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  1. Hi all - I updated the topic to fix all the broken download links and whatnot. I am indeed impressed that the mod still has a following even after a decade (thank you for playing all these years o7). The official trailer unfortunately will stay down as I don't have access to the original video anymore so instead there's another gameplay video someone kindly uploaded showcasing the mod. Additionally I added more detailed steps on how to play the mod with your friends to the OP so it should be a lot more accessible. As for the state of the mod it is still not being developed, and hasn't been for almost 10 years now. By some miracle it does still work on the latest Zandronum so it is still 100% playable without any unintended bugs for all the maps. As for the future of the mod... Now that Zandronum's finally getting regular updates again it has sparked some interest for me to do one more hurrah. Are people still interested? What would you want?
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    The Skill!

  5. Odamex Pros - Yay vanilla (sorta) Odamex Cons - Lack of essentially every modern feature in all doom ports, thus prepare to have headaches making maps. Also server activity is most of the time, dead. Shills on this thread will go and say "oh but its easy to start a game, just go on irc!!!" - if you don't feel like doing this every time you want people to play your maps, avoid Odamex. Zdaemon Pros - Its dated, but achieves limited modern features in hacky ways. While low, it has a consistent player base, gets about 30-50 players during peak US hours along with lots of community events, also more gamemodes. Zdaemon Cons - Lack of modern features. Engine wise Zdaemon is not bad and can handle a crap-ton of players without noticeable lag on complex maps. Zandronum Pros - The holy grail of doom multiplayer. You will find a little of everything here, from vanilla coop/dm to entirely custom mods. Has every advanced feature up to Zdoom 2.5, and will contain features from 2.7.1 once the next version is released. Don't get scared if you see a lack of vanilla servers, there's a dedicated crowd to basically every aspect of doom there. Both vanilla and modern maps can be played on this port. Zandronum Cons - Maps can lag depending on how complex it is. But as long as you arent spamming 3D floors everywhere, you should be fine. People have played multiplayer survival with 30,000 monsters in one map before without lagging out. You may start seeing performance issues once you get around 50+ players in a server. Overall I recommend Zandronum as your primary choice with Zdaemon being a backup. With Zandro you'll get access to a lot of wonderful features like the UDMF mapping format, pk3 support, free server hosting, and a wide audience (110+ players during peak US hours for the past 6 years). Depends on what you mean by limit-removing. Zdaemon has some basic stuff IIRC, but Zandro is superior in that regard.
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