make a simple limit removing map to get your bearings. Don't worry, we've all been there and it can be very frustrating and difficult to learn a new skill. But rest assured it's all quite easy once you have the basics down. edit. Never mind I just read your full post and saw you were already aiming for floating platforms, which essentially means you are aiming to map for UDMF. Well I guess I'd follow Redneckerz post and watch Chubs how-to videos. UDMF can be picked up by analyzing others maps which utilize UDMF features. I'd suggest downloading a DWMP map and study how people have applied varied mechanics in the different maps then try to apply those to your own map. Another helpful resource is the ZDoom wiki which contains a ton of information. Anyways, best of luck!
  11. MidnightMage

    Doomworld Mega Project 2021 (18 maps)

    Just bumping this thread again, to see if anyone else was interested in contributing a map.
  12. No worries. All is fixed and the idgames copy will be updated within the week. To all interested players, please download the copy from the OP of this thread. This version will be replacing the idgames version when the update goes through. Sorry for the mix up everyone, I kinda dropped the ball there. Thanks for all your help everyone on creating such an incredible map! You've all outdone yourselves and this turned out to be a really epic map in terms of scale but also in terms of experiences. Well done! Hope to see some of you on the next Quilt!
  13. Ok so I've just played through the map, with your new edits and did not find any further bugs. I've made a managerial decision and re-uploaded again. Sorry for the mix-up everybody. In a week or so, the idgames upload will be the final version. I've also included a handy navigational map from Noiser that can help identify who did which squares. Should be included in the upload, I hope.
  14. Ok thanks for making these changes. I'll playtest this again tonight and re-upload if I can't find any issues. It's strange I've played this map literally hundreds of times and never got stuck in your square. Perhaps in the final edits things got moved or something. I dunno. Anyways, I'll update the idgames download tonight. Thanks!